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Author Topic: An urgent request for a Druids Moot.  (Read 482 times)


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  • The Lord of Trickery
An urgent request for a Druids Moot.
« on: April 09, 2024, 01:52:43 AM »
notices would be seen in woods the surrounding Vallaki/greater area, as well as found near the Standing Stones by the Gallows, attempting to find as many Druids as possible.

 "Walkers of Da Path, I am da Púca, I have da news of da most Harrowin.  Something ALL of our kind must be hearin. I ask for a Moot to be called so that The Púca can be presentin dis. I am a stranger to da ways of a circles. Púca asks dat this be forgiven. Dis is a threat to da natural worlds as we be knowin it.
Seek da Púca out through da means ya can be seekin. "

[Any Druids/Walkers of the path feel free to contact via Discord/find Púca in game]