Popping up around the Drains, a few flyers are posted for the masses:
The Gallery Below Presents - Bella's Existence, A Debate
Seeing as how recent hostilities have gotten heated, and my bluff for terror has been called, I'll give you all a chance. A civil debate, hosted in my Gallery, on the topic of my existence. There will be three slots open to argue for and against my existence, so write me to reserve a spot soon. I will merely act as moderator, and at the end, we'll have a little vote on the topic. Convince the audience my life is not worth living, and I'll put my affairs in order and meet the sun. This exciting event will occur promptly at ((6PM EST Jan 11)). The doors will be open to all who wish to attend, space allowing. Disrespect the neutrality of the space at your own risk, we are all guests down there after all.
Due to unfortunate scheduling conflicts, the Debate Night will be postponed for a week - ((Wed Jan 11 at 6pm EST))