If you think people in the hood "mind their own business" you shouldn't care if they are carrying a body by your same logic.
That's not what I said. What I said is in bad neighborhoods it's better to mind your own business or if you're really worried call the police. It's not what I 'think' either I've lived in bad neighborhoods for a good chunk of my life.
As for carrying a body that could be anything from; dead man, sick man, drunk man. I mean you see something suspicious you can and should report it to the police. You don't get yourself involved though. That's a huge mistake and is asking for way may trouble than you would bargain for.
The people that don't want to mind their own business are usually up to something. There's never a reason to approach potential criminals and personally get in the way of whatever it is their doing.
If bags are okay to hide corpses. Why cant I just hide a bag with a corpse inside it behind a mountain? Way smaller and attracts less attention.
Logic =/= gameplay
Because that's against game rules. It isn't really a matter of Logic vs Gameplay. Letting everyone know you have a corpse but not other things does nothing but invite other players to bother you over what is 99% of the time a trivial and non-pvp related matter, or open a can of worms for meta gaming in pvp matters.
>Get Killed in PVP
>Come back as a ghost
>See Ted has your body
>Tell Ralph that Ted has your body over Discord or Skype or something
>Ralph confronts Ted. Claims he had a friend in stealth see him pick up Ted's body so he knows (even though he truly wouldn't).
>PVP Ted over OOCly acquired knowledge masqueraded as IC knowledge.
Current system ain't broke no need to fix it.
Also that quote you have from Mab doesn't actually say that.
Oh my bad I dissected the quote incorrectly on accident. I'll fix it.