Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeJanuary 13th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31lJanuary 9th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31i
Celebrate VallakiWe invite all those of good standingto honor more than a decade of prosperitybrought to us by our respectedBurgomaster Svari IonelusDecember 14thEnjoy the hospitality of VallakiFood | Drink | Wares | Music | Gameswith contributions from local establishmentsGuests are expected to dress and conduct themselves with decencyArms and Armor will not be permitted without prior authorization
OOCThis will take place December 14th around 2 PM CST!It will begin at the nearest daylight cycle to the above time. The location is the Vallaki Citadel Courtyard - Head North at the Crossroads of the Market District!
Seeking Musicians and PerformersIn perparation for t he upcoming festivities we are seeking musicians and performers of good standing to share their talents on this fine day of celebrationInterested parties should write to or ring at the citadel for Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte for an interview and audition.The date of the festival is the 14th of December 779.All performers will be well compensated~Lance Corporal Ioana Leonte~