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Author Topic: Steel Equipment Made to Order  (Read 147 times)


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Steel Equipment Made to Order
« on: May 16, 2024, 09:12:52 AM »
Scattered around the outskirts, in front of the Lady's Rest, and littered in various places in the Drain are parchments covered in basic but cleanly scribed block letters. The missives are stuck to various trees and walls with a globs of sap, or pitch

Are yeh lookin' for a new sword, or an axe? Perhaps a new chain shirt? Tired of gettin' bobbed by that knight o' the cross-trade, Petre fer' a second-hand blade that couldn't even cleave a gemishka?

Get yeh a new bit a' flash, made just fer you, hot off tha' forge! Tomar Meyer Steels, where the only steal is the price tag!

Guilding services available on request.

Inquire in person, or send a letter to me at The Lady's Rest. Y'can spot me by the blue trim on m' breastplate and the Silver Tortoise pin on m' cloak. I'm usually bangin' around the outskirts, or sometimes in the Drain at night.

//OOC: you can send me a "letter" addressed to Tomar Meyer(in game tell or message via discord; @LordInquisitorDolan) find me in person, or message on the forums to arrange a meeting.