The Adventures of Jedidiah MajorEpisode 6: Great Wheel of Death, Part 3Jed was in vast, beautiful, open seas now, but at what cost? Expressionless, he would drift once more, seemingly dead once more. As he drifted forward, his one good eye could see something coming into view in the distance, something giant, made of stone, getting closer. As he started to slowly drift over top of it, his eye would focus on it, uninterested. A gigantic, stone wheel, with what seemed to be humans attached to it, rolling by as the wheel kept slowly turning. As he watched it, a woman attached to it would capture his attention for a moment, of pitch-black hair, skin that seems to have been dark almond at one point, now deathly pale from being underwater, attached to the wheel for so long. She reached out for the fish-Jed, longingly, desperately, almost trying to pull herself loose to get to Jed, in futility. Jed watched her, his expressionless, uninterested features, he had never seen this woman before in his life, and before long, he disregarded her as he floated by. The rest of the many human that remained meld to the wheel would continue to roll by, and Jed, after many hours, would be leaving it in the distance.
Jed would swim to an underwater cliff edge, settling, taking in the scenery with his one good eye. He would take a moment to look down on the cliffside. The cliff was steeper than he remembered, in fact, it looked familiar. As his mind started to explore where he had seen this before, his face became expressionless. Of course...
How could he forget?
Jed would raise one fin to inspect it, then the other, but the other fin had turned into a hand, a human hand. He started at the hand with some recognition, hesitating, before reaching up and moving his hand over his one good eye, gripping the socket, and violently ripping out of his face, blinding himself entirely. "There..." A smile slowly formed on Jed's expression, white lights beginning to grow where his eyes used to be. Jed floated there, still, while in the distance, an underwater sunset would slowly fall, bringing darkness. Tears would roll down Jed's scales from his enlightened, empty eye sockets, with a peaceful smile on his lips. All would become dark, until all that was left was the two sparks of light, unfading, undying, forever there.
"Jed, wake up now! Get up!" Zeke stormed into the room, after taking what he could and packing it, and equipping himself, looked like he was expecting trouble. Eight year old Jed was still waking up, but now terrified, "W-what's goin' on pa?..." Zeke stopped to peer out the window, then looked back to Jed, "Get your things, we can't stay here anymore." Zeke said urgently. "Wha? Why?..."
"I need ya t' listen to me right now, Jed, get your things now!" Zeke commanded. Jed started to get out of bed, crying, "Wh- Why we gotta leave, pa?"
"Why we gotta leave home? Why we gotta leave-"
Zeke leaned his musket against the nearby wall and walked over to Jed, kneeling, placing his hands on his son's shoulders, his tone softer now, "It ain't safe here no more, Jed... Okay? We can't be here no more." He looked his son in the eyes, giving him a moment to process what is going on, "I... I done lost your mother, I ain't gonna lose you, ya hear? We gettin' outta here... Hey." Zeke turns and goes into his pack and pulls out a small glass jar of spices, "Ya recognize this, right? Heh... Yeah... It's th' good stuff, I reckon while we's out and about on th' road, I can whip us up a good meal! Don't that sound nice?..." Zeke said to Jed, but his son was frozen in fear, "Hey... Listen to me. Okay? Listen close. This is important... Home ain't... It ain't here, ya know? Home ain't a room, it ain't a bed, it ain't a place made o' logs, it ain't none o' that, Jed." Zeke points to his chest, "Home is here, ya understand? Home is where yo hearts is. Always was, always will be. Where ever yo heart is, that's where you call home, that's where ya kick up and relax, it's where ya always come back to... Ya hear me?" Jed weakly nods his head in response, "With me, mah heart is with you, son... You is mah heart, okay? So I know when I'm with ya, we can always be at home, no matter what. Mah hearts gonna always be with ya, forever, ya hear? I love you, son." Zeke says to his son, "I love you too, pa..." Jed begins wiping his tears away. Zeke calmly nods his head, going in to hug his son for a moment longer, "We ain't got much time... Ya ready?" Jed nods his head rapidly.
Zeke stands up, taking his son's hand and rushing out the front door, into the darkness of night.
Jed would sharply inhale and gasp for air as he sat up. Where was he? He could no longer remember what was real anymore. He frantically looked around him to see that he was where had been before, at his camp, overlooking the cliff. Jed would stand up quickly and look over the cliff edge once more, but it wasn't very steep, in fact, it looked like it was about 20 feet high. Jed covered his eyes with his hands, fingers pressing firmly against the lids, breathing heavily. He would spread his fingers enough to look between them, collecting his thoughts for a moment. He stood there for two minutes, reflecting, he could barely remember what had happened, any of it, but something was different now, something was urgent, important... Where are they?... Where are they?"
Jed walked back quickly, picking his glasses up and putting them on his face, then urgently packing up his belongings. He would turn and look off in the direction of where Vallaki would be, breathing out, and charging back, running now at full speed.