Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeJanuary 13th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31lJanuary 9th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31i
BE YE WARNED! The Red Vardo Traders of Vallaki, in conjunction with the Illustrious Guild Exostra warmly welcome you to experience their Carnival of Capaciousness!Try your hand at a myriad of exciting games and challenges where prizes of untold mystique and prestige await YOU to claim them! Imbibe a wide selection of beverages to both delight and embolden your senses! Admission to an event such as this would surely command an exorbatant entry fee, but all entry has been PAID by the event hosts to ensure all may partake in the revelry!*Join us, one and all, on Saturday, the 17th of February, 779 at the majestic CARNIVAL HALL located in Vallaki's warehouse district. Consider yourself WARNED! Attending this magnificent Carnival may forever raise thine expectations of what revelry should feel like and cause future attempts at merrymaking to fall short of desire.*While admission is free, there will be a nominal charge for games, drinks, or other activities hosted by third party providers.
Caliban and other exceptional individuals will be permitted, provided they are in good standing with the garda and as long as they travel through the city only at dusk or dawn, remaining covered from the citizens of Vallaki.