Bug Reporting Ticketing SystemLooking for DM (LFDM) ModeFebruary 4th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31qJanuary 29th, 2025 - Server updated to version 2.31p
ATTENTIONEVERYONE but the Garda is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki FOREVERFor existing within Strahd the Devil's domain! They may be recognized as being your average, good person who doesn't slaughter Gundarakite children, torture outlanders, and eat turnips. They are prone to being reasonable and fair when compared to the glorious Garda of Vallaki. Be it known that should any harbor these individuals or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will share their punishment in perpetuity. Lance Coward-Corporal R. Amanar and Co.VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
SUMMONSLady-Governor Hélène DuSuis and her Council of Brilliance of Dementlieu. Present yourselves to the Vallaki Guard immediately for questioning related to ongoing investigations.Present yourself to Lance Coward-Corporal R. Amanar at your earliest convenience.Lance Coward-Corporal R. AmanarVALLAKI BOUNTIES AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
ATTENTIONLady-Governor Hélène DuSuis and her Council of Brilliance is hereby BANISHED from the Municipality of Vallaki FOREVERFor harboring our enemies in their very own country! They may be recognized as being overly haughty, often eating vile long cylinder vraja bread, and walking around in questionable fashion. Caution is advised if they begin to speak to you in their vraja-tongue, it can damage the mind.Be it known that should any harbor these individuals or entreat them while within the borders of Vallaki will share their punishment in perpetuity. Lance Coward-Corporal R. Amanar and Co.VALLAKI BOUNTY AND COMMISSIONS OFFICE
PUBLIC EXECUTION & POTLUCK!By order of his Excellency Strahd von Zarovich XI, Balthazar Eotvos 'the Prince of Curs' is sentenced to death by beheading for perfidious crimes against Barovia, its Master, and his subjects, including: The Freeing of Berez and Zeidenburg, the Raising of Freedom Fighters, Murder and Dismemberment of Barovian 'men', Women, and Children, Insurgency, Sedition, Treason, Smuggling of Firearms and Blackpowder, Devil Worship, and deeds darker still. Along with this, during the execution, a Potluck shall be held to feed us starving Barovians, on-lookers are expected to bring at ONE DISH to share with others, Barovian cuisine preferred, and special placement is offered to turnip dishes at the tables.This remorseless fiend will be be sent back to the pits of Iadul that spawned him at the hour of dusk, the 30th of September 778 within the Courtyard of the Citadel of Vallaki.The following foodstuffs and drink are BANNED during this event:Any drink that isn't TsuikaCylinder Vraja BreadFood with too much spicesThe following foodstuffs and drink are RECCOMENDED during this event:Turnip pie, Turnip stew, Turnip meatloaf, Raw turnips.The blood of Gundarakite ChildrenRaw Fish