Author Topic: The Astounding Tales of Feng Mein Shao  (Read 610 times)


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The Astounding Tales of Feng Mein Shao
« on: May 08, 2024, 03:14:02 PM »
Feng Mein Shao, scales shining bright white and radiant, ventured into the world of mortals.

Leaving behind the perilous troubles of the spirit world, he brought with him gifts for the people he met along the way.

"This is medicine. You will need this to heal, the poison that infects the heavens will turn gods' blessings into curses." He warned all the mortals.

Some listened, some did not. His favored pupils, Baosheng Dadi, Pien Chueh, Yao Weng, all became gods among men for heeding the words.

The heavens turned on these mortals that dared steal their secrets and challenge their reign, lightning and death facing them down.

Even in the face of the vengeful Creed of Heaven, the students that dared become healers and gods did not betray Feng Mein Shao.

"Medicine is for us all, not just who the Gods decide is worthy. We will never tell of the one that taught us." They all affirmed.

And so the wise Feng Mein Shao stole from the Heavens once more, and the souls of those men that kept his secret faithfully were saved from the clutches of the Red Death.

--Tales from the lost pages of Kong Qiu
Currently playing: Si Feisong (ShamanVsAllClasses)


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Re: The Astounding Tales of Feng Mein Shao
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2024, 07:54:23 AM »
Feng Mein Shao, scales shining bright white and radiant, ventured into the world of mortals.

Leaving behind the perilous troubles of the spirit world, he brought with him gifts for the people he met along the way.

He saw among them great suffering and misery, the fields dry and barren, the sky clear of any clouds offering hope for reprieve.

Feng Mein Shao was warned by his colleagues.  "Do not make matters worse for them.  The knowledge of agriculture is too much for them to handle, humankind will commit atrocious acts should they learn to farm food."

"Surely if they are all fed they will have no reason to act atrociously, besides I won this knowledge from you fair and square, it is mine to do with as I please."

"You are making a grave mistake, Feng Mein Shao, but it is clear I cannot stop you.  Will you fix the suffering in the world you create by offering our secrets so freely?"

And so Feng Mein Shao walked among the people for one hundred years, working alongside them, teaching them to plant rice and channel water.

Feng Mein Shao returned to the spirit world filled with a sense of pride, but that was quickly demolished and the other spirits chastised him.

"See now how they shackle the weak and beat those unable to fight back, unwilling to do the work themselves? Humans are doomed now, they will only suffer at the hands of each other for your hubris and misguided compassion, Feng Mein Shao.  You are naive."

Feng Mein Shao watched the people enslave one another to make the fields, and he wept. He wept and wept for months, a great flood wiping out all of the fields he helped them create.  No amount of the great dragon's tears, though, could wipe away the suffering or the knowledge that he had freely given.
Currently playing: Si Feisong (ShamanVsAllClasses)


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Re: The Astounding Tales of Feng Mein Shao
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2024, 08:50:19 AM »
Feng Mein Shao, scales cracked and tarnished, corruption blighting their former brilliance, ventured into the world of mortals.

Leaving behind the perilous troubles of the spirit world, he brought with him gifts for the people he deemed deserving.

The trouble was, of course, finding such people.  Too many humans had abused his gifts and made a fool of his generosity, Feng Mein Shao refused to be fooled again.

He then heard crying, coming from the ruins of a village.  The humans seemed to have offended the local spirits of this place, and they exacted vengeance.

Looking through the smoldering remains, he found a lone child, crying over the remains of her family.  The young girl looked up, silence and awe overtaking her as she stared up at Feng Mein Shao.

"Can you see me child? How strange. It seems you have a gift.  Did you see the spirits that did this?"

"I did... I didn't mean for them to hurt anyone though, I thought they were nice."

"Oh dear child, did you bring the spirits here? Do not despair, it was not your fault for being kind and naïve. We will hunt down the spirits that tricked you and have our revenge.  Then we can find a home for you."

"Really? But... mama and papa, I have to bury them, to honor the Si family." As the girl wiped tears and soot from her eyes, she stood and bowed to Feng Mein Shao. "Can you please help me?"

And Feng Mein Shao smiled, as the girl's heart was consumed not with revenge but with the thought of honoring her parents, and he knew he had found a true disciple.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 09:12:42 AM by RedMoney »
Currently playing: Si Feisong (ShamanVsAllClasses)


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Re: The Astounding Tales of Feng Mein Shao
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2024, 10:32:20 AM »
Feng Mein Shao's disciple poured through yet another dusty, forbidden tomb.  Not forbidden due to any actual danger, curse or foulness, but forbidden to -her- because the Censorate said
that the knowledge within was unsuited for women to know.  What a farce, to control the information so the masses could be kept ignorant and submissive.  Si Feisong carried out her sacred duty well, though. Posing as a midwife and travelling from village to village with a man posing as her "father" for protection, she'd helped the library expand it's collection of books the Censorate would have seen burned or pried from the hands of the masses.  Tucked away safely both on the shelves and in her mind to the best of her ability, she would preserve this knowledge and share it to those that might use it for good some day.  Knowledge had become the ultimate weapon of human civilization, and ignorance the ultimate weakness.  It must be preserved, it must be shared, and it must be used for the betterment of all, not as some tool to grab power and control. 

But what a folly it is, in a way, since mankind was killing and abusing one another since long before they had the knowledge that Feng Mein Shao had given them.  Feisong knew the simple truth, Feng Mein Shao didn't make humanity any more corrupt than it already was.  He tried to give people tools to become better, but they chose to make themselves worse through both action and complacency.  And so, when she prayed to Feng Mein Shao, she asked for nothing, she merely offered the great dragon her words of comfort.
Currently playing: Si Feisong (ShamanVsAllClasses)