Author Topic: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len  (Read 2964 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2024, 10:18:20 AM »
Sneaky. . .illusion. . .truth unknown. Wearing a parade and mirriad of faces . . .everyone is your friend. . .or are they your enemy?
Whispering half truths or lies, your intentions cannot be realized. . .nor should your words be followed. . .perhaps?
Who are you really? And how will any know?
Spoken, you must avoid both valliki and port, but why little harlequin? Where your whispers and schemes falling apart, your intentions becoming known? What a mysterious puzzle you are. . .but a puzzle of what?

Puzzles. . .puzzles. . .intrigue. . .mystery. . .fascinating and dangerous all the same. . .as one of the plants in the nightmare, pretty and alluring, waiting to snap their lids shut and devour you?
Guesses. . .and unknown. . .

But. . but. . .dashing through the dark did we make our parade, birds and shadows. . .
Was it for pride. . impatience. . .arrogance?  All?
The intelligent fool will condemn more than their self. . .and we are a fool for even following. . .assisting. . .
Though no harm came. . .still. . . we knew it was foolish from the start. . .but our lives are worth less than his pride. . .it seems. . .

Yet planning planning, where is it to be?
Will it be nice. . .the pond and stars? Or another place?
I will have to talk to her. . .my princess. . .stars or lights. . .both are nice. . .

Harlequin. . .harlequin. . .changer of face. . .do a dance for me and show me your grace. . .
Smile and laugh, make friends or foes, tell us a fib and on it goes. . .
Truth unknown, an unassuming guess, what is the aim of this dreaded contest?

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2024, 07:54:36 AM »
Confusion and chaos. . .angry mobs. . .one starts. . .others continue. . .
It's a joke, a poor play. . . a rendition paraded by fools. . .with no end in sight. . .
But what should we do about it? Anything? No. . .we were told to hide, so we will take out things and do just that. . .

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, if all keep taking then everyone will be blind and hungry. . .*a comical scribble of a mouse with cheese*

Though, it's not cheese people are after, maybe? Is it?
Large goblin bat kills devil, then coins fall down and kill bat. . .now the bat is back? And. . .brought friends? And is killing all. . .even those which are not coins? But why. . .?
Must not be cheese, it is not tasty enough to fight over like this.

So. . .what is reason, just anger? Revenge for revenge? But. . .revenge should not involve strangers. . .no? Maybe am not understanding words again. . .
Puzzle, puzzle. . .
A mystery. . .a curiosity. . .but a dangerous one. . .how do we find out the strands in this web?
After all, we are a coin. . .but one in a pile. . .

So curious. . .but not foolish. . .return to hiding. . .wait for the strong to deal with. . .it's what we were told to do. . .so we must. . . .

Why do other have wings? Can. . .we not have them too?
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2024, 03:55:03 AM »
We are told it is safe. . .but is it? Is it really?
Upon these words we moved back to camp to look, hesitantly. . .and then ventured out. . .
With many did we go, to explore ruins and lost places, covered in sand. . .

But the kenders. . .or is it hin here? It confuses us what they are, but one thing we know is they are still thieves. . .
Sneaking by while dealing with threats. . .taking things unearned. . . then somehow vanishing without a trace as if by unknown magics. . .but. . .all saw them. . .as they ignored all.
Sneaky sneak. . .you were seen. . .

But it is not for us to find them, no the others will . . .so they said in their anger. . .

None like being cheated when their lives are on the line.

But we have been told to continue on, gathering, making, finding things. Our task is to create it seems.
Though, chiding words are left at camp for others, threatening to light flames once more by a fool. . .no consideration for anything but their own childish amusement. . .

But, the sparks were captured perhaps, and handed to one who might put them out. Or will they? It is uncertain. . .

Patience. . .we are told, have patience. . .wait more, longer. . .
So hungry. . .

This is stupid. . .
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 09:41:48 AM by Janarah »
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2024, 07:46:22 AM »
Rumors. . .tales. . .fantasies?
One of a friend being dead, yet he is alive. . .fleeing, hiding, running away. . .
Another bit of some twisted gossip of untruth told by a gargoyle with the mind of a slug, and manners to fit. . .
Lies, that is what comes from its mouth. . .always twisted truth, exaggerated assumptions which bear little mention of reason or honesty. . .

Why do we even listen to it, when nothing that comes from it's baited bad breath is real? Nothing which comes from that ophous ever rings true or sensible. . .so why listen to it when it is only going to cry wolf over and over simply to gain attention?

We shall ignore it from now on, as there is no reason to give weight to it's words. How is it that others have not noticed that it constantly spreads falsehoods about anything it see's or hears?
It is only a gargoyle after all. . .

Were it not skilled in fighting, it would have no use or value, would it?

Still, the silver tongue was supposedly dead by it's own hand; yet, it returns, so the rumor was false.
Much like what the gargoyle said of us, it was not what it heard, it was simply making things up. . .just like with silver tongue. . .perhaps. . .the gargoyle needs it's tongue removed?

Where is our other? She has been absent for some time now. . .has another abandoned us. . .perhaps. . .he was right?
Are we fated to be abandoned by all friends and lovers. . .this. . .spawn of Beshaba. . .is that what we are?
Was he right?
Are we to end up alone. . .?

Allow the rain to fall away, dancing on the leaves and prancing every day. . .
Trickling rivers of of salty red. . .
Running, hiding, vanishing. . .or dead?
Is it accidents, or a twist of fate. . .
A life one is living, none able to relate. . .

Yet along this lofty shore, shall we walk, gazing fondly down upon our reflection in these tepid waters. . .
Is it the reality?
Or just another forgotten dream drifting on the edges of a nightmare?
Are we alone or with ones we might call friend or lover?
And what of the rain turning cold, this steam freezing over?
Does time halt in place as well when these seasons constantly change. . .
Better or worse. . .it is unknown. . .
Is it fate. . .or just the winds soft moan?
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #30 on: February 09, 2024, 12:43:23 AM »
Training new. . .a den of rats. . .but mostly silence and chaos. . .
Can this be done? Can I do it. . .?
Uncertainty. . .piles up like the rain throughout the day. . .damp, soggy, and unending. . .

And now we are meant to search out another rat perhaps? Do we have the right type of cheese?
Yet there is no truth to be found, naught but a lie wrapped in more lies with that one. . .but we have to be useful. . .

Do as we are told. . .

And what if we fail. . .will we be deemed useless. . . abandoned again. . .tossed aside like always?

What even is truth any more. . .? Everyone lies. . .everyone has secrets. . .as if the world would collapse once they were known. . .but will it?

Be good, keep the secrets you know, follow orders. . .

Do what we are told. . .

This is stupid. . .

« Last Edit: February 10, 2024, 01:03:40 AM by Janarah »
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #31 on: February 10, 2024, 11:54:15 AM »
*various notes and scribbles in elven in a separate book.*

On smelting - By Belia Te'len

On the principles of making dark steel:
The properties of dark steel has a shocking touch to it. The iron ore must washed first in a strong type of acid, it is appropriate to use old scrag intestines or black pudding slime. Then the metal must be charged with lightning, usually the dust from willow wisps, liquid from fog warden eyes, or the crushed remains of appropriate golem cores can fill this roll. Be mindful, weaker components will lack the appropriate level of strength to accurately clean and charge the metal while smelting. The metal itself should turn out from the smelter with a slightly sparking quality which can shock to the touch, caution is advised when forging to avoid injury. It may be possible to use stronger materials for a more ideal outcome; however, the components needed are currently unknown on one part. It has been said that aboleth bile can create a stronger acidic compound; but, whether or not the metal can hold up is unknown. It may be advisable to attempt a stronger more charged version of dark steel using red steel ore, as the properties of the metal seem more enduring. The missing component is of course the lightning component, as a reagent has yet to be discovered by myself or from others.

Reagents to process:
Scrag intestines, black pudding
Willow wisp dust, fog warden eyes, golem cores
Iron ore

On the principles of brass:
Brass is a fairly simple alloy to make, the copper must be smelted first and cleansed of impurities before adding in the component of zinc. This will allow for a smoother mixing of the two metals. The alloy itself seems to be more effective against local wildlife, though the reason why is still a mystery to me. If we examine the chief properties of copper against fey then it could be assumed that animals may somehow share some relations to fey, though this is just a guess based on the properties of the initial components.

Reagents to process:
copper ingot
zinc ore

On the principles of artificer's brass:
Once you have completed the process of making brass one can further alter it's properties by grinding down and adding in golem cores to the alloy mixture. This changes the properties of the alloy to be more effective against golems, whether for protection or offense. The cores themselves must add some component which further alters the alloy making it more in line with the golems themselves, perhaps similar to the hardness of metals or stones versus one another.

Reagents to process:
Brass ingot
Golem core

There are other alloys, such as the creation of bronze which requires copper and tin, or the formation of steel which requires reforging iron under a higher heat with coal, but they hold minimal significance other than base materials for practice with smelting and forging. All other materials so far are simply a matter of heat to time ratio; though I have heard about rare metals which possibly require other components, but others are either ignorant or secretive about the truth of them, or perhaps they are too rare for any accurate assessment.
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #32 on: February 13, 2024, 12:02:11 AM »
Two nights of sleep, peaceful, warm. . .sleep.
Is it odd? Weird? Just to lay there, one by one?
Perhaps this how things should have been with others, calm, quiet, comforting. . .

But when he learns the real you. . .you'll see how he turns away. . .or tries to slay you. . .

No, it's fine. . .isn't it?
I'll just keep my secrets. . .this time. . .
I can manage that much. This time.

He'll do as the others, you'll see. . .just give it a few nights. . .and then it will be apparent. . .

No, he is kind. He listens.

You're just another tool to be used. . .you'll see foolish girl

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2024, 03:32:47 AM »
*a loose page sketch tucked into the journal, simply labeled 'please'*

Warm waters. . .and gentle embrace. . .
Are we to tempt fate or look face to face?
When that fire burns brightest inside. . .will it die out. . .
Or will it consume leaving ashes and embers for naught. . .

Tracing your hair, a moment found. . .
Will there be more. . .or will loss abound?

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2024, 01:06:28 AM »
Trio . . .stay out of trouble. . .behave. . .
But. . .we don't want to. . .

Walking walking. . .yet not a space to hold. . . all occupied by those who aren't around?
But, one day something will show. . .

Still, if that day comes, will there be anyone to take it? Or will history repeat. . .over and over. . .a looping cycle. . .?
Today had spiders. . .and rare things found, but none for me, they held not interest. Yet before. . .a castle of curses. . .
Is this what life is to be? A constant chase for coin and things. . .
There isn't even any joy to be found in alchemy any longer. . .it's become too easy. . .dull. . . like a rusted surgeons blade, blunted by time. . .
Can it still be used to cut I wonder?

Yet, threats loom. . .students students. . .listen clear. . .let the fools hold their fate lest it consume you and leave naught but tears. . .
What is best in life? Your chase after your monsters?
When what is most precious is right in front of you, but you tear it all to shreds, like a weather worn page left tossing along the ground. . .
But there is naught I can do. . .what can one do in the face of true power and horror? Run. . .hide. . . like a rabbit avoiding the wolf. . .

I have given all the words I can, there is no action to take when I have my own worries. . .
After all, I will not sacrifice my own life if someone else plays the fool.

Mistress of webs. . .spin me a tale. . .
Trap your flies. . .and scratch your nails. . .
Will history repeat. . .or will the cycle fail. . .
Only time will tell. . .

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2024, 10:53:48 AM »
*The latest sketch is simply labeled 'A future unrealized, yet hopeful'. The entry accompanying it is as such:*

Possibilities for two, joining a family anew.
Still there is time and trials ahead, but what of the others? One has fled, and others may vanish. . .
Is there a shadow looming over all. . .was he right? Is it a cursed existence of misfortune. . .what if. . .it is me?
Beshaba. . .? Cursed spawn? Is it my own existence which pulls troubles this way. . .?

It's others own fault, their troubles are their own. Listen not to their words. . .and let them fall of their own accord, it is only us that matter.

But, we will protect our own things. . .they are ours after all, so we must look after them. A sword must be taken care of, carefully oiled and maintained. . .after all.

What of caring? What is that. . .if it is not useful to me. . .should I still feel something?

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2024, 11:13:26 AM »
What is this utter chaos? Told you so. . .
Is it me? Are we the ones causing this misfortune simply by existing?

it is their own actions leading to this, not ours. Let them reap the consequences, tis not our affair unless they force us.
Is there even a way for us to help. . .or would it harm?

Red eyes. . .red neck. . .
Red rings, marking left. . .secrets revealed. . .a path to ruin. . .
But there is nothing we can do. . .not without making it worse. . .
We will skin him alive. . .if he is not careful with what is ours. . .

What of the priest?
What about him?
He is overly kind. . .will he sacrifice everything for ones who might just toss everything away again?

Will things all crash down. . .as they always do? Will it be soft like snow. . .or slick, dirty, and hard. . .like a landslide in the rain coming down a mountain?
Chaos. . .disorder. . .destruction. . .
It's wonderful!
It's annoying!
It's confusing. . .and unmanageable. . .we should hide away. . .since we cannot run now. . .unless we go alone. . .

And what is wrong with that?
We have always been alone. . .
Am tired of being alone. . .left alone. . .abandoned. . .tossed aside. . .

Maybe. . .we should find more power. . .then. . .we could. . .

*the rest of the page is spattered in blood*
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2024, 11:52:12 PM »
*This last entry, along with the sketches, were passed on to Torin and Vestor, Belia's apprentices. The other remains of her journal apparently went with her. . .lost in the mists.*

"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #38 on: March 19, 2024, 02:10:34 PM »
Stupid . . .Stupid. . .Stupid. . .
Why are we trying to even fix this?
It's my job, it has to be done. . .so that am useful. . .

You should just get rid of the problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. . .
We have to follow orders. . .don't we?

Do we? Why?

They dragged you back into this, and he put you in charge of this mess; but, that doesn't mean we can't deal with it in our own way.
Maybe. . .what should we do?

First you -

*apparently the entry was interrupted, and left unfinished. Tucked in behind the entry seems to be a note.*

« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 02:30:14 PM by Janarah »
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
  • ***
  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2024, 12:56:30 PM »
All left behind. . .not even an answer given. . .
They didn't really care, why should we worry about it?
New company, we need to make sure we do things right. . .
Make sure that dwarf knows to keep his nose out of trouble!

Yeah. Licence. . .permit. . .friends. . .
No more of this secret, hidden, bull.
All we have to do is comply and act appropriately, and it will grow over time into a home.

A real family? A new beginning?

Silver Tortoise . . .
Silver Tortoise?
Silver Tortoise!

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 01:06:30 PM by Janarah »
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2024, 04:49:58 AM »
Betrayal? Is that what has happened?
Yes, betrayal. Told you it would happen. All of that brother and sister nonsense, it was all a lie.
They lied? Oh. . .of course. . .just like with the Gargoyle. . .or maybe it was her. . .she always hates everyone. . .even those that try to help her.
Always a lie. They tricked you good. And now you will be punished . . .

Tricksy. . .tricksy. . .all of them. . .
None of them are satisfied until they destroy everything. You already seen them act that way.
Oh, right. . .his plan. . . it all makes sense now. . .he was after us all along. . .
It was just a set up to begin with, it was their plan all along! The sneaky one . . .or is it. . .the leading one?

Ruined. . .ruined. . .ruined. . .
What is the point? With friends like them we may as well just give up. . .told you! Told you they would get you!
But, they let us leave. . .why? Why let us go. . .just to do this?
Next they'll blame us . . .even though it was them who set this all up. . .humans. . .they're all scum.

We'll just go away, back. ..deeper in. . .and not get dragged back out. Tricks won't reach us deep in the fog. . in the mist. . .not theirs anyway. . . right?
Patience then, when have the chance. . .we will leave. . .we know the way. . .
Yes. . .we know the way, we know . . .there's no point after this, none can be trusted other than mine. . . but, can all of them? What if it's him?
Trust. . . trusting. . .broken. . .just like the others we trusted. . .is it?
Yes, leave these traitors to their own tricks, let them play them on eachother. Traitors!
Yes, we should leave. . .we can trust ourselves. . .self. . our. . .we. . .how long. . .until we can leave?
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 212
Re: A nightmare escaped - paradise lost or paradise gained - Belia Te'len
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2024, 08:33:18 AM »
Drip drop. . .drip drop. . .drip drop. . .
Did he really ask you that? In here of all places?
Yeah. . .
He must have lost what little sense was left in that thick skull.
Maybe. . .
You know what that means right?
Yeah. . .
Best to cut it free then. You explained how you felt, but he never listens. Cut it loose! It is unworthy, untrustable, unloyal.
Sure . . .

Once we are free, it will be time to close out accounts and debts. Move on, somewhere safe.
Is there somewhere safe?
No, those sick twisted ***** will continue to stalk us, twisting with words that are naught but lies and deception.We need to return to the mists.
Yeah. . .
You know they will, cat saw them creeping around our room. Spying on us during our sleeping and baths.
And there is when one used us for their gropings in the Boutique, controlling our minds like that! Why didn't that woman call the gendarme then?!
They don't care about us. . .is why. . .and she hates elves like everyone else. . .
But they like demon worshiping cultists that eat people? It's not like that is some secret about the man.
Yeah. . .
Just be patient, we'll be able to go, sooner or later, right? Put this all behind us and vanish away.
It's the only way. We must go elsewhere, somewhere that they cannot pursue without risk of perishing eternally.
Yeah. . .sure. . .

« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 08:36:20 AM by Janarah »
"Life is full of mysteries, why can I not be one myself?"
Current: Rabbit/ Kalis
Shelved mostly: Sudhri / Atlantia / Radriel/ Herophile Sybil/ Lliannia/ Belia
Closured (dead or other): Marius/ Calous/ Ellana/ Radu/ Ania/ Anica/ Olath