Saints, Martyrs and Holy Figures of the Church of the Lawgiver
Saint Gorkyn
The rise of the Church of the Lawgiver stands as the most significant event of the Bridling. Prior to the conquests of the Old Vaasans, the Church of the Lawgiver struggled as a marginal religion in Tygaam, dwarfed in power and prestige by worship of such gods as the horse god Tygaa, the cat gods Sehkmaa and Bubahkaa, and the heroes cult of Fjodor and Fyldor. The Old Vaasans, beginning of course with Højplads, had encouraged the Lawgiver's church, for its message of submission to those in power suited the conquerors well. The Church thus began a period of steady growth, but it was not until the reign of Prince Gorkyn Vistin began that it truly came into its full influence. Prince Gorkyn was a devout follower of the Lawgiver and made furthering the Church's cause his personal mission. Gorkyn brutally stamped out other religions, turning their lands, properties and incomes over to the Church of the Lawgiver. Highranking members of the Lawgiver clergy received military and civil offices, and the Church was freed from all taxes. When his reign was ending, Prince Gorkyn then did what no previous Prince had done: he refused to give up power, claiming that his divine mission was not yet fulfilled. With the Church and his family backing him, the other patriarchs were forced to fall in line.
A "short time" later, Prince Gorkyn declared that as the Prince of the Realm, he was also by right Head of the Church. The church leaders, after monetary persuasion, confirmed Gorkyn's theological arguments as divine will, and Gorkyn assumed control of the Church of the Lawgiver. Calling himself the Himmelsk Naeve ("Divine Fist"), he then led Nova Vaasa in a series of holy wars with her neighbors, remembered today as the Wars of Conversion. Unfortunately, Prince Gorkyn was overly ambitious, and his Wars of Conversion did little more than drain the kingdom's resources. The Wars had clearly failed, and Prince Gorkyn died of illness exacerbated by his sorrow. With his death, the Cycle of Stewardship resumed, and the Church of the Lawgiver continued with its strength only marginally diminished.
Despite his draconian methods and failures as a general, Prince Gorkyn is remembered today as Saint Gorkyn, Beloved of the Lawgiver, and indeed his cultural impact on Nova Vaasa is noteworthy, even beyond establishing the Church of the Lawgiver as the state religion.
Saint Jokum the Pacifier
Prince Jokum Rivtoff, also known as Saint Jokum the Pacifier, began the Riding Epoch. Jokum brutally crushed all resistance to his reign in a brilliant series of campaigns against his rivals. He had the heads of the other four families executed and went down the line killing their heirs until he reached one in each family he felt he could control. In all four instances, these "chosen" heirs ended up being children, two of them nursing infants. Jokum then allowed the Cycle of Stewardship to resume, naturally declaring himself Regent on behalf of all four of the child lords. Officially, Jokum served two terms as Prince, but he actually held the reins of power for an unrivalled 35 years, as several of his regencies were sadly extended after a few of his wards suffered from unexplained and fatal illnesses. Jokum himself died of a mysterious and sudden illness, but he left Nova Vaasa a stronger, unified realm at the height of its military and economic power.
Saint Højplads - The Eternal King
The great conqueror-king Højplads, whom the Church of the Lawgiver has elevated to sainted status has left a legacy. Højplads is seen as the realm's Eternal King under the Lawgiver's mandate, with the princes being merely the realm's stewards in his material absence. Højplads was canonized as the first saint of the Lawgiver by Saint Gorkyn's decree, thereby strengthening the Nova Vaasans' pride in their past and reverence for their history.
The Holy Princes
On the eastern edge of the city is the Mausoleum of the Elect, a walled tomb where those princes who have died while in office are interred. The Church of the Lawgiver holds that princes who die or are killed during their terms are chosen by the Lawgiver, elected to reign beside him in the Iron Paradise, and those so "blessed" are laid to rest in the Mausoleum, a high honor. Of course, the Church has reversed itself on this point when politically convenient, declaring that specific princes, the unpopular or liberal, were actually struck down by the Lawgiver to remove them from office and barring them from the Mausoleum. Princes who commit suicide, such as the late Prince Romir Hiregaard, are also denied honored rest.
The Three Sisters
The first three daughters of the first man and woman created by the Lawgiver. Nielsine, the oldest of the sisters, the first woman to tame and ride a horse. Jensine, the middle sister, the first woman to successfully grow crops in the soil. Vibeke, the youngest sister, the first woman killed and devoured by a plains cat.
Uri Grislev
A martyr of the Lawgiver, Uri Grislev was slain when he tried to convert the natives of the island of Blaustein. His teeth were on display in the Musee Guignol of the University of Dementlieu for years, but disappeared before reappearing some time later in the reliquary of Nordenvall Fane in Hazlan, where they are safely guarded by the faithful of the Lawgiver.
Blessed Fezima Kyrillian
One of the first Mulan to convert to the faith of the Lawgiver when it first arrived in Hazlan, Fezima Kyrillian would then help spread the Church’s message throughout Hazlan with fire and spear. As her name indicates, she was an ancestral member of House Kyrillian. Her tomb is located on a small island on the River Saniset in Nordhazlan. A monastery was erected above her tomb to protect her grave and the spear with which she vanquished her foes, which has become a holy relic of the Lawgiver. Mulan faithful from all over Hazlan make the pilgrimage to receive her blessings. A small order of monks and nuns, the Order of the Iron Path, takes care of her patronage and of the site.