Barter-based. Bronze, silver and gold Akiri coins have been discovered, however these are not minted contemporarily.
Stoneworks, bronzeworks, scroll scribing, textiles, alchemy, leatherworks
Yrp (grape wine)
Hnqt (barley beer)
Coarse Bread
Offering Bread
Lemon, Lime, Onion, Beeswax, Honey, Olive Oil, Pomegranate Molasses, Saffron, Rosemary, Lentils, Peach, Pomegranate, iron weapons and tools. Primarily Pharazian.
Papyrus, Scrolls, Jewellery, Linen, Dyes, Gypsum, Flax, Millet
99% Human: Akiri (c. 300-500), Pharazian (c. 20-100, nomadic), foreign slaves (c. 100-200).
Political System:
Theocratic Regency, with rigidly stratified castes (clergy - nobility - commoners (artisans, soldiers, farmers, miners) - slaves). Previously: Theocratic Monarchy. The Akiri society has seen a drastic decline, ever since the demise of its monarch de facto power has rested entirely in hands of remnants of priesthood and nobility.
Polytheistic, veneration of order and harmony. The pantheon of Akiri deities is typically depicted as humans with extraordinary features (animal heads, green skin, wings). There appears to be a schism between the doctrine of the temple of Muhar and oral tradition, surprisingly the latter seems to be a more objective and detailed of the two views.
Central to Akiri morality is the duality of Ma'at and Isfet: abstract concepts embodying respective harmonious order and chaotic inexistence. All Akiri are taught that to uphold Ma'at is to live well.
Akiri exhibit a strong belief in existence of the afterlife, and its quality strongly dependent on the fate of preservation of the remains of their deceased. To that end, the bodies of the deceased have their organs removed and preserved in canopic jars. The remainis are then embalmed in resins in the process of mummification.
Social norms:
Though suspicious of foreigners and highly backwards, the Akiri are permissive of most behaviours that do not endanger hydration: theft of water is the highest crime, waste of water is seen with disdain and stepping into oasis' waters is profoundly repelling.