New Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemNew Looking for DM (LFDM) ModeSeptember 6th, 2024 - Server updated to version 2.30sSeptember 2nd, 2024 - Server updated to version 2.30r
Fight Night at the Timely GetawayWelcome to Fight Night at the Timely Getaway, put on by the Golden Shilling. Come for a night of drinking, gambling and fighting, this Friday, the 23rd. //Doors open at 5pm EST Entry fee of a thousand solars.Fight Rules:1) No weapons, no armour. These fights will be bare knuckled afairs. 2) No magic, no potion, nothing but you and your opponent. Fighters will be required to submit to a dispelling before taking the stage.3) Any and all in attendance may be challenged. Refusing a challenge carries a 1500solar penalty to the Getaway. 500 to the Challenger, 500 to the prize pot, 500 to the Getaway.4) The fighter with the most wins at the end of the night wins 50% of the pot (minimum of 10,000 solars), Second 25% (minimum of 5,000), Third 12.5% (minimum of 2,500). Bonus prizes will be awarded to the best fight of the night.5) Any injuries are the resonsibility of the combatant, permament injuries and/or killing your opponent will be punished.