The Female Identified as 163, also known as Hope, baring the numbers 163 on her fore head, whom stammers in her speech and has the pale visage of death Is here by denied sanctuary at all houses, temples and sanctuaries of the morning lord.
Crimes against are as follows.
Conspiring to do harm to the faithful of the morning lord.
Conspiring with dark forces and the undead to do harm to the faithful of the morning lord.
Assaulting a faithful of the morning lord.
Disrespecting and disregarding the terms of sanctuary over the sanctuary of coming dawn.
Should this female be found in any of the morning lords Houses, temples or sanctuaries she must be escorted off of the premises, she should be considered both armed and dangerous and will likely plead and twist words to any who will listen to her, do not under any circumstances entertain any such attempts from her. Should she wish to repent her wicked ways and make amends for her crimes she must be directed to create correspondence by mail with one of our vicars or the reverend bishop Ilie him self.
May thy lips be cleansed,
Light carrier Sola.