Old Mother Gertrude, as reclusive as she was, praised his good manners when they ate together each evening.
Else she frowned a lot, especially whenever Sister Melanie admitted that his medical studies were alright, but that he didn't show any talent to shape the weave.
"You know what this means."
"Yes, Gertrude..."
"He needs to go once he grows up. We will need to send him away. You will need part from him."
Melanie sighed, "Oh I know..."
"Don't be sad, Melanie, I can feel a ripple in the Weave about him. Hala has doomed him to a purpose, I am sure."
"Doomed?", asked Melanie concerned.
"It doesn't mean what people nowadays think it does, Melanie. But that is not your lesson to learn. Regarding yours, though..."
He had been a while in Barovia now, and this memory resurfaced.
When he took that old mantlepiece sword some inspiration awakened in him.
As if something always awaited to be released.
His tool wasn't the Athame, his was the Sword.
But to what purpose?
Until then it all had seemed a silly idea he had followed...
Childs play.
But it convinced him...
And now...
All of this...
He had started meditating, as the Sisters had taught him, in that night he stayed in the ruins of the manor. And he heard whispers.
No hauntings, no, he knew those.
A woman talked to him.
In his mind.
He didn't understand the words directly, for they were murmurs everywhere, a sound as if a finely woven cloth was moving across a meadow in spring, but he understood the revelations they taught about him.
And the Mantlepiece Blade began to shine...