Author Topic: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread  (Read 4811 times)


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2024, 01:25:06 PM »
How about we leave the dark powers out of the discussion? They are irrelevant to it beyond the fact that "we made them willing" to deliver PCs on the island.

On building ships. Building a cog or a caravel, as would be required to travel to Tejeda, was no small feat and a full time job of its own. It required specialized training, skilled labor, a shipyard, massive resources, permissions from local authorities, and lots of time. Shipbuilding is not a skill that would make much sense to give to PCs within our module.
Best Regards!

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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #51 on: May 14, 2024, 05:08:27 PM »
You know, really, there's nothing ICLY stopping any player from just buying/building their own ships to sail to these locations.

There's my take, provide an alternative that isn't the mistway, or let the players provide their own transport and tell the captain to screw off when they won't even ferry a groups whole party.

Really, there's characters out there that can kill Strahd or worse ten times over. They can and should be able to get their own boat if they really wanted to.

Presumably there is a naval arm of the gendarme that would in fact stop you from just building and sailing boats on their waters.  Mostly because who knows what you might bring in if that was allowed to just happen.  Smugglers, human trafficking, ferrying in disease, etc.

With the amount of crime on land in Lucine, I imagine there's also a thriving criminal business out on the waters too, that isn't being addressed as an alternative. With the extreme poverty, there are 100% captains out there that will smuggle some caliban happily if given a few pouches of coin.
Or, go to a Ghastrian sailor. Tell them, here's a ton of imported food that has taste. It's all yours if you transport me and my friends, no questions asked.

Also does not address legal travel. There are characters that have successfully managed to purchase their own ships with a DM event. Imagine owning a ship with no issues, and being told you can't sail it anywhere.

Well, speaking of crime related to the sea of sorrows, the odds that you will find a (more than likely) criminal captain that also might sell you into slavery go up the more you skirt the law to get around.  They might take your coin and tell you you're sailing to Tejeda, then shackle you once you're on the ship.  Blaustein, Ghastria, Darkon Lamordia, and Dominia all engage in the slave trade for various reasons.

I'm sure the PCs who have ships are also nobles around Dementlieu and their use is more of an off screen thing for business purposes and not for sailing around a yacht like you're jeff bezos.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 05:22:47 PM by myrddraal »


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2024, 06:02:51 PM »
I don't see the point in mist-walking to this dungeon, you're effectively going through a way more dangerous area, with better loot. To get to an area that has less loot, with weaker enemies.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #53 on: May 14, 2024, 06:14:12 PM »
Trying to shackle a bunch of magically enhanced superhumans would end very poorly for some smugglers.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #54 on: May 14, 2024, 06:26:50 PM »
PS, if you ask me my solution would be that no ship would go to Tejeda at all, I'd change all boats to work like caravans, with each trips to or from Ghastria or Blaustein with a 5% chance of shipwrecking on Tejeda, leaving the mistways as the most reliable way to reach the island for all.

This, for naillat as well.

As for trap, non beguilers and rogues are capped at 35.
Make traps dc 40, if a wizard wants to tank them, cool.
With the likes or terg ruins being a 10-12 CR and having 35 traps, 40ish locks.
40 traps and 45 locks for a 12-14 dungeon is not far fetched or hard to achieve.

Loot is pretty roguish, rogues and beguilers will be keen to go there. As well as with the volume of treasures you'll want a high appraise tag along.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #55 on: May 14, 2024, 06:37:27 PM »
Trying to shackle a bunch of magically enhanced superhumans would end very poorly for some smugglers.

True.  But then who sails the ship?  Its not exactly a one person job and most PCs are not going to be familiar with how to even navigate, operate the ship, etc.  Also guns sort of really help equalize things.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #56 on: May 14, 2024, 07:31:45 PM »
Realistically couldn’t someone just stealth into the ship to get there or are these smugglers all Druids with high spot?
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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #57 on: May 14, 2024, 09:37:22 PM »
Trying to shackle a bunch of magically enhanced superhumans would end very poorly for some smugglers.

True.  But then who sails the ship?  Its not exactly a one person job and most PCs are not going to be familiar with how to even navigate, operate the ship, etc.  Also guns sort of really help equalize things.

Easy, you force them to. "Do as I say or I'm going to cut off your friend's toes and make you eat them."


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2024, 09:44:48 PM »
Trying to shackle a bunch of magically enhanced superhumans would end very poorly for some smugglers.

True.  But then who sails the ship?  Its not exactly a one person job and most PCs are not going to be familiar with how to even navigate, operate the ship, etc.  Also guns sort of really help equalize things.

Easy, you force them to. "Do as I say or I'm going to cut off your friend's toes and make you eat them."

The realistic answer is, "Okay, but is this worth getting a bounty and PvP'd over?" They're Dementlieuse, if you bully them, they might well agree but then you'd have a bounty, and somehow I suspect risking legal repercussions for going to a dungeon is a far less preferable venue than going through the Mists. They might even just refuse, and resist you; Then you'd have to kill them. Then you could be on the hook for multiple homicides.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #59 on: May 14, 2024, 09:46:12 PM »
i feel like we're getting off of the feedback part of this feedback topic


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #60 on: May 15, 2024, 09:14:49 AM »
Yes I'm sure the slavers are going to involve the law in their business and again make enemies with people who can wake them up with a bloody bowl of toe cereal.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #61 on: May 15, 2024, 09:49:00 AM »
Yes I'm sure the slavers are going to involve the law in their business and again make enemies with people who can wake them up with a bloody bowl of toe cereal.

Can they, though? Statistically, outlaws on PoTM are dealt with rather swiftly. I mean, look at the Garda in Vallaki; If you stay out after dark, they'll slap you with a fine that if you don't pay, the rustic turnip-turners will hit you with a dead-or-alive bounty. And they're a single city, the Dementlieuse are a unified nation with a unified police force with a much deeper pocket. Some of the highest bounties in server history have come out of there, and started with a failed summons.

Not to mention, the various underworld elements involved, but c'est la vie. It's aside the point, antagonistic actions come with consequences and creating an intimidation mechanic on an NPC wouldn't work out very well.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #62 on: May 15, 2024, 09:58:54 AM »
What do bounties have to do with it? Like I said, slavers aren't going to draw the law's attention toward themselves.

So everything you just said would ring true in regards to the wannabe smuggler/slavers.

William Roberts

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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #63 on: May 15, 2024, 10:54:48 AM »
Please use this thread for the new Dungeon,Tejeda;   Bugs, typos, glitches, balance, loot - the lot.

Beauty like a tightened bow, a kind that is not natural in an age like this.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #64 on: May 15, 2024, 11:15:25 AM »
Please use this thread for the new Dungeon,Tejeda;   Bugs, typos, glitches, balance, loot - the lot.

Yes please. interesting as the Outcast discussion is. The focus of this discussion is mainly on the dungeon itself. :)


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2024, 07:34:58 PM »
This is very small but annoying: when you leave the hospital the character appears outside facing the hospital (as if it had left the building walking backwards).
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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2024, 07:48:05 PM »
This is very small but annoying: when you leave the hospital the character appears outside facing the hospital (as if it had left the building walking backwards).

I'll fix the wrong-facing doors.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #67 on: September 07, 2024, 09:38:37 AM »
This is very small but annoying: when you leave the hospital the character appears outside facing the hospital (as if it had left the building walking backwards).

This has been fixed.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #68 on: September 14, 2024, 01:57:23 PM »
Another unimportant, but annoying thing:

The ship we set foot in the Université to sail to Tejeda is of a different model than the ship we are when arriving on Tejeda.

This would be a minor continuity mistake, but it is kinda annoying because the healer and the NPCs tend to wander around and leave the healer stranded in the second floor and you occasionally blocked.
Noignar Huillen: Ilmater Cleric.
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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2024, 09:07:15 PM »
Another unimportant, but annoying thing:

The ship we set foot in the Université to sail to Tejeda is of a different model than the ship we are when arriving on Tejeda.

This would be a minor continuity mistake, but it is kinda annoying because the healer and the NPCs tend to wander around and leave the healer stranded in the second floor and you occasionally blocked.

I'll make the NPCs immobile.


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2024, 09:40:45 PM »
It pains me to write this because I love the dungeon and I LOVE the xp it gives. But it is perhaps, just a little too good. As it stands it is by FAR the best place to level 7-14.

It is basically, in my opinion, a better vestibule with almost immediate access to one of the best places to sell your loot in the game. (Both the enchanter and the Shady man). This coupled with the fact that it is very easy to access make it in my opinion way to tempting. It is telling that it is always populated near constantly.

I would suggest finding someway to slow access to it in general tbh. I like the XP the that it gives, and I think the loot is in a good place. (You can still make like 20-40k a trip easily) however I think its ease of access makes it way to spam-able.

My suggestion would be put a beefy lock on the gate. Something like 45. (A target easily reached by a level 10 dedicated picker but putting it out of range of most low level cross-classers) Or add a key to the merchant in the black market like the brothel and only allow one in an inventory per time. Another suggestion would have the captain only sail during the daytime like Naillat.

Overall the Dungeon rocks and I think it is in a good place mechanically. However I think it is way to "Convenient" to access for what it does.



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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2024, 11:52:21 PM »
It  getting a fix next update.  So players stop  spamming the dungeon :mrgreen:


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2024, 11:21:44 AM »
It pains me to write this because I love the dungeon and I LOVE the xp it gives. But it is perhaps, just a little too good. As it stands it is by FAR the best place to level 7-14.

It is basically, in my opinion, a better vestibule with almost immediate access to one of the best places to sell your loot in the game. (Both the enchanter and the Shady man). This coupled with the fact that it is very easy to access make it in my opinion way to tempting. It is telling that it is always populated near constantly.

I would suggest finding someway to slow access to it in general tbh. I like the XP the that it gives, and I think the loot is in a good place. (You can still make like 20-40k a trip easily) however I think its ease of access makes it way to spam-able.

My suggestion would be put a beefy lock on the gate. Something like 45. (A target easily reached by a level 10 dedicated picker but putting it out of range of most low level cross-classers) Or add a key to the merchant in the black market like the brothel and only allow one in an inventory per time. Another suggestion would have the captain only sail during the daytime like Naillat.

Overall the Dungeon rocks and I think it is in a good place mechanically. However I think it is way to "Convenient" to access for what it does.


I don't like the idea of forcing you to have a lockpicker for this. It feels a bit arbitrary picking a skill that already allows people to access an abundance of finance from stealth-looting. I know you're playing such a character atm but it'd be a bit unfair on others imo.

How about a riddle that requires a Lore 45 check to open the door? ;)


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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2024, 11:28:03 AM »
It pains me to write this because I love the dungeon and I LOVE the xp it gives. But it is perhaps, just a little too good. As it stands it is by FAR the best place to level 7-14.

It is basically, in my opinion, a better vestibule with almost immediate access to one of the best places to sell your loot in the game. (Both the enchanter and the Shady man). This coupled with the fact that it is very easy to access make it in my opinion way to tempting. It is telling that it is always populated near constantly.

I would suggest finding someway to slow access to it in general tbh. I like the XP the that it gives, and I think the loot is in a good place. (You can still make like 20-40k a trip easily) however I think its ease of access makes it way to spam-able.

My suggestion would be put a beefy lock on the gate. Something like 45. (A target easily reached by a level 10 dedicated picker but putting it out of range of most low level cross-classers) Or add a key to the merchant in the black market like the brothel and only allow one in an inventory per time. Another suggestion would have the captain only sail during the daytime like Naillat.

Overall the Dungeon rocks and I think it is in a good place mechanically. However I think it is way to "Convenient" to access for what it does.


I don't like the idea of forcing you to have a lockpicker for this. It feels a bit arbitrary picking a skill that already allows people to access an abundance of finance from stealth-looting. I know you're playing such a character atm but it'd be a bit unfair on others imo.

How about a riddle that requires a Lore 45 check to open the door? ;)

All this discussion is, sadly, irrelevant. Tejeda will be "toned" to avoid constant raids there. Will that be a XP nerf? A More slow spawn building, as mentioned? Dunno.

I'd say that the Island is played a lot because it is rewarding and fun. And, in my view, I'd not complaint that too many people is having fun in a certain dungeon. If anything, now the Vestibules is a bit less farmed.
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Re: Plague Island Tejeda Feedback thread
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2024, 11:55:30 AM »
I think the dungeon needs to be made more difficult. It is a beautiful looking dungeon but the nice layout came at the cost of difficulty design. It could easily be a much more imposing dungeon if the monsters in other rooms would come out and flank similar to the wererat dungeon. The single doorways each room has, also makes for a natural funnel.