Simona was always a creature of deep fascination. Although the topic of interest would change and shift, as she grew with age, the behavior and mannerisms she exhibited while nurturing this obsession, didn't.
Simona's first obsession was death. Or perhaps, the feeling of dread that surrounded it. Being a barovian youth, she'd attended many funerals within her lifespan. She'd observe the tears streaming from the cheeks of the remaining survivors. And although she observed it, she didn't quite fathom it. She'd replicate the motion, once she was told this was the societal expectation, but it didn't truly mean anything to her. To die, was to accept the truth that life has an end. Amongst the mortal shells of our being. It was a simple, unavoidable thing…
Stefan crept from his bed slowly…his steps timid as he ventured closer to simona… "Sim… I--."
His words stuttered for quite some time. Simona stared back at him silently. She didn't move to hide her creature, her actions. She didn't race to defend herself. She stood there silently, her beady eyes staring at him as she observed his reaction. "You..You need to give that to me." he swallowed something, making a motion to the animal corpse.
"Is it owed to you?" she asked the question softly within the night. In a fluid motion her body rose, her legs finding the strength to stand. She cradled her abomination within her grasp like one would a ragdoll.
"...I suppose it isn't but.. Simona." He tried again. The floorboards creaked as she drew closer. Stefan stared at her, body remained still, slightly horrified within her wake. "...Simona.. This is not normal."
"...Is that proven?" she said simply. Walking until she stood infront of him. There was a genuine air of innocence as she peered between her brother and the mobid doll.
"...It is." he said with a deep-set frown.. Hesitantly his hands would reach out to grasp at her shoulders. At his wrist, his hand shook lightly. He mustered a smile, tightlipped and terrified. Her spoke to her with a sense of forced calmness. "...He is.. Dead. Simona.. He should be laid to rest… We need to dispose of him… now before Mother sees."
"I know he is dead." she quipped with an obvious air. Her eyes narrowed, casual despite his apparent frightful nature. "It has been proven. He was missing several vital organs. He does not appear to be breathing, either. That is a fact." she nodded surely.
"...Then.. why do you feel the need to." he motioned to her stitches, her grasp in which she held the creature. His eyes still quiver in apprehension.
"...Practice." is all she stated. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.
Stefan shook his head multiple times. "...You need to." he paused at the sound of footsteps. Both of their heads turned to their mother who stood in the doorway