I feel like of the many practical answers one could have for this, an outsider's view on the inner-workings of a system you aren't privy to isn't the most helpful. How can you possibly know the engine without being able to peek under the hood? Are you a Developer?
Is this the point where I link my body of work on NeverwinterVault?
I think you're avoiding the issue and my questions. You can link it, if you like, but that didn't address anything I just said. Regardless, I don't want to derail into this, so I'll just say we move on to the subject of the thread.
[...] So to my mind, the current state of things isn't a bad thing because it encourages RP as opposed to endlessly running dungeons or repetitively running dungeons. In my mind. Anything that discourages repetitive grinding and encourages RP on this RP server is a great thing. [...]
This is an old argument I've seen a lot over different topics, so I'll say it again: Doing dungeons is roleplaying. A Morninglord cleric seeking out undead to put to rest is acting towards their convictions. A ranger or monster hunter going specifically against their favored enemies is the same thing. A fighter is defined by fighting. Etc. Hell, even if you check the sourcebooks there's example characters that are just like "this guy hunts shapechangers all day, this is what he does." (Talking about Patrick Connor from Heroes of Light here)
But anyway, the problem is that even if you don't do dungeons 24/7 (which is fine if you did, that's the core gameplay loop of the game and it's fun), you can be a casual player that decides to dungeon with a few people one day, using the few hours you have for videogames, and find absolutely nothing worthwhile through no fault of your own just because someone else decided to do those dungeons an hour before you did.
I am not saying that doing dungeons isn't role playing. I'm saying that sprinting to and through them, not speaking to one another, not engaging with the dungeon in any way shape or form, essentiall "farming" the dungeon, is not role play. It's MMO gameplay which I know a lot of our playerbase enjoys. I do too, but in the appropriate setting like an MMO. But I think the problem is peoples definition of what is "worthwhile". Just because something is not max spawn, does not mean it isn't worthwhile. It just means it is worth less.
Well. I mean, I both agree and disagree with you. I find the behavior undesirable entirely, and I would much prefer to be able to go through a dungeon at a pace and roleplay without worry. The problem is, spells that last hours last minutes here, and somewhat conflict with immersion, not unlike the rush and hustle associated with the day/night cycle. In theory, we are in a 1:1 timescale. One hour is one hour, and all time is kept in a 1:1 ratio. Despite the in-game clock being seven minutes to an hour, we only, generally, pay attention to the day/night cycle as scripting forces us to. Then we go inside. Dungeoning isn't unlike that, because we're put on what is effectively a ten-to-fourteen minute timer usually to enter into a life-threatening situation and eliminate our immediate threats, as every second wasted talking when we should be fighting to secure our safety and profits, is a second that could lead to us losing our spells in the middle of a fight.
While some other servers far less focused on roleplay have left the base NWN spell durations alone, or better yet, extended them? PoTM, a server focused on roleplay before mechanics, has mechanically shortened most of their spells that were originally an hour/level into a hour + turn/level. What this means is that spells that would comfortably last forty minutes or more, now last for maybe ten. There is only so much real estate the player has to work with, and a choice has to be made.
- We're going to a dungeon.
- This isn't roleplay time.
- We need to keep dialogue and instruction to a bare minimum.
- We have intervals of maybe, fifteen to twenty minutes of fighting time before we have to stop. Drastically less, early on.
More experienced groups just appoint a leader and mindlessly zerg behind them so that they can get through as fast as possible, to a pre-destined rest location, rest, then continue the parade. It's awful, but it's an item of PoTM's own doing, one of the design choices which are distinctly at odds with their stated mission goal, here.
The people who get to level 16 in like 2 months probably spend upwards of 6 hours a day roleplaying. Dungeon Rp is capped over a period of time but RP xp isn’t. Just because you lower a dungeon spawn to make it more manageable doesn’t mean you are going to level faster than someone who only does high spawns. The rpxp is what separates peoples difference in leveling.
There shouldn’t be any shame in going to a dungeon, saying “wow this is too hard”, leave and find something else, and also not set the spawn to minimum for anyone else who might come later.
As far as the comments on performance, it’s speculative, sure, but it seems pretty much like you could feasibly come to the conclusion that it would be less draining on the system to not have all the dungeons in the game constantly maturing in spawns rather than statically respawning.
Yes and no. There are plenty of times where people have say, an hour or two at night to play the game, and they want to do a dungeon. They spent thirty or forty minutes getting a crew together, go out, thirty minutes getting into position for a dungeon in a domain that should only be catering to their level range, only to find that the quality of the dungeon no longer caters to the level range of the area because it's at a minimum spawn. They've wasted time going there, they, having no better idea or option, go to the next place and find it, too, is too weak for them.
Having wasted a few hours trying to get into a dungeon, the players go to bed, and don't get their XP that day. More than RP XP, what is most important is that you are able to consistently feed your XP meter when you want to. You could, in a single dungeon run, get the same XP as a dozen hours of roleplay and you might not have a dozen hours of playtime available. The sooner you cap that out and start roleplaying, the faster your cap will burn away and your RP XP feeds you in the interim. So the best way to avoid being blocked out of getting your XP is to hunt above your level, and either drop the spawn for everyone else who belongs in that area so your sub-leveled booty can leech the minimum spawn there, and even run it in circles, until you've hit your cap and you can RP or go offline until it's back. It's just the ability to actively control your ability to dungeon, instead of being shut down at the gates by stuff too weak for you.
Consider for a moment if you were always able to find a gainful dungeon run that gave you a 'Proud,' message on rest whenever it was convenient for you, without wasting time.