[tidily printed flyers are distributed around the Keep of the Dyad, Port-a-Lucine and Midway Haven. They are prepared both in the Trade Tongue and the local language, be it Dementlieuse or Balok]

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome, to the
Red Vardo Traders’
Dragonfly Emporium!
Are you looking for a peaceful crafting hall where to conduct your business, or a network of expert craftsmen to deliver just the goods you were looking after?
Fret no longer and leave a message for us in Warehouse 2, Quartier Marchand, Port-a-Lucine!
We are also looking for suppliers and additional craftsmen who would like to join our network.
The place is equipped with a bar and will open regularly in the coming days.
Come visit!

Red Vardo Traders — Dementlieu, Port-á-Lucine Branch