A musty journal buried deep in the mountain written by a twisted creature who peered briefly into the mind of a solitary Urndlikr Tjorn, Jasper Boulderkin. The telling is disjointed and fractured. Taking place shortly before he died and then was reformed. He speaks of this Dwarf's mind as jarring and intense. The reverberation of his thoughts resonating violently for many days after.
"Rage. Dark and pitiful rage. The long halls pulsed and tightened with the sound of dense steel shod boots clamoring towards some forgotten end. The blood pounding amplified everything and sweat poured from him until his back was thick with it. Something stirred, something horrific: A rotting clawed thing with tentacles that twitched sporadically. It lumbered and lurched, probing the halls for any sign of what came. He could feel it, scratching madly at the sides of his mind, desperately prodding at the life that was locked inside. He shared its lust, its hatred, the arrogance that furiously gashed at his skull.
There was then nothing, so focused on his hate he could barely feel the weight of the beech in his hand. He was near it now, a hazy form drifting in unreal motion. Strange lights danced on his flesh, and yellow fire raced along the walls.
Dense weight was crashing into his head…...
“Was it a rock?” he thought in a barely perceived whisper.
The creature leered “Give in. Heel thrall.”
The command did nothing but bend his nose. Eyes bloodshot and streaming tears, he brought his axe to bare. Purple dead blood splattered his snarling face and the creature screamed. Not in vanity or superiority but in horrific end, its writhing damned mass battering the walls and tearing at the stone. Kin-Child had bitten its neck and now was drinking. It looked up in defiance for a brief moment but swiftly a boot came down upon its skull. A sickening wet sound followed and the beech was in his hand again as something scampered away.
Rage, dark and pitiful once more took him. The long halls pulsed and tightened, his heartbeat pounding in his skull.
The sound slowly drifted as the passage stretched. Pressure and heat consumed him.
“How long?” The thought was fleeting as the black rock gave way into more nightmares.
The sunlight then assaulted his eyes as he crashed outside. Blood was everywhere, streaming in great cascades all around. Rent and open like hungry mouths starving and desperate for satiation he stumbled into the soft moss below a tree and drank greedily from the creek that ran beside it. A fitful, twitchy rest fell upon him and like an animal he sank into the dark dream that was his mind."