//Note: This happened yesterday.
A large group of armed outlandery looking topsiders came through the Drain, talking loudly about being in pursuit of someone. Loud clanging echoed through the halls as they began smashing locks on doors. Heated words were exchanged by them and a regular, the creepy lanky sneak that called himself "Owl". He threatened them, if they bashed the lock on the room he was renting, he'd kill them. Voices continued to carry through the corridors as they all argued:
"I saw him run past, he went in that room!"
"We're not leaving without her!"
"I've no idea what you are talking about, you don't even belong here. Get out!"
"I want her back!"
"He fled in there!"
"We need to ask him something, let us see him!"
"Aye, t'ey're breakin' th'place, lad!"
"That is -my- room. Do you understand? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Do. Not. Touch. It!"
"Bane, open it! He's in there!"
A metal door slammed shut, the group murmured outside of it. A few spells were cast, and the lock on the door was broken. Almost immediately after, the door swung open and an enraged shriek rang through the Drain, WHAT DID I SAY! WHAT DID I SAY! I GAVE YOU ONE RULE. GET OUT!
One of the others yelled right back, "Don't make us hurt you!"
Bright lights filled the hall. A helmed horror, a transparent worg, and Owl himself transparent and glowing from some spell, lighting the entire hallway with what seemed like a hundred magic missiles. There was a moment of silence, those left standing cowering against a wall.
"I warned them several times."
"We mean no harm sir!"
"Did I not, little pixie? I told them to not break the lock. That I was busy."
"Mind if I take the bodies to the church?"
"Was he an accident? I don't recall him, heal that one."
"He's up."
"Hrck, hrgh, 'lo lads"
Further voices filled the hall, the fallen members of the party regaining consciousness and getting to their feet.
"Get out. We have business and I have no time for you."
"Not without Bane or Arina."
"I was nay 'untin', was tellin' 'em ta get out!"
"I said come!"
"Give him back"
"I have no idea who the hell you are. Did you not learn your lesson?"
"I won't leave without one of them! You took my brother! Give him back and I'll leave."
"Get out and leave me alone"
"Give me my brother and I'll leave, or I'll turn your door into dust"
"How many times do I have to kill you? Because the next time, you are not coming back from it."
The sound of a door slamming shut echoed once more.
The group backed off only long enough to heal the fallen. They cast spells and prepared to siege the room again, when once more the door swung open. Spells filled the air once more, with panicked shouts following.
"You believe I'm a deadman but fine!"
"Help him!"
"With honour!.... Ahhh! Run with Honour!!"
"Li'l shyte ran away! Feck! Feckin' idiots!"
"I am sick of this, get out!"
"Can I 'ave 'is li'l mace?"
"I'll pay for the mace."
"I asked for it first"
The remainder of the crowd followed Owl into his room, seemingly not involved with the siege and thus welcome.
Later on, in explaining the situation to Hoth, Owl said he felt they were going to try and kill the winged caliban. They were here breaking all the doors and looking for the body of someone who wasn't even in the drain, and throwing around a lot of threats in the process.