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Author Topic: Need DM Help Accidentally Sold an item I tried to Equip!  (Read 827 times)


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Need DM Help Accidentally Sold an item I tried to Equip!
« on: November 19, 2023, 11:42:24 PM » 

HELP! Accidentally sold my Rippuruneiru gloves for 212 gold when I tried to equip them. Screenshot in link! Take 212 gold from me and give back gloves please!


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Re: Need DM Help Accidentally Sold an item I tried to Equip!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2023, 10:00:06 AM »
Hello Loki,

It's best for you to make a post here:

And then specify exactly what happened, and provide some screenshots if you can still retrieve them. There's a template for making a post there so feel free to look at that. The DM's will likely require some time to get to you, so you're best off waiting and occasionally checking the 'shouts' in game. Usually when a DM is doing work they will do a shout, you can also occasionally post in the DM chat to see if there's anyone who could help you.

But aside from that you'll probably have to be patient.
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