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Author Topic: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread  (Read 1645 times)


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2025, 10:48:15 AM »
Found the source of the bad garlics - my spelling.


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #26 on: January 19, 2025, 02:18:45 PM »
Found the source of the bad garlics - my spelling.

Fair enough, at least it's a simple fix!
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #27 on: January 19, 2025, 02:59:46 PM »
Cooking Future Update v 1.1
Thankyou for your feedback so far. The following changes to cooking will take effect for its next update (which will be soon).

- Different types of meals will give different levels of nutrition.
- Freshly cooked meals will slightly raise exhaustion cap (+1).
- Updated MealEffects.
- MealEffects last for longer.
- Fixed lack of trailing fullstop.
- In-game documentation added.

Below are the MealEffects and Nutrition values (expressed as a % more effective than rations/looted/vendor-bought food.)
Spoilers, if you'd rather experiment yourself in-game.
Spoiler: show
Simple - No Effect, +50%
Comforting - +1 vs Fear, +50%
Hearty - +1 vs Cold (Fort), +100%
Gourmet - 2 Temp HP, +75%
Exotic - +1 vs Fire (Fort), +50%
Ghastrian - No Effect, +50%

These changes are now live on the Test Server.


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2025, 11:06:59 PM »
Someone else said it first but the 'use item' to eat food is disliked, for good reason.

Even with the best Cooking system, it all ends up with the player having to 'use item' in order to eat food.

PS: I realize that my feedback here is very general (I will do testing later) but...the 'low-hanging' fruit in the entire Cooking/Food/Eating system is the 'use item' animation. When people 'use item' I always get up on my toes immediately upon seeing the animation for it. I do not know if this is hard-coded but wouldn't it be good if a character had a recognizable animation when eating food?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 12:51:06 PM by Weyland »


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2025, 12:07:48 AM »
i have found some issues

(1) with the template, only one ingredient seems to be being used despite calling for multiple? the rest just remain in the pot afterward or break entirely e.g. 'made from [] and raw pastry'
(2) vegetable stock is tweaking out

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« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 12:14:09 AM by bunnie »


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #30 on: January 23, 2025, 12:52:47 AM »
It could be made a little clearer what is and isn't ingredient vs templates in the descriptions perhaps. Perhaps being able to add on to descriptions rather than rewrite them just so you can pen a little more detail for what you make?


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2025, 01:10:36 AM »
I think I've found the cause of stuff wigging out so hard. I'll try and send the fix in before I go to work but I don't have much time.

Edit: I did not have time.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 05:28:51 AM by CosmicRay »

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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #32 on: January 23, 2025, 04:28:54 AM »
All of the Falkovnian-themed food items sold in the Gutefalk tavern have had their names and descriptions swapped with Barovian food item names and descriptions. Whether this is due to some sort of data reset or override, I could not say.

(minor correction: a couple of the items were reset to Dementlieuese food items.)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2025, 04:42:34 AM by i stole this username (slash) »
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #33 on: January 23, 2025, 06:05:12 AM »
Addendum to previous post: After playing around a bit with the cooking system, I've come across a few quirks. I'll try to duplicate these results when I get the chance to more properly document them on Friday, but until then I'll try to be as thorough as I can in describing them.

When cooking with both Raw Batter and Raw Seasoning base items, ingredients are not properly consumed. This is one I do have a diagram for so I'll try to walk through it with the picture as reference:

So the ingredients used in this recipe are Raw Batter (base), Garlic, Pain Baguette, and Gouda Etuve. After crafting,
(1) only one item is properly consumed (the Garlic),
(2) the other two items (Pain Baguette and Gouda Etuve) are not consumed and can be collected from the pot, for re-use otherwise,
(3)the Raw Batter item remains in the pot but is in a glitched state where it lists the same description and name as Raw Batter, but when collected from the pot it transforms into a copy of the result of crafting (in this case, it transforms into "Gourmet Meal",
(4) a crafting product (as stated before, this time it was "Gourmet Meal) is created, but its description only reflects one ingredient excluding the base being used (in this case it says, "(...) made from garlic and raw batter").

Moving on, we have:

-When cooking with two ingredients and one base, the above issues persist, however now the product description reads, "(...) made from and raw batter", where no ingredients are listed.
-At least a few items are either unable to be used as ingredients despite being food items, or are inconsistently able to be used as ingredients. For example, the "Milk" item is seemingly unusable in Batter or Seasoning recipes, and the "Caraway Seeds" item is sometimes able to be used and sometimes not.
-The error messages that print out when crafting cannot be completed with the given contents of the Cooking Pot is a bit inscrutable to me (though that might just be my own shortcoming since it's pretty late) (that's exactly what it was: the Template error refers to the Base being present or not and the other one is self explanatory... sort of?). The two errors I've received the most are "Non-Edible Items Found" and "Too Few/Too Many Templates". Going through the combat log, it looks like the first thing I tried to do was fill the pot with the maximum number of ingredients described by the Cooking Tab in the Rest Menu Crafting section (10 ingredients), attempt to craft and receive a "Too Many / Too Few Templates" error, place a Base into the Pot (Basic Seasoning) which led me to receiving the "Non-Edible Items" error, and then remove things (and for some reason adding two additional Base ingredients for a total of 3?) until it worked. Here's what that looked like:

Strangely, when I first succeed in the recipe, I make 4 Simple Meals. But then when I craft again without changing anything and with less ingredients than before, for some reason I'm even more successful and make 7 Gourmet Meals. I played around with it a little more after that, trying to figure out what was minimally necessary for a recipe, but I just could glean anything useful (I got hung up on the glitched Base Ingredient thing and it took me a while to figure out).

Anyway, hopefully this is at least a little useful. I know its a bit chaotic and I would prefer for it to be more precise, but I feel like this conveys most of the primary points I wanted to mention, and I can get into some more meticulous work when I'm available and a bit more rested.

Despite this hiccups however I am already quite enthused by what I've seen and commend you all for the effort. I look forward to getting to do more soon! :D
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #34 on: January 23, 2025, 03:50:02 PM »
I've (hopefully) got a fix for the issue, so fingers crossed it can be patched soon.

For anyone interested - the cooking script runs two sets of validation checks on the cooking pot ingredients before executing. The first counts and categorises the inventory into templates, main ingredients, secondary ingredients and other (inedible items) to check whether the right numbers/amounts of things are in the inventory.
The second validation step occurs during execution, and double-checks that no invalid items are present.
For a reason I wasn't quite able to get to the bottom of, the second step was ending prematurely when an item (improperly) failed a validation step. This was resulting in partially-built meals and partial ingredient deletion, but the correct number of output copies (which is determined in validation step 1). It doesn't seem to be down to a particular item, but I think the location in the checking queue of the template (which is, to the best of my knowledge, random). Hence the bewildering outputs -  the script was terminating at a different place every time, seemingly at random.

I rewrote the verification part of the script and (at least on my local testing) works fine now.


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2025, 10:46:18 PM »
We've fixed all cooking related issues so far. Please keep reporting things that seem wrong or don't work properly.


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2025, 01:37:50 AM »
Small Suggestion: for NPC-owned establishments (and a few other 'free use' locations, like Degannwy's kitchen, or the kitchen in the Thieves' Highway), would it be possible to have a permanent 'cooking pot' (maybe an invisible placeable in whatever stove) for player staff to utilise?
Looking forward to trying this new system out!
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2025, 02:27:32 PM »
Not exactly a bug, but I'd like to see rangers, druids and barbarians gaining a bonus to foraging.
Noignar Huillen: Ilmater Cleric.
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2025, 03:33:33 PM »
Not exactly a bug, but I'd like to see rangers, druids and barbarians gaining a bonus to foraging.

They do! (or should). Nature-type classes get a bonus, as do Half Vistani. If it's not working a screenshot would be helpful so I can diagnose.


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2025, 04:04:07 PM »
Not exactly a bug, but I'd like to see rangers, druids and barbarians gaining a bonus to foraging.

They do! (or should). Nature-type classes get a bonus, as do Half Vistani. If it's not working a screenshot would be helpful so I can diagnose.

Will do a few more checks and paste here. You tell me if it is ok.
Noignar Huillen: Ilmater Cleric.
Hedien Gine: Arrow and Bow Artist.
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2025, 03:37:50 AM »
Made a post in bug reports but I will make one here as well.

Hitpoints recovered on rest after eating a ration seem to be reduced after the update. The character on which I tested has had their recovered HP roughly halved. Other characters seem to have different amounts of reduction.
Lia Allennen - Paladin of Ilmater
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2025, 10:44:23 AM »
Made a post in bug reports but I will make one here as well.

Hitpoints recovered on rest after eating a ration seem to be reduced after the update. The character on which I tested has had their recovered HP roughly halved. Other characters seem to have different amounts of reduction.

I've had a look at the script.
The way PC hunger/fullness is tracked has changed, and the HP regain on rest has been updated to use that new backend rather than the old one.
For the old system there was only two time periods that mattered for HP regain on rest - ate less than 12 hours ago, and between 12-24 hours ago- with the amount of regained HP reducing at those two steps. The new system is continuous, with a more direct correlation between time since meal and amount of HP regained. As far as I can tell, other than that all things (amount of HP gotten back straight after eating) should be about equal as with the old system.
That may not be right, and the problem may also be with how eating meals is interacting with the new hunger tracking. Will continue to monitor.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 10:46:31 AM by CosmicRay »


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2025, 11:05:57 AM »
Not exactly a bug, but I'd like to see rangers, druids and barbarians gaining a bonus to foraging.

They do! (or should). Nature-type classes get a bonus, as do Half Vistani. If it's not working a screenshot would be helpful so I can diagnose.

Will do a few more checks and paste here. You tell me if it is ok.

Tested myself, seems to be working fine. Half-Vistani Ranger with 2 Search rolled a modifier of +9 (2 Search + from 2 Half-Vistani +5 from Ranger.)


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2025, 02:14:31 PM »
Spoiler: show
Made a post in bug reports but I will make one here as well.

Hitpoints recovered on rest after eating a ration seem to be reduced after the update. The character on which I tested has had their recovered HP roughly halved. Other characters seem to have different amounts of reduction.

I've had a look at the script.
The way PC hunger/fullness is tracked has changed, and the HP regain on rest has been updated to use that new backend rather than the old one.
For the old system there was only two time periods that mattered for HP regain on rest - ate less than 12 hours ago, and between 12-24 hours ago- with the amount of regained HP reducing at those two steps. The new system is continuous, with a more direct correlation between time since meal and amount of HP regained. As far as I can tell, other than that all things (amount of HP gotten back straight after eating) should be about equal as with the old system.
That may not be right, and the problem may also be with how eating meals is interacting with the new hunger tracking. Will continue to monitor.

I have tested further and it seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I get the normal amount of HP that I would expect and sometimes I get half. In all cases I am resting immediately after eating.
Lia Allennen - Paladin of Ilmater
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2025, 08:22:11 AM »
Maybe I am missing something but I have not found any meal templates at Produce vendors?

I've tried:

Barovia Market place


On further investigation it appears I might have overlooked discriptions. My brain was thinking it would say templae in the name (Like other crafting). DOH.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2025, 08:24:19 AM by Midgetalien »


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2025, 09:11:53 AM »
Did some testing:

Using Fresh Herbs and making a meal the item generated still says fresh herbs untill moved to inventory. Might just be an engine quirk.

Is it possible to move Degganwy's Produce merchant else where? Its a bit strange being in the "library".
Perhaps outside or even in the unused tent outside? Could also set up 2 permenant cooking spots in there:

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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2025, 09:44:09 AM »
Not sure if this is intentional, but rich stock costs 5gp and simple seasoning costs 11gp. Farmer at the Bazaar in Port.
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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2025, 02:32:51 PM »
I spent a few hours after buying way too much food stuff experimenting with the system. Have to say you've done a good job with it - this is essentially exactly what I wanted, something that is just fun and doesn't require level grinding.

My only suggestion would be adding rice and pasta, either as ingredients or templates, and tomatoes (at least if they exist I have not seen them and I've really been feeling their absence trying to create recipes), as well as letting all herbs be usable in cooking. I have successfully used mountain morels but cannot for example use golden asters. I think this would be nice since medicinal cooking is a thing, and being able to use flowers in desserts for example would also allow for a bit more creativity. The only dessert-y ingredients we have right now are fruits, sugar, and vanilla as far as i can tell.

Edit: I have now found out tomatoes are available only in Barovia to my knowledge (I have still not had a chance to have someone check Hazlan for me, both inaccessible without a proxy for my elf), I think it makes little sense for fictional France to not have tomatoes of all things available at the market.

Honey was usable after the initial cooking fix, and it is now considered a non-edible item. I would assume this is some sort of bug or mistake.

I think it'd also be nice if eventually animals would drop the relevant meats. Unless it is in Hazlan, I have also not seen rabbit meat available anywhere, but I have seen rabbit dishes in Port restaurants. The same goes for duck seemingly not being available anywhere. Alternatively, it'd be nice to see these different meats at different vendors,
« Last Edit: February 06, 2025, 05:55:37 PM by Herobrine »


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2025, 02:31:54 PM »
Reposting in the right thread:

Cooked raw pastries, when placed on the ground, are displayed as the generic bag model. They could instead use the pie model that (I think) blueberry pies had. On a side note the latter no longer seem available to purchase in Port


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Re: Cooking Testing and Feedback Thread
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2025, 06:45:17 AM »
Both versions of sea salt, looted and buyable read as un-edible in the pot.