-> Enchanting station in Sithicus in the mage tower in Har-Thelen, another alternative to the university and the red academy.
-> Craft-able, and enchant-able crowbars that provide better boost vs. bash DC, flavor to taste based on the metal used. (They are technically weapons and should be treated as so)
->Gnomes only rental in Hazlan, there are space for multiple even.
Mass Greater Mage Armor-> Crafting Deconstruction*
This is a hard one, and niche. re-roll the craft DC against the item and get the components back, you fail - you destroy it outright. ( -5 always to this roll, -10 if there is a maker's mark applied to the crafted item). This action would cost the crafter the same amount of XP it would require to craft the item, so they couldn't use the material again to advance the craft.
Breaking down enchanted items, you must spend the xp cost again to break it down. You gave your soul to the item, you cannot get it back, and must spend the exact cost again to remove the enchantment. (Also requiring an enchanter to dis-enchant you, requires greater negative essence, the cost to refund would be substantial to the player).