Author Topic: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)  (Read 1350 times)


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Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« on: May 26, 2024, 11:26:50 PM »
Add signs to the borders that say
'Welcome to Vallaki' or 'Get the hell out caliban'

Simply put, just visual markers for players to know where Vallaki's jurisdiction ends, perhaps the same can be applied to Wachter lands


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2024, 11:40:03 PM »
Bridges are basically the borders.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2024, 11:49:27 PM »
Bridges are basically the borders.

Much as those are markers - They're only markers to those who know.

As my stint in the Garda would showcase. A lot of people - Even our own taskforce - Do not actually know, the borders.

Putting a sign up, would do miles.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 01:08:42 AM »
Bridges are basically the borders.

Much as those are markers - They're only markers to those who know.

As my stint in the Garda would showcase. A lot of people - Even our own taskforce - Do not actually know, the borders.

Putting a sign up, would do miles.

Second, third and Fourth this....cause it can be confusing.

Alcoholic Squirrel (Birdman)

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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2024, 03:15:41 AM »
Signs would be good and sensible.

Until I played my first garda, I had absolutely no idea about the borders.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2024, 08:50:49 AM »
Holy cow yes. A thousand times this please.
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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2024, 10:51:08 AM »
I think the city limits are stated in the laws of Vallaki? Which can be found either here on the forums or in-game near the gates of Vallaki. One of the smaller core RPs to the Vallaki scene is to get told to study the laws of the place, people should do it, or not, and face the consequences of their choice. From an IC POV I believe there wouldn't be any signs marking these borders, they would be burned for sport every other day. If people are impaired to remember that the rivers west, south, and the eastern farmlands marks the place, then sure, give them the sign... It would make more sense towards Wachter lands, which if I remember correctly doesn't have such clear geographical features to mark the limits.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2024, 11:11:17 AM »
Add signs to the borders that say
'Welcome to Vallaki' or 'Get the hell out caliban'

Simply put, just visual markers for players to know where Vallaki's jurisdiction ends, perhaps the same can be applied to Wachter lands

Here's something that a lot of people don't know (and it took me a long time to find out even though I am in the faction.)

The land immediately across the bridge from Vallaki towards Raduta is land leased to the Church of Ezra, right up to the Zeklos (?) outpost. Basically from the bridge to just passed the wasp tower is 'Church land.' The Orchard, one side of the crossroads (with the opposite side leading to the ghoul house), the Wasp Tower, Raduta itself, and the farms in between are all Church lease holdings from the Boyar. I had always thought it was just the 'Raduta' section alone/

My understanding from the player who has the lease document is that we're responsible for keeping order in this segment of land, too, such as by dealing with bandits and other criminals who lurk in the area. I'm a bit unclear as to what authority the Church actually wields there or if they'd just be expected to report problems to the Boyar. The implication of being permitted to deal with bandits does suggest some sort of power. It'd be cool to get some clarification in that regard, actually.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2024, 01:52:48 PM »
I think the city limits are stated in the laws of Vallaki? Which can be found either here on the forums or in-game near the gates of Vallaki. One of the smaller core RPs to the Vallaki scene is to get told to study the laws of the place, people should do it, or not, and face the consequences of their choice. From an IC POV I believe there wouldn't be any signs marking these borders, they would be burned for sport every other day. If people are impaired to remember that the rivers west, south, and the eastern farmlands marks the place, then sure, give them the sign... It would make more sense towards Wachter lands, which if I remember correctly doesn't have such clear geographical features to mark the limits.

I would rather not insult my fellow player by referring to them as 'impaired' over a sign thread.  Anywho, this is merely so that there is something very visual for new guards, players, and even returning players who do not know.  And given the trouble of some with navigating for forums in addition to this, I believe it does nothing but help to serve the server as a marker. 


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2024, 02:29:47 PM »
I think the city limits are stated in the laws of Vallaki? Which can be found either here on the forums or in-game near the gates of Vallaki. One of the smaller core RPs to the Vallaki scene is to get told to study the laws of the place, people should do it, or not, and face the consequences of their choice. From an IC POV I believe there wouldn't be any signs marking these borders, they would be burned for sport every other day. If people are impaired to remember that the rivers west, south, and the eastern farmlands marks the place, then sure, give them the sign... It would make more sense towards Wachter lands, which if I remember correctly doesn't have such clear geographical features to mark the limits.

1. How dare you insult people that may have actual disabilities that does effect memory or specific understandings. That's outright rude and uncalled for. This is not the 1960's anymore, we do not discriminate for peoples disabilities.

2. I have played on and off for YEARS and have still been wrong on the Eastern Farmlands exact borders.

3. Making things easier for people to understand things IN GAME is NOT a bad thing.

4. This forum is going on 20 years old, it it at the BEST of times a hot jumbled mess that can be hell to find anything. So much so, I have been writing my own damn faction notes so I don't have to try and keep up on the forums chaos on what is where and how and with who for how many social cookies.

5. I am gonna self redact this one...because what I would prefer to say to you for insulting people with disabilities is just horrible and unfit for the forums.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2024, 02:58:10 PM »
How about we step back a bit and keep things respectful and on topic?

Best Regards!

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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2024, 05:03:19 PM »
I think the signs are a decent idea.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2024, 05:38:20 PM »
Add signs to the borders that say
'Welcome to Vallaki' or 'Get the hell out caliban'

Simply put, just visual markers for players to know where Vallaki's jurisdiction ends, perhaps the same can be applied to Wachter lands

Here's something that a lot of people don't know (and it took me a long time to find out even though I am in the faction.)

The land immediately across the bridge from Vallaki towards Raduta is land leased to the Church of Ezra, right up to the Zeklos (?) outpost. Basically from the bridge to just passed the wasp tower is 'Church land.' The Orchard, one side of the crossroads (with the opposite side leading to the ghoul house), the Wasp Tower, Raduta itself, and the farms in between are all Church lease holdings from the Boyar. I had always thought it was just the 'Raduta' section alone/

My understanding from the player who has the lease document is that we're responsible for keeping order in this segment of land, too, such as by dealing with bandits and other criminals who lurk in the area. I'm a bit unclear as to what authority the Church actually wields there or if they'd just be expected to report problems to the Boyar. The implication of being permitted to deal with bandits does suggest some sort of power.
It'd be cool to get some clarification in that regard, actually.


This is how I understand it as well. It why you still see Grorin wandering around killing dread ravens and ghouls. Someone gotta clean up place.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2024, 06:06:49 PM »
The lease is in the appropriate faction forum, you can read it if you have access.

Clear delineations of land like this are actually a fairly modern thing.  Fiefdom delineations were often a single paragraph description not at all unlike the one in Vallakis laws.  I dont see a point in extinguishing the conflicts quarrelling over borders generates IC.

Moreover, strictly speaking, all land in Barovia is the counts.  Everyone else is just a leaseholder at best.  He would not support parcelling like that, and indeed I think we have one less Wachter in the world over related conflicts, dont we?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 06:13:23 PM by Maiyannah »
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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2024, 06:16:40 PM »
The lease is in the appropriate faction forum, you can read it if yoy have access.

Clear delineations of land like this are actually a fairly modern thing.  Fiefdom delineations were often a single paragraph description not at all unlike the one in Vallakis laws.  I dont see a point in extinguishing the conflicts quarrelling over borders generates IC.

Moreover, strictly speaking, all land in Barovia is the counts.  Everyone else is just a leaseholder at best.  He would not support parcelling like that, and indeed I think we have one less Wachter in the world over related conflicts, dont we?

I would never deem to assume what he would and would not support, in general from everything I have seen, unless it directly effects him, or is UTTERLY upsetting the balance of his domain...he really doesn't seem to give a shit less if you put out 50 million signs about the weather.

Secondly, Markers of territory are ancient, not always so fancy written as it is today, but there was always ways to know you crossed into others borders unless your out in the boonies.

Third, as always, its a game. 99.99% of games clearly mark where things are, to make things better then trying to guess where the heck something is.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2024, 07:31:44 PM »
     I think the proposed signs would serve to enhance the roleplay of the area and I would enjoy their addition IC and OOC.


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #16 on: May 27, 2024, 07:32:07 PM »
We need not assume anything; the War of Copper Knives was a thing and it made his views on matters of dominion quite clear.
Nicole du Claire - Richemulotoise noble duelist

Emmanuelle Skyshard - Ezran escapee from Hazlan


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Re: Add signs to the borders of Vallaki (And Wachter)
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2024, 10:06:52 PM »
We need not assume anything; the War of Copper Knives was a thing and it made his views on matters of dominion quite clear.

Yes, that was "Fighting" over territory, not one of the "Counts" officials setting markers of known borders and territories, especially if its only placed on Vallaki soil. Burgomaster to Burgomaster skirmishes are one thing, but neither of them are stupid enough to open piss off the Count himself.