Author Topic: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***  (Read 3360 times)


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*** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« on: January 02, 2022, 09:36:40 PM »
[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

The Order of Virtue comes to you with a request for aid.

We have been informed of the wicked goings on of a cursed Necromancer, sited in the crypts below Valaki. He is in possession of one - Or several, cursed mirrors, in which he invites people to sit before. These mirrors then appear to consume those individuals as happened in the case of a local Gnomish resident, well known for his rapid speech.

We urge no-one to consult with this necromancer, and under no circumstances to stare into any of these mirrors. While the one in the crypts was consumed in the incident, we have located others within the surrounds.

If anyone has any information on this man, sightings of him, or any news of any arcane mirrors, they are urged to contact any member of our order, or Sister Perendra, who may be recongised by her white cloak, depicting bound hands tied with red cord.

Any information, no matter how small may be invaluable to our undoing this vile monster before he commits worse acts.

On a brighter note, we wish to publically laud the Free Merchant's Collective, whom have chosen to support our order. Without the support of good noble folk such as they, we would find it much harder to do the great work. We shall stand with them, as they have with us.

Lastly, the Order of Virtue seeks contact with a representative of the Church of Ezra, as we believe we have much in common. Seek us out, so we may align our work.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2022, 06:09:38 AM »

[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

I bring you good news.

Let it be known that, at cost, the monsters that roam your nights have suffered two grevious blows at the hands of good minded folk.

The Vampire, Kavlas, a fallen arcanist, known for the red mist of death and his many sired offspring, has finally been destroyed. In the end he saw the truth of his nature. Many were wounded and some greviously injured in the quest to bring this beast to an end, in particular our prayers go to Remus, whose sight was stolen.

I also bring word from Ser Nishan, Knight of the Thyme, that another monster, Halrick the Great, Scourge of the Wastes, has likewise been bested in a series of bloody skirmishes. This vaillent endevour could not have been completed without the support of an unknown Gnomish mage, whose bravery ensured the so called Death Knight, will say destroyed.

Take heart, people of Barovia. As the Morninglordians may say, - Dawn is coming.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2022, 12:43:02 PM »

[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

We are seeking news of a one-eyed Raven, thought to possss a malicious agenda. This bird has been frequntly seen acting in an unnatural fashion. The Order would welcome any news of its owner, or wearabouts.

Any information should be delivered to any member of the order or 'Weyland' a white haired man and reputable monster hunter.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2022, 04:58:19 PM »

[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that Olivia Willoway, Knight of the Ivy, has been chosen to speak on behalf of the Order of Virtue on all matters pertaining to the Valaki Guarda. Her voice is our own her word is our bond.

Let it also be known, that Saira Khamavant, Knight of the Edelweiss, has departed on a personal quest. Her light shall be most sorely missed in these dark times.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2022, 03:45:51 PM »

[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

I come before you with news. Another wretched vampire stalks the local region. He calls himself 'Olivarius'.

This vampire appears to be a male human, with unnatural pale skin, black hair, and an unremarkable local accent. He holds himself with the bearing and manner of nobility, but such things are a vile lie to cover up his nature as a blood sucking villian.

This vampire is possessed of pride and self import, making demands and seeking tribute, its sinful pride may be a weakness. It also favours the form of the bat, which it uses to retreat, but like as not also to spy. Be wary of such creatures.

Know too, that this undead is in league with what has been termed a 'Were-Crocodile', an exotic animalistic beast, that appears either as a seemingly ordinary man, or a twisted green monster of many teeth, with an obsession of consuming the flesh of the deadd - Or the living. This misshapen creature cowers in the service of Olivarius, and seeks sto provide it tribute, though the vampire offers it no love nor loyalty in return.

If you have news or sightings of either of these creatures, send word to the Order. If you intent to fight these creatures, we will stand by you.

Know this Olivarious. You are nothing before the light, and your ashes will burn in the daylight.

Lastly, the Order summons the woman known as 'Sabrina' to appear before us. Though we can not and will not compell her to do so, her presence is required. Seek us out -And with haste.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2022, 04:54:10 PM by JustMonika »


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2022, 04:49:56 AM »

[More flyers, intended for Valaki & Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

Today I come before you with joyus news!

As of this day forth, Allisa Liareth shall be known as Lady Allisa Liareth, Knight of the Daisy, and Sword of Liberality.

Know that she has pledged her life to drive back the darkness, to uphold virtue and denounce evil. As our numbers grow, so shall the fear of the creatures of the night.

We are also still seeking the woman known as Sabrina and urge her to come before us without delay.

Finally if anyone as any information about there were-beast, they call the Crocodile that lurks near Valaki, we would be glad to hear it.

If you are reading this Lycanthrope, know your days of consuming human flesh are numbered.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.
Allisa Liaretth - Knight of the Daisy, Sword of Liberality.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2022, 01:09:48 PM »
[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts]


Good people of this land!

The Vampire Olivarius, whom the Order of Virtue has warned of before, continues to stalk the land. Beware this creature, as he is a user of dark magics of fire, acid and mind control.

Yet beware also his poisoned tongue. Olivarius is a creature that works in schemes and plots. Those who break curfew to bandy words with him in the outskirts be warned that you play into his hands. Be mindful that you allow him a forum to work his craft of intrigue.

Turn your backs on this shell of a once mortal man. Pity his suffering, and his blindness to it, but never forget that he is a creature of hunger and the night. Let not his presence in the vicinity of the city end up being a thing tolerated and accepted, so making his machinations all the more easy for him to practice.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.
Allisa Liaretth - Knight of the Daisy, Sword of Liberality.


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2022, 04:45:08 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

It is with deep sadness I write to you today.

Acastus Kolya, of the Valaki Guarda has informed us that we are held in contempt of the Count's Law - That of not rasing an 'Army' within Barovia.

We have been given a period of three days to absent ourselves from Barovia, swear oaths, or be executed, the last of these three days being today.

While I have searched my soul long and hard, the oaths we were asked to swear are incompitable with my own, and so the Celebration of Life and Love held today marks the end of the Orders presence in Barovia.

Ladies Esmerelda, Tessara, and Allisa will have already left the Count's domain by the time you read this message. Lady Olivia is missing, Lady Saria is questing in another realm, and Ser Nishan will no doubt add his own words soon.

Know it is with a heavy heart we leave you, and your beautiful realm. Know, we have appealed to the good Burgomaster of Valaki, for mercy and compromise in these difficult times.

We will continue our fight against the creatures of the night, but we shall do so away from the Country of Barovia, until such time as our presence is one day welcomed again.

I urge you not to forget us. Not to forget each other.

Spread love, and be kind.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness. - Missing
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.
Allisa Liaretth - Knight of the Daisy, Sword of Liberality.


  • Society of the Erudite
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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2022, 09:25:23 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven. This time however, the handwriting is shaky]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known we have won victories over the night.

Our search for the newly turned vampire  Adrianna Adamachi bore fruit, and a foul nest of vampires was turnd to ash and dust at our hands.

This victory did not go unfollowed, as the corpse of a young woman was recovered from the vile bloodsucker, Cezar Von Korvich, his underlings slain and his magic, stolen from him.

Know that while the vampires are a powerful foe, who fight with strength and lie, they can be opposed, and they can be killed!

We ask anyone who wishes to aid us in our struggle against these creatures, either the spawn of the Von Korvich bloodline, or the rogue Olivarius, to send word to our Order at Midway Haven. We ask no risk of you, only what aid and information you give.

Know, Cezar, that your temptations have failed. Your lies fall on deaf ears.

Like Isabella, you will soon be naugth but ashes and dust.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Allisa Liaretth - Knight of the Daisy, Sword of Liberality.
Tessara - Knight of the Sage, Sword of Humility.
Nishan Tarset - Knight of the Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.
Saria Khamavant - Knight of the Edelweiss, Sword of Patience - Questing.
Olivia Willoway - Knight of the Ivy, Sword of Kindness. - Missing


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2023, 04:57:13 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that I am searching for information on four individuals that threaten the innocent.

The Dollmaker, a Lamordian woman with the mind of a child, known to have an affinity for animating dolls and corpses to commit barbaric acts.
The Cat-Killer, a half human half catlike creature, rumored to be guilty of breaking into homes and basements and attacking with savage fury and human cunning.
The Blood Knight, a vicious vampire that speaks only in Balok, that consorts with fiends and wields a glowing blade and crimson armour.
The Artist, a creature of the night who stalks her victims and paints portraits of them which she forces captive audiences to witness in the sewers beneath the city.

You will find me staying at the Blue Water Inn, in Valaki, or you may know me by my silver hair, and red and white colours.

Make no mistake creatures of the night, because I know you can read this. I shall find you and I am not afraid.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2023, 07:18:33 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that I am seeking a squire. Should there be one amidst you wishing to take the first steps on the path of a knight, I would be willing to speak on such.

I require only that you have good heart, good intentions, and are welcomed in Valaki.

Together, we will drive back the dark.

Know also that I am seeking singers, dancers, and music for an upcoming festival and those capable of working with wood.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2023, 06:42:03 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven. The handwriting is noticeably far more shakey than it used to be.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that the evil known as the DOLLMAKER. Has been vanquished.

She was a broken woman, bent on making everyone else suffer for the tragic and accidental death of her daughter, Anasta. Operating from a cabin near Lake Zarovich, she sent her twisted and tortured creations, to kidnap, maim and murder the good citizens of Valaki.

Let it be known they shall trouble you no more. Her dolls have been destroyed, and she has been slain while resisting capture, where if she had surrendered she would have been taken to the Guarda to see trial and justice for her crimes against you. Now instead she lies buried in an unmarked grave.

This deed was accomplished by many other good adventurers than myself, including the knight, Ser Livu Dhendras, who risked her life to save mine.

Read this and tremble, foul creatures. Your number shrinks. It will shrink further. One by one you will be banished to the blackness, and with every victory the people of this land grow stronger.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2023, 02:48:00 PM »
[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven. The handwriting is noticeably far more shakey than it used to be.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that another has joined to the Order of Virtue. Though many of our number are missing or on distant quests, those who would stand against the darkness and defend the people of Valaki from the evil in the dark grow!

From this day, Ser Livu Dhendras, she who risked her life to slay the Dollmaker, stands as a member of our order.

Henceforth she shall be Ser Livu Dhendras, Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Livu Dhendras - Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2023, 02:15:55 PM »

[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven. The handwriting is noticeably far more shakey than it used to be.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known as reported in the Valaki Review, that the Dollmaker did return from her defeat. An animated corpse doll, bent on vengence did attempt to assail those responsible for it's demise.

Let it also be known that the abomination and all its creations are utterly destroyed.

Special thanks to Aegis Tale for the part he played. Many other heroic individuals also took part, defying the darkness.

No trickery. No unlife. No minions. There is Nothing that will protect you, monsters.

Let it also be known the Vampire, Bella, otherwise known as 'The Artist', was present, and in league with the vile creature, attempting to protect it from rightous judgement, and she was banished in agony to naught but mist for her transgresions. This creature may pretend civility, but such is a lie. Do not believe the word of vampires.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Livu Dhendras - Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2023, 03:57:46 PM »
[Flyers, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven. The handwriting is slowly improving once more]


Good people of this land!

The Order of Virtue seeks one known as 'Seraphim'. This individual is a male, with an Invidian Accent. He is well spoken, and often charming. His hair is short and dark, cut above the shoulder, and his skin pale. He has been seen often around Valaki, and often in the Broken Bell.

Stories have been heard that paint him in a poor light. The Order seeks the truth of these stories. If you have witnessed this man, if you have spoken to him, or know where he might be found, send word to Esmerelda at the Blue Water. We seek no rumor, but only those with evidence.

Better still, Seraphim, if you read this seek us out, and let the truth be known from thine own lips.

Hide not in the shadows, for;

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.
Livu Dhendras - Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2023, 01:58:22 AM »
This position has been filled

Spoiler: show

A posting placed on the Vallaki noticeboards,. featuring elegant script writing:

Good people of the land!
Know that I, Ser Livu Dhendras, doth seek a squire for service to the Light!

As the threats the lands face gather, so too must the Light.  A prospective candidate must be of even temperament, good standing in the eyes of the land, and a will to stand up to and defeat the evils of the land.

Thou may seeketh mineself in Vallaki, or leave a message to me at the Lady's Rest Inn, with the proprietoress Bianca.

Join thy sword with mine, such that we may together proclaim:

Light Prevails!

The Order of Virtue
Ser Esmeralda Namarra, Knight of the Rose, Sword of Diligence
Ser Livu Dhendras, Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 11:03:00 AM by Maiyannah »
Emmanuelle Skyshard - Ezran escapee from Hazlan
Livu Olmstead - First Watcher of Helm

Renee le Serrurier - scholar and adventurer


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2023, 04:26:41 PM »

[This old flyer has been recirculated, with minor additions, left in Vallaki and the Outskirts, and Midway Haven.]


Good people of this land!

Let it be known that I am seeking a squire. Should there be one amidst you wishing to take the first steps on the path of a knight, I would be willing to speak on such.

I require only that you have good heart, good intentions, and are welcomed in Valaki.

Together, we will drive back the dark.

Let it also be known we welcome into our Order Silventia Tacita. Henceforth she may be known as the Squire of Vigilance. May she serve Ser Livu well.

Light Prevails!

Esmerelda Namarra - Knight of the Rose, Sword of Dilligence.


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2023, 07:06:11 PM »

[A flyer is circulated, left on the noticeboard in Vallaki's Outskirts.]


In the Name of Ilmater the Wise,
Ilmater the Merciful,
Ilmater the Enduring,

Let it be known that I am seeking to take on a squire. Should there be any who wish to answer the call of duty and service to the innocent and weak amidst the Order of Virtue, let us speak. Ilmater willing we will bring hope and ease suffering, together.

I can be reached by letter at Midway Haven or the Vallaki Municipal Hospice. Note, duty ties me to Vallaki so a squire must be welcome there.

Mercy Bless.

Brother Nishan Tarset - Knight of Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.

((Posted IG))


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Re: *** Announcements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2023, 11:52:07 AM »
[A flyer is circulated, left on the noticeboard in Vallaki's Outskirts.]

Good people of this land!

Let it be known that Ser Gregorio di Fossanova of the Order of the Sacred Rose has agreed to stand with as trusted ally, and emissary of his order to the Order of Virtue. We are honoured by the trust and friendship offered by the Order of the Sacred Rose.

So do the bonds of those who stand righteous against the darkness of night grow ever tighter. Light Prevails!

Nishan Tarset - Knight of Thyme, Sword of Abstience
Livu Dhendras - Knight of the Amaranth, Sword of Vigilance.

((Posted IG))


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Re: *** Anouncements from the Order of Virtue ***
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2024, 04:18:33 PM »
[A flyer is circulated, left on the noticeboard in Vallaki's Outskirts.]


In the Name of Ilmater the Wise,
Ilmater the Merciful,
Ilmater the Enduring,

Let it be known that I am seeking to take on a squire. Should there be any who wish to answer the call of duty and service to the innocent and weak in the tradition of the Order of Virtue, let us speak. Ilmater willing we will bring hope and ease suffering, together.

I can be reached by letter at Midway Haven or the Vallaki Municipal Hospice. Note, duty ties me to Vallaki so a squire must be welcome there.

Mercy Bless.

Brother Nishan Tarset - Knight of Thyme, Sword of Abstinence.

((Posted IG))