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Author Topic: Hak Update 2_31 - Detailed List of Changes  (Read 1341 times)


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Hak Update 2_31 - Detailed List of Changes
« on: September 16, 2024, 10:40:32 PM »
We will soon be loading a new version of the hak on the test server to test new features and changes.

At this point we'll need your help testing this new content to make sure it works properly and there are no bugs. If you wish to help us test, you'll need to download the following haks:

-CEP 2.65 (if you don't already have it, download and extract to your My Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ folder)
-POTM Hak Test - 2_31.7z (extract to your My Documents\Neverwinter Nights\ folder)

Once you have extracted both haks into the Neverwinter Nights folder, you will find our test server at IP Address & Port: - use it for "Direct Connect". Once connected, you can either use existing characters or create a new one, using the new class, which can be found at the bottom of the list of classes; all new characters can freely level up to level 20 on the test server for now. You can find more detailed information here.

Try to test as many things as possible, and report anything that feels off, or incorrect on the forums.

Class Changes & Fixes:

- Added the Tattooed Monk prestige class. (Please note some icons are not yet ready, including the class' icon. Those will be added soon.)

- Added the Avenger Knight prestige class.

- Rebalanced Combat Vigor, Combat Speed and Combat Hardiness:
  • Combat Vigor: Changed to regenerate 1 HP per two Combat Form feats, capping at 3 HP/round.
  • Combat Speed: Speed bonus of 5% per combat form feat, capping at 25%.
  • Combat Hardiness: 2-/3+ DR for every two Combat Form feats.
-Updated the appearance of the druid's badger shape.

- Added Augment Healing to list of feats bard can take.

- Added spell targeting to the Black Powder Avenger's grenades.

- Fixed an issue which prevented the use of Cleaning Kits on flintlocks directly.

Racial Changes & Fixes:

- Fixed an issue, which made it impossible for certain dwarven subraces to pick Weapon Focus (Dwarven Waraxe).

Feat Changes:

- Clarified in Point Blank Shot's description that it also negates the -4 AB penalty when casting ranged spells in melee.

- Weapon Focus (Spear) now affects small spears.

Spell Changes:

- Added new spell: Undetectable Alignment. (Please note this spell's icon is not yet ready, but will be added soon.)

- Fixed Devour Magic to be able to target the caster.

- Added missing spell targeting to Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration and Shades spells.

- Updated the descriptions of Shilellag and Bowater to indicate the bonus damage is piercing damage.

- Removed the ability to Empower Tenser's Transformation since it did nothing.

- Fixed Shockwave's spell targeting shape.


- Made crafted traps function like standard traps, whilst retaining their current effects.

- Added Palmweaver's MOCAP animations. Type @emote 41 to 61 to preview the new animations.

- Added depth and texture to Pure Black and Pure White, and unlocked them.

- Added a wereserpent monstrous template and creature appearance.

- Merged Avernostra's RLCore darker variant of the Gothic Interior tileset with ours.

- Rebalanced the item value of several stackable items (some item cost adjustments will be required).

- Added 2 new falchion appearances (6-1 and 6-2).

- Added 5 new heads from Bollwerk's pack (Female Elf: 50/Female Human: 228 & 229/Male Elf: 45 & 46/Male Human: 241/Half-Orc: 161, 162 & 163)

- Added 5 new creature appearances: Badger, Boar, Wolf, and Wolverine (

- Added a black eye patch VFX from the Community VFX Project.

- Imported Ancarion's fixes to skinmesh animals

- Added custom Oasis of Apep poison, when drinking water from the oasis.

- Added an effect icon to display Exhaustion levels.

- Fixed the Male Mystic voiceset.

- Fixed line of sight problems with several chairs and benches (most noticeable in the Blue Water Inn and Nordenvall Fane in Hazlan).

- Fixed an issue with several visual effects not working properly in Gothic Interior tileset areas (eg. Maison d'Abattage).

- Added loadscreens to the Gothic Interior tileset.

- Added two new books.

Area, Item and NPC changes

- Added and overhauled dozens of areas in Sithicus.

- Added dye dummies to the Nordenvall Bazaar.

- Toned down the respawn rate of several recent dungeons which respawned too fast.

- Fixed minor issues and typos.

Scripting and System changes

- Fixed an issue with stealth penalties no longer stacking properly.

- Fixed the remake code not being sent again after relogging.

- Fixed an error, which let Muls and Tareks select unavailable heads.

- Fixed minor issues and optimized scripts.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2024, 10:53:06 PM by EO »


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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New Spell
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2024, 10:42:07 PM »
New Spell

Undetectable Alignment
Spoiler: show
Spell Level: Assassin 2; Avenger Knight 2; Bard 1; Beguiler 1; Cleric / Favored Soul 2 ; Hexblade 1; Paladin 2; Voodan 2
Innate Level: 1
School: Abjuration
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Hour + 1 Hour / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No

The alignment of the target creature is concealed from all forms of divination.


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Re: Hak Update 2_31 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2024, 02:04:50 PM »
Test reports
Will be updated as I keep testing

Avenger Knight

Minor issues encountered:

- Class description TLK needs to be updated. (Fix sent already)
- Invisibility scroll not updated in the treasuries, but correct version in the HAK. (Issued IDed, fix sent)
- Monk gloves not receiving the EB bonus of Sacred Alliance.
- Radius of effect not showing when activating Sacred Alliance. Likely because we do not need to select a target to activate the power.
- Arcane spell failure applying when casting Shadow Conjuration from a scroll. Likely a normal behavior as this is an arcane spell scroll. Works perfectly without spell failure when cast with a spell slot.

All the following were tested successfully:
- Guardian of Innocence grants the proper saves at the correct levels.
- Virtue is it's own Reward grants the skill bonuses at the correct levels.
- Free feats (Improved Expertise, Uncanny Dodge I, Damage Reduction V) applied and working as designed.
- Sacred Alliance buffs correctly applied to oneself and nearby allies (except monk's gloves).
- Sacred Alliance buffs properly not stacking with itself, and stacking as intended with Bless/Aid/Prayer.
- Correct number of skill points on level ups.
- Correct spell selection list, and all applicable spell descriptions confirmed to include the AVK.
- All AVK spell scrolls from the treasuries, except Invisibility and undetectable alignment, tested successfully.

Undetectable Alignment

The spell worked perfectly to mask a chaotic character from a Paladin's detection ability.

Tattooed Monk

Tattoos not working
- Bellflower: Ability score bonuses are not applying.
- Crab: Only 5 points of damage from a non magical blade was absorbed instead of 10.
- Mountain (Got the benefits but could still walk around slowly)

Tattoos working fine
- Butterfly
- Bat
- Bamboo
- Arrowroot
- Crescent Moon
- Chameleon
- Crane
- Full Moon Tattoo
- Dragon   
- Dragonfly
- Chrysanthemum
- Falcon
- Monkey
- Phoenix
- Nightingale
- Sun
- Tiger (<= Should probably add in the description that it requires wearing gloves)
- Wasp
- White Mask

- Ocean (No one around to test if it made the char immuned to sleep)
- Pine (Looks like it works but not fully tested)

Tested and working as stated

Class Changes & Fixes:
- Updated the appearance of the druid's badger shape.
- Added Augment Healing to list of feats bard can take.

Feat Changes:
- Clarified in Point Blank Shot's description that it also negates the -4 AB penalty when casting ranged spells in melee.

Spell Changes:
- Added missing spell targeting to Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Conjuration and Shades spells.
- Updated the descriptions of Shilellag and Bowater to indicate the bonus damage is piercing damage.
- Fixed Shockwave's spell targeting shape.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 07:21:04 PM by MAB77 »
Best Regards!

Dev. Relationist for the Dark Powers.
1 Old Svalich Stradă, Castle Ravenloft, Barovia


  • Assistant Head DM/Developer
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Re: Hak Update 2_31 - Detailed List of Changes
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2024, 09:36:25 PM »
We've loaded a new version of the hak on the test server. Here are the changes from the previous version:

Tattooed Monk Changes
-Pine Tattoo: Replaced Endurance with Back to the Wall.
-White Mask Tattoo: Added immunity to Detect Alignment abilities as per the PnP writeup.
-Changed the duration of ability buff tattoos from 1 Turn + 1 Round/Level to 1 Hour + 1 Turn/Level, to be consistent with other ability buff spells.
-Dragonfly Tattoo: Adjusted the duration from 1 Turn + 1 Round/Level to 1 Hour + 1 Turn/Level.
-Crab Tattoo: Added a 12 Constitution prerequisite to the feat.
-Crescent Moon Tattoo: Changed from "Once per day" to "Once per day per tattoo", which corresponds to the Oriental Adventures version.
-Full Moon Tattoo and Sun Tattoo: Adjusted duration from 1 Turn to 1 Turn + 1 Round / Level, to be on par with the Tiger Tattoo.
-Fixed broken tattoos.

Miscellaneous Fixes
-Added missing icons for Tattooed Monk (class icons, feat icons)
-Fixed errors with new creatures introduced last update (fixed broken models, broken portraits)
-Fixed issues with the recently added new animations (@emote 50 now properly loops)
-Fixed strange "shadows" appearing on the new male half-orc heads (161 to 163)
-Disabled Pure White and Pure Black since support for color depth hasn't yet been implemented in NwN