Author Topic: Il-ianna Tyr'Valsa  (Read 520 times)


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Il-ianna Tyr'Valsa
« on: July 07, 2024, 03:05:14 PM »
~~ A brief summary.

Born within the heart of Sithicus, Il-ianna Tyr'Valsa was raised by stern hands into the benevolent worship of Hala.

Her childhood, like most bound to the land of spectres, was drab and dull. Still, she knew no different, and Il-ianna considers her earlier life to be a successful one despite the lack of joy and warmth.
During this time, she learned many, many skills, all taught to her by her stern mother whom had little patience for mistakes and time wasted. She would constantly instil the importance of balance to Il-ianna. Good rest will result in good work, and good work will result in good rest. A cycle she must never break if she is to reach her true potential.
Il-ianna grew alongside two sisters - one older, one younger. Her youngest sister had dreams of erecting her own house within Har-Thelen. To reach a level of respectable power to her mother, and then start a family of her own to then repeat the process. Her oldest sister spoke of no aspirations. She was happy working alongside mother at the hospice they had erected, and desired little more of it.
Il-ianna, however, expressed great interest in power.

Her mother, ever an optimist, took this as an opportunity. Il-ianna would be up earlier than her sisters, tending to the garden with meticulous detail alongside her mother, before being shuffled inside of the hospice. There she learned how to utilise arcana - wards of protection put on each visitor, simple healing tonics brewed whenever the opportunity presented itself, even forced recitals of recipes to whomever would listen. While Il-ianna was nothing close to a prodigy, her hard work and dedication clawed her there day by day.

She was swiftly enrolled into any tutoring her mother could get her claws on. Each failure was met with blunt words of bitter encouragement, and each success was treated as it was to be expected. Still, her mother made the effort to celebrate the milestones when she could.

Once Il-ianna reached adulthood she found constant work within the hospital and across the miserable lands of Sithicus. Her mistakes in education weighed down on her heavily - mistakes made were an opportunity to learn but at the expense of time lost. Because of this she felt as though she was constantly behind in her studies, and that should she lose the balance of rest and work she would surely fall to nothing and be a disgrace to her mother.

An evening came where she found herself working later than usual. Her bag of herbs had split on the walk home and she had been too engrossed with her studies to notice. She followed the scattered herbs back to where the bag had split, picking each one up and cursing herself for being so careless.
As her hand scooped up another bundle of lost herbs, she senses something... cold... wash over her. Turning around her hands burned with fire - expecting a fight she primed what would've been a powerful blazing cone. Instead, her vision clouded, the mists claiming her.
"We witches oft are underestimated. But I am well aware how capable you are."


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Re: Il-ianna Tyr'Valsa
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2024, 05:14:40 PM »
Journal one.
The journal is fresh and new. The pages were bound to a leather shell just that morning and had finished drying. Inside, high quality ink spells out Sithican words in curly letters by exceptional penmanship. There are no spelling errors nor doodles.

This journal begins as a reminder to myself - both about what I have felt, seen and experienced, but also what I live for.

This area continues to challenge me greatly. From basic herbalism components and geography to bloodsucking leeches dressed in finery. Sithicus was never an easy home to call one’s own but it is all I have ever known - Barovia feels as though I have been plunged into the deep end, swept and washed away by ravenous waters around cutting rocks.
Perhaps I had grown too accustomed to the wailing banshees and wandering spirits; The utter depression and shame that plagues the land weighing down on one like a sack of boulders and rocks. Here, it is vastly different despite the similar grimness and dull overhanging weight.
Despite this, colour remains. Every so often, amongst the grey, damp world, there is a flush of pink in a gnome's smiling cheeks. A glimmer lingering within the eye of a bard. The herbs that sprout from the oft frosted ground still sport their natural hues. It is clear to me that, like Sithicus, this is a place of great resilience. And with great resilience, comes great potential.

As of late, a titan bat has been on the prowl. It has already caused me great inconvenience and proves itself to be a serious threat. There is never a slow day here. I usually like it like this - at least in Sithicus -  because it keeps me sharp, alert. I do not become stagnant when the waters are constantly flowing and there is little in the way of blockage. But this is… excessive. I would even go as far as to say I am quite overwhelmed. The mixing of a huge amount of races alongside new geography, threats, food… it is difficult to keep up, and to communicate such. Many linger outside with their mouths gaping wide, some even hoping to see the current threat up close and personal, merely to satisfy curiosity. I have made it clear that one should never bet what one is not prepared to lose, and yet they do so anyway.

I cannot help those who do not wish to be. It is a fruitless exercise, no matter how much I may desire… and yet, I must stay available. I must be present for when it inevitably goes horribly wrong and provide that aid that channels through my veins.
Thankfully, I am not the only one able to provide these people with the tools to succeed. There are plenty of others around with capabilities that far exceed my own to assist where appropriate. This allows me to prioritise and take a moment to think. I needn’t rush when there are another three running after me with a plan in mind. I oft feel almost useless - especially when venturing with a more than capable group -  but I must swallow the humility that comes with the learning experience. If they did not want me there, I would not have been invited along in the first place, and I do not speak enough to warrant a spontaneous dispelling of half way through a journey.

This will certainly be a frightful challenge to survive here, but I can be sure there will be plenty for me to learn.
"We witches oft are underestimated. But I am well aware how capable you are."


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Re: Il-ianna Tyr'Valsa
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2024, 09:45:51 PM »
Journal two.
I return to these pages with excellent news. Despite the general sorrow and weight that sits upon my shoulders each cycle, it was alleviated today after I sat through an interview for the city hospice. I forget how quickly my face shifts in these situations. My manners flush back to me, my tone is lighter. I have only experienced interviews in the past a handful of times - the most ruthless one at the hands of my own mother. She never cared much for frills and flashy smiles, but I suppose she wished for me to be able to set up in any establishment I so chose. I never enjoyed the smug, satisfied look on her face whenever she would inevitably be proven right… I still would give anything to see it now.

Anyway, the interview went well. The interviewer was very kind and understanding. I found no prejudice in my beliefs and instead open arms. Their practices are well thought out clearly established, so I do not feel as though I am slipping into cold water. They even offer small sums of fang to asssist with herbalism training which is unfathomably perfect for me. And, speaking of open arms, they were quick to make accommodations for my privacy despite it not being necessary. The aroma and general structure of the building reminded me of home, but the accommodations gave me a taste of it.

The countless days of herbalism beyond the gallows have paid off handsomely, too. I have an exceptionally large amount of simple healing potions now and I can learn the more complex concoctions without fear of fang slipping through my fingers.
I have the key to the hospice now, and with it a new road of potential.
"We witches oft are underestimated. But I am well aware how capable you are."