I was having a problem when going from area to area where I could hear some coil whine.. So I looked into it. The loading screens were shoving my fps to over 999!!!
Then i got to thinking that if I go into the Nvidia control panel and into the program settings.. I could chnge that to 60 tops since the inbuilt limit in NWN:EE was not working for me! Instructions below!
If you have Nvidia control panel, you can open it and go to the Manage 3d Settings tab. then click on Program settings. Add Neverwinter Nights to that list if it is not already there (mine was not). After this you can simply scroll down to Max Frame Limit and input 60/120/Whatever you want. I rebooted NWN:EE and the coil whine was gone. Not only that but the game was instantly 100% smoother!
Figured i would let people know!!