Possible new/ongoing sanctuary bug?
Even if you make the save against sanctuary, the party using it still becomes unseen completely. In the case of npcs you can find them by getting close to them, but in the case of players they remain completely hidden. You can bump into player characters, but they remain unseen. I'm not sure if this is the intended or desired effect?
I have witnessed this on two characters using it, on more than one occasion - once was hostiled, the others were not hostiled.
When sanctuary is used the caster vanishes from sight completely - even if the will save is met or beaten. Giving the user of the spell the ability to sneak around completely undetected by others other than bumping into an unseen object and having to walk around it.
Have a divine caster use the spell when hostiled or unhostiled, compare will saves, and walk to where the user of the spell is.
The will save does not seem to be negating the effect as per spell description.