I thought the same thing, but as MAB mentioned, most of the tattoos are unique to the PrC. Additionally, I believe they said this will NOT be application locked so you'll be ready to roll as soon as it drops.
He likely means the remake application. No pre-existing characters should ever trade base class levels for new PrC levels without cause and approval from the DM team.
As for a tattoo parlor, if anyone wants to flex their modding muscles and play with the toolset, I'd be thrilled to see what the community comes up with.
I'm on the fence now about a re-level app. I might hang out at the current level till the PRC come out or drop one via Enchanting rather than app for it but will see what happens.
I think the strength will be on par with current monk. It looks like it'll just add some variability to play and flavor.
I mean thinking about it Lvl20 monk in PoTM is not great for the perfect self feat. You only gain immunity to mind effect spells. DR is replaced with Enchanted gear and glowing eyes just become a OCR pain. So with a mind blank potion and Enchanted clothing what's the point of 20?
Empty body? Ethereal Jaunt is nice but why level past this?
Ki strike +3, useless, Enchanted gloves over takes and at this level you need +5 to hit anyway.
Quivering palm yea this one is OK except majority of the server enemies are immune to this. Making it about as useful as a 1 time use sneak attack in a land of undead.
Ki strike +2, useless, Enchanted gloves overtakes.
Lvl 13 - 20 are not great or equal to the other classes on the server at the same level.
I think that alot of people will take tattooed monk because of this. I would be awesome to have it so the PRC doesn't over take the monk levels but say like when you hit 20 then you get the eyes and the mind immune and DR, BUT if your a tattooed monk dependinging on what tatts you have there is some other flavor added which makes that more desirable.
Probably too hard to do.
Maybe just the tattoos raise the OCR and there is magic in them it makes the eyes glow sooner. Making more time for OCR RP with PCs that aren't lvl 20 beasts.
I love the idea of tattooed monk and it could have alot of awesome points if it fixes the shortfalls that the server has in regards to the class.
Especially if there is opportunity for various different kinds of monks not just red purple and blue monks. For a martial class that has terrible feat progression tattooed monk will definitely be a desired PRC.