As the title says. Some tiles at night are just impossibly dim sometimes, to the point that you're basically navigating with a black screen. I believe it has something to do with the phase of the moon, so new moons are like this?
I can already predict people telling me that this is immersive and it being unplayable just means I need to use a torch or something, but personally I think the quality of life here vastly outweighs the roleplay aspect. Further, I have played multiple characters with darkvision who I nonetheless still struggle to see in such areas with, without the use of a torch or magic light.
Leaving that particular argument aside though, even if you firmly believe that the immersion outweighs any practical issues, the screen is still black even on maps where this would make no sense, like The Mists - Vistani Camp. This is a map with a huge bonfire in it, along with various smaller cooking fires, and it still remains pitch black unless you're in a relatively tiny area.
I think it would be for the best if the night time darkness in these phases of the moon was toned down. At the very least, various maps that should sensibly be much brighter should be tweaked to be less effected by this.