Disclaimer, it's the player speaking here, not the dev team. I am thoroughly uninvolved with anything related to Tejeda, I have no stakes in the matter of accessing Tejeda nor am I against the idea of an alternate route for outcasts, but I can offer the following perspective.
The server rules have to be fair for all. In-game situations do not.
So you have an accursed island known to be plagued by a zombie curse. Everyone but a single captain gives it a wide berth and wants nothing to do with it. Said captain happens to be from a location that has every reasons to dislike outcasts and to not take them on his ship. An entirely logical situation from an in-game perspective. That's tough luck for outcasts, but that's seemingly how it was intended. That's entirely that dungeon's developer's prerogative to make it so. That captain is not the only NPC that refuses to deal with outcasts either. It should not come as a surprise that such situations exist.
I of course agree with the notion that a dungeon should be accessible to all players, but never that equal conditions should be offered to all races, nor that any dungeons should be reached quickly. Therefore I find it perfectly fine that the provided alternative be a way through the Mists. More dangerous and hazardous, longer to reach and certainly unreliable, but there nonetheless, quite manageable by a level 12-14 party, and the seed for an entertaining trip if done in a RP manner.
That does not mean other options will not be explored, but what we already have works well enough. And what comes next could be inverted too, could be a dungeon location that a caliban guide only takes outcasts too, forcing others on the long walk around.