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Author Topic: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy  (Read 43120 times)


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #150 on: March 23, 2023, 04:47:14 AM »
A tall elf clad almost completely in whites and grays can at times be seen sitting outside the entrance to the Blightwood. Almost unmoving in his actions, he appears to be keeping watch for something...


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #151 on: March 29, 2023, 05:31:43 PM »
Among the resident elves recovering from a mysterious ailment, rumour spreads that one has now begun coughing up blood. Sounds of harsh and persistent coughing echos in the Autumn Grove.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #152 on: April 29, 2023, 08:56:17 AM »
Since the ailment emerged, a slight elf, white of hair and dark of complexion, has been working tirelessly in the Autumn Grove. He performs household chores. Preparing meals, laundering the linens and garments, hauling water, and stacking firewood for the hearth. Any errand the afflicted are too weak to perform, he seizes upon without complaint. The stress, however, is clearly taking its toll on him. He has shed a lot of weight, and dark circles underscore his eyes.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2023, 08:58:57 AM by NacreCicatrix »
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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #153 on: April 30, 2023, 11:02:56 PM »
Since the ailment emerged, a slight elf, white of hair and dark of complexion, has been working tirelessly in the Autumn Grove. He performs household chores. Preparing meals, laundering the linens and garments, hauling water, and stacking firewood for the hearth. Any errand the afflicted are too weak to perform, he seizes upon without complaint. The stress, however, is clearly taking its toll on him. He has shed a lot of weight, and dark circles underscore his eyes.

In the wake of the tremendous storm and commotion over Degannwy and the southern woods, a dark-haired half-elven youth in a white and gold tabard likewise works around the Grove. Often at the side of the dark-skinned elf, he appears to have turned much of his attention to washing stained, torn, and bloodied linens and clothing.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #154 on: May 03, 2023, 05:19:56 PM »
Just a few days back, macabre crimson lightning broke the sky around the Refuge Of Degannwy, and crashing could be heard through the forest, both phenomena apparent from miles away. Sounds of war-cries and of battle and of the massive use of offensive and defensive spells sounded through the night, and afterwards word came out of what happened, much of it fragmentary. Those who had investigated before the battle reported defenses built over a sizable area in front of the ravine which normally forms the main barrier, and that inner zone around the village of Elves and fey beings was protected by a glowing mystical defense. Despite the building turmoil parties of adventurers braved the woods to add themselves to the ranks of defenders. Others arrived merely to investigate the growing cataclysm only to become caught up in the confrontation.
The ingredients necessary for a cure of the recent terrifying contagion had been obtained, but the cure also required a long ritual, and stopping this was the aim of the creator of that contagion.The renegade Avalan's power had grown far beyond what anyone could have anticipated, and his forces threw the defenders back several times only to have them rally and regain their positions. Despite the defense, the outer layer of works was broken a little more in each rush, so that the defenders finally retreated to avoid being overwhelmed. Avalan took to the field as an enormous treant, and he tried to mystically breach the barrier while the ritual neared its completion, but even with the defenders cast back their line held even with many barely able to stand.
Finally the ritual finished, and Avalan's power broken, and his form shattered. Those afflicted by his contagion at the site were treated directly and quickly showed signs of recovery, while messengers were sent to carry it to anyone afflicted not present. Despite the victory it seemed like it would take the woods near the refuge some time to recover from the battle which rocked the heavens themselves.
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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #155 on: May 12, 2023, 12:21:36 AM »
In the southern forest a sense of normal begins to emerge within a languid atmosphere of loss. The wounds of a prior threat, which once loomed like a guillotines blade over the outpost, begins shaky steps towards healing. Yet there are those who remain shadowed in every turn, taking to vigil over the old night, unearthing new grave tales for their hearts to bleed for.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #156 on: May 15, 2023, 12:01:41 PM »
With the Southern Forest finally at peace, a snow-touched druidess could be spotted between the tall trees, tending the injured land. Wooden animal feeders filled with herbs and nuts were placed around the forest as winter lurked behind the corner. New saplings were carefully planted in place of old trees that were used to build fortifications or died from the blight itself.

Various intricate symbols glowing with faint, green light would start appearing around the forest. One of them resembling a pair of stag antlers.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 12:03:56 PM by Serah »
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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #157 on: June 15, 2023, 04:01:40 PM »
Within Degannwy, two elves clad in white were seen spending some time near the waterfall at the grove's western borders. After some time, a memorial could be seen erected. A weeping eye on a red shield depicted in its center, and an epitaph engraved upon its surface

Spoiler: show
Here lies Mishandra, the valiant elven hero. Whose spirit soared high, like an ethereal fire. She kindled hope in hearts, inspiring all, with relentless courage that made the evil fall.

Through trials and perils, she stood tall and strong, a faithful guardian of the elven kind, with purpose lifelong. Her battles were many--her victories renowned, a testament to her spirit, forever unbound.

In her footsteps, many found solace and light, for she guided us through the darkest of nights. Het legacy lives on, in the hearts she touched, a testament to a life that mattered so much.

In the forest she defended, where spirits reside--Her presence forever, in nature's eternal stride. Farewell, dear Mishandra, forever adored.

In our hearts, your spirit shall be forevermore
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 04:06:43 PM by Ryujin »


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #158 on: June 15, 2023, 11:34:58 PM »
[A man in purple and gold knelt down by the memorial to Mishandra Peinfalaben after leaving a golden flower and stayed there nearly motionless for an entire day.  The wind and rain and kneeling seemed to not bother the man.  He was later joined by a short elf who then also knelt down with him after leaving their own flower by the memorial.  The elf left in the night and the man left in the morning.]
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 11:57:43 PM by remnar »


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #159 on: June 16, 2023, 11:47:13 PM »
[Once again, a man and purple kneels by the memorial of Mishandra Peinfalaben for multiple days in a row, unmoving.  Once again, a short elf joins him.  This time, they both leave in the morning, multiple days and nights after the man first arrived to the site.  Two flowers are left by the marker.]


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #160 on: June 17, 2023, 04:12:09 PM »
[On a third day of vigil, the man in purple and gold is once again knelt in the rain at the memorial.  Some people come by occasionally, and leave soon after.  Following a few days, the man says a quiet prayer at the memorial and then leaves the grove.  He looks noticeably thinner and haggard.]


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #161 on: June 23, 2023, 09:41:35 AM »
In a room at the upper floors of Nant Gaerwyn in Degannwy, the silhuette of a corpse remains on the floor.
Tracks are leading away from it towards the door ...


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #162 on: June 26, 2023, 08:48:29 AM »
A familiar draconic snow elf could be seen within Degannwy, tending to the memorial near the waterfall. Hushed elven words offered to the memorial, before he placed a flower at its base. The white-clad elf spent some time lingering about the autumn grove afterwards, before eventually taking his leave. Carrying a few bags of fruits, nuts and herbs alongside a small stack of wood.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #163 on: October 06, 2023, 08:57:54 PM »
The patrols of an elf, who at times has shared the tale of the blightwoods, grows erratic as he paced in his plate armour. Today something had them vigilant the light of the afternoon, counting the Feu Follet and sending concerned looks to the Giant Owl, which roosts all its days and nights without departing the Autumn Grove.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #164 on: January 04, 2024, 09:43:27 PM »
A message was recently discovered posted to the message board in Degannwy.

The messages reads as:
It is because of your idle ways that the vile stains upon our bloodline continue to breed.

You are unfit to rule over the land that you have stained with the blood of our kin.

How many more must die before you truly understand the sins of your ignorance?

I will lift the veil you have smothered our kin with for ages.

Consider this a declaration of war.

I will cleanse what is left and start anew.

The message does not seem to be signed.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #165 on: January 04, 2024, 09:50:30 PM »
Immediately next to the previous hostile declaration, a call for aide with a list of tasks and jobs to be accomplished for Degannwy village in preparation for anticipated hostilities. It instructs readers to consult with a Guardian, Librarian, or Marquessa for further information on tasks to be done.


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #166 on: January 09, 2024, 02:57:07 AM »
Recently a new arrival have been seen entering and coming to Degannwy. His blue-gray skin indicates being a moon elf and he presents himself as Anyndur. He often investigates the announcement board and ask elves he meet about the Guardians of Degannwy.

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #167 on: April 29, 2024, 05:33:34 AM »
Once again, an elf wearing purple and donning a bright white porcelain mask is seen digging in the leaf-covered floor of the forest. After some time, the sound of metal scraping stones is heard. The creature sits for many hours beside a freshly surfaced gravestone, humming a somber song.

As night falls, the masked mourner steps into the shadows. With a long echo the melody continues again from the top of Nant Gaerwyn. As soon as the first ray of sunshine appears, the song suddenly stops.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 05:38:41 AM by Lady Duck »
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Brinty Spreas

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #168 on: April 29, 2024, 07:51:30 PM »
"A new arrival has come to Degannwy. Dressed in fine threads of silver and gold, the young, beautiful woman of seemingly Elven descent sings. Throughout the forest the song is heard, its melody sounding as if it could only have come from a place of divinity. The birds and wildlife seem to go silent, as if they too were listening to the songstress's enchanting voice."
gurl idk


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #169 on: May 04, 2024, 06:13:58 PM »
A familiar figure has been often seen within the environs of the autumn grove as of recently. A snow elf clad in white furs and scales has been seen greeting those entering the grove. Often keeping a watch close to the gates, or otherwise found within the Nant itself, his presence has become something far more regular as of late. An, in some cases, welcome reprieve from the usual quiet of the grove itself.

Brinty Spreas

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #170 on: June 01, 2024, 02:37:53 PM »


              The red-haired elf is seen constructing a small shrine. Afterwards, she opens a small box full of glittering jewels. Gems are taken out and each is set meticulously around the shrine before two paintings, two chalices, and a bouquet of flowers are placed. Finally, she kneels to sing a prayer to her goddess.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2024, 02:50:44 PM by Faelara Sunsong »
gurl idk


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #171 on: June 01, 2024, 06:10:44 PM »
In recent times, the autumn grove has been looking a bit more cared for than usual. Lanterns set up, benches made, signs placed up locations of interest. A familiar visage of a tall elf clad in white being the reasoning for such. Greeting those that entered the grove, when they did. Though no tending of such was done as of recent- for when the elf returned to the grove, he'd simply settle down without many words to the grove's usual inhabitants aside from greetings. An arm wrapped in bandages and firmly kept in place.

Brinty Spreas

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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #172 on: August 04, 2024, 01:12:08 AM »
The elven beauty who once held a celebration of life returns, erecting another shrine to the Seldarine. Upon it, she lays several glistening gems and prays.

Hanali Celanil.
Goddess of Beauty
Our Lady in Gold.
I pray to you for guidance
And protection
In these dark lands.

Aid our people
And return the joy
They've lost.
Grant us the peace
And protection
You have bestowed upon us
That we may thrive once more."
gurl idk


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Re: Vallaki - Southern Forest - Degannwy
« Reply #173 on: August 29, 2024, 09:10:37 AM »
A message, written in Elven, has been left near the entrance to Degannwy, carefully weighted down with a rock:

"Mariel of Xen'drik wishes to speak with a representative of the autumn grove. If you consider yourself such and wish to grant it, leave a reply with your preferred time and place in this spot."

*Copy placed in game*