Author Topic: Halloween 2023 Play a New Character Event (NCE)  (Read 3413 times)


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Halloween 2023 Play a New Character Event (NCE)
« on: September 24, 2023, 04:05:46 PM »

Welcome Roleplayers

The Prisoners of the Mist Team are pleased to announce the next "Play A New Character Event" (NCE) will be held this Halloween, from Friday 27th October through Sunday 12th November.

Whether you're completely new to gothic horror, or an inveterate member of the community, we'd like to invite you all to roll up a new character, meet new people, find fresh perspectives and start creating new stories together.

NCE takes place in West Barovia (everywhere west of Svalich Pass). There you'll find only characters that enter the game world for the first time during the event - which means everyone you meet will be around the same low level as you are. NCE is a great time to try out a new concept, or, if you're new to Prisoners of the Mists, experience it for the first time.

Expect plenty of special DM events and stories, and of course lots of thrills and chills from a cast of Atmospheric Monstrous Player Characters! (AMPCs) throughout the NCE.

Please keep an eye on this topic for further information and announcements as the date draws nearer.

We look forward to seeing you in the mists.

- The Ravenloft PotM Team

Useful Info

  • If you are entirely new to NWN, Ravenloft or immersive roleplay, we have a FAQ
  • For those new to the server looking for basic info about how to actually play, get all info here
  • You can create a character ahead of time, so long as you don't enter the game world with them through the intro cutscene
  • It will be possible to 'convert' existing characters for NCE using the Iron Maiden in the OOC Hall - at the cost of all XP and items
  • Remember that while finding people to revive a friend or the sufficient gold to have an NPC do it will be hard during the event, the XP loss of using the shaft of light in the Near Ethereal to restore you to life is very small at lower levels.
  • All pre-existing characters have their saved locations moved to outside the NCE area for the duration of the event.
  • Rentals will be extended by three weeks to make up for the time they won't be accessible
Special Rules for the event:
  • Players in a Faction can make a new character of that same Faction for the event. Exceptions are the Ba'al Verzi, Dawnslayers, Van Ritchen Society and the Fraternity of Shadows factions.
  • Players of an active MPC or AMPC can make a new event-specific AMPC
  • As noted above, you can apply for an event-specific AMPC with a 30-day duration. AMPCs will have the option to apply for a post-event extension towards the end of the event. The cut off date to submit applications is October 17th; Please include your usual time zone of play. We will be accepting about twelve AMPCs this go round, so NCE is the best time to try your hand at running an AMPC if you've never done it before!
  • Participation is completely voluntary, and you can continue to play your pre-NCE character outside of East Barovia, but you have to come up with the reason they've relocated on your own!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2023, 08:41:43 AM by Soren / Zarathustra217 »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Re: Halloween 2023 Play a New Character Event (NCE)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2023, 09:39:58 AM »
The Play-A-New-Character event has now begun!

As always, we encourage you to not only consider this event as an opportunity to experience some exciting and thrilling gothic horror roleplay, but also as an occasion to form new alliances and friendships, both IC and OOC, not just for the sake of your characters' own survival, but also to strengthen our community as whole.

Additionally, we hope to welcome many new players for this event as well as many returning old. Please do your part to make sure that these people feel welcomed and allow them to easily become a part of things. Some may be unfamiliar to how things work, so have patience and help them figure it out.

And as always, strive to hone the fact that this server is about gothic horror roleplay. We expect that the circumstances of the event will quite naturally lead to it in abundance, but please help us preserving and furthering that atmosphere in your roleplay, and take your part in building and enhancing it too.

Looking forward to meeting you in game. Now let the roleplay begin!