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Author Topic: The return of the head DM  (Read 3963 times)

Soren / Zarathustra217

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The return of the head DM
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:38:59 AM »
Fellow roleplayers and prisoners of the mist!

For the last half decade, the role as head DM has been shared between a small group consisting of Brimstone, Cataclysm, EO and I. However, for some of us, real life obligations have been claiming an ever-increasing amount of time, which in turn has forced us to focus our commitments on other things (e.g. on server development). Therefore, we have deemed it prudent to return to the state of having a single head DM, so that it is always clear who should lead and take responsibility for running the DM team.

After consulting the DM team, we are happy to announce that Brimstone will be taking on this role.

As a player, you probably will not notice any immediate change, as this pertains mainly to how we internally organize the DM team. The current head DM team members will also remain available as assisting head DMs, being available for relevant matters. But we hope that it will help you get more clarity in terms of DM team communication, and experience an even more motivated and thriving DM team overall.


The henceforth assisting head DM team.