First off, i am very hyped for Shaman and despite my perception of it and the following criticism i am 100% going to play one when it come out.
I have been wanting to make a shamanistic character for some time, but voodan just does not do it for me.
I do not think shaman is weak, in its current iteration. It is already an A+ in my book, by virtue of being a full caster up to 9th level spells. I know people love their sorcerer vs wizard type discussion but in the grand scheme of things, Shaman scores very high on the 'godtier' - 'borderline unplayable' Scala.
Unfortunately however, in its current iteration, there are just to many features lost in translation and nothing added to compensate for it, which greatly take away form the unique class identity of it.
One of the shamans main themes is summoning spirit s int battle. Alas summoning in general is heavily nerved on the server, making this a lackluster option. Not only do summons last a incredible short time, you also have to buff them to the teeth if you intend to use them effectively in level appropriate content and there are not a great many wards a shaman could buff their spirits with.
It could be an idea to make an exception to the summon nerf for Shamans, giving them long lasting powerful summons to stand out from other classes.
Another gripe is the missing third domain, combined with the rather minimalist spell list.
If the third domain was present in the implementation, the spell list would be fine. There are a great many domains which give access to powerful spells, such as time or trickery.
Without the third domain the Shaman lacks a lot of versatility that it should have. If not at all possible to implement the third domain, i would suggest expending upon the spell list with a few useful and thematic spells from the cleric and druid list.
Here a couple of suggestions (i am not suggestion to implement the entire list, just a hand full of them to make up for the lost domain):
-(mass)Cats, bears etc. (access to all animal wards would make sense imo)
-Owls insight
-Ray of Hope
-Negative Protection
-Death Ward
-(greater) Magic Weapon
-Protection from Elements
-Energy Buffer
-Savage Claws
-Water Breathing
-Freedom of Movement
-Lions Roar
-Undeaths Eternal Foe
-Aura of Vitality
-Rams Might
-Big Sky
Offensive Spells:
-Stop Heart
-Frost Breath
-Gust of Wind
-Creeping Cold
-Flame Lash
-Thunder Stroke
-Call Lightning
-Flame Strike
-Boreal Wind
-Ice Storm
-Ice Flower
-Wall of Flame
-Call Lightning Storm
-Stone Hold
-Fire Storm
-Creeping Doom
-Flesh to Stone
-Cast in Stone
-Storm of Vengeance
Lastly the unarmed progression. I would really really like to see this work, its gives the Shaman a unique feel and very competitive option for melee combat.
I know this has been brought up before, but a workaround of a self buff similar to eldritch claws seems to me in the realm of possibilities.
All the best healing magic in the game plus jaunt and I don't have to be a Halan. Seems legit to me.
Clerics, Voodans, Favoured Souls all have ethereal jaunt on their spell list, this is not unique to Shaman.