Author Topic: Baldur's Bones Night!  (Read 532 times)


  • Undead Slayer
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  • Posts: 219
  • No shame in weakness, only in its denial.
Baldur's Bones Night!
« on: December 13, 2023, 08:21:43 PM »
Notices placed up in their usual areas, finely written.


~ Gold & Gossamer ~

Join us Decembre 21st at the Gold and Gossamer for a chance to relax and shake off the burdens of the day to day. A selection of wines and other beverages will be on hand, as well as the bartender's specialty drink of Knijpse and potentially something more interesting. We are located under the Mutinied Sailor, under the Quarter Marchand.

We will as well be hosting a night of Baldur's Bones for those interested! The matches will have a 500 solar buy in, with the last person standing takes the pot! See you there!

The observant eye would notice this notice is different than before.

5PM EST, under the mutinied sailor. Sometimes the door resets to get in so be patient!

Rules for those unfamiliar

Each player puts the agreed ante in the pot
Each player rolls three dice. Play then proceeds clockwise around the table, with the host of the game going last
On their turn, a player can choose to "stand" or "roll." If the player stands, the next player can take a turn. A player who rolls takes an additional die and rolls it. If the total of their dice exceeds 21, they "bust" and are out of the game. Otherwise, they can keep rolling additional dice until they either stand or break
After everyone has had a turn, the highest point total (excluding players who busted) wins the game and takes the pot
« Last Edit: December 19, 2023, 10:28:48 PM by CrazedElkPie »
Characters Closured:
Thane Ljot Solvor, the Skald

Active Characters:
Anisa' the Medjai


  • Undead Slayer
  • ***
  • Posts: 219
  • No shame in weakness, only in its denial.
Re: Baldur's Bones Night!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2023, 11:58:43 AM »
A new day and a new notice put up
Characters Closured:
Thane Ljot Solvor, the Skald

Active Characters:
Anisa' the Medjai