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Author Topic: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias  (Read 1652 times)

Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« on: August 14, 2023, 08:03:10 PM »

Written by Angel Valdés


« Last Edit: December 19, 2023, 11:53:16 PM by Christmas Birdman »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2023, 10:33:17 PM »


En Memoria & Introduction

In Memory of Miguel Valdés
This writing, my work, and the good results that will come of it are all made in the honor and memory of my brother Miguel. I will never forget our time together, and how your actions and friendship truly defined the word: 'hermano'. Our time together was too short, and cut even shorter by the beasts that plague humanity. It was you who taught me everything that I know today. From the simple things like how to fish, to the more important things like how to be a man. I will never forget you and I will always carry on your memory. Rest easy, and smile from heaven mi hermano. You are with our Sainted Mother; Ezra now.



All problems begin with a question or series of questions, and the issue of monsters plaguing the core is no different. The first question we must ask is:

What is a monster?: Simply stated, a monster is an in-human creature with a biology or temperament that render it incapable of properly functioning within normal society. Another good definition can be to go by the Ezran understanding of legion: "the drinker of blood and the stealer of breath and the beast that rends.". There are simply some non-human creatures that are incompatible with civilization and the peaceful races at large. Monster's can usually be singled out for their exaggerated features: large jaws, claws, fangs, and wicked appearance. It should be warned however, not all monsters are so blatant in their appearance. Some can take on the appearance of man, and lure the unsuspecting to their demise.

Is it difficult to identify a monster?: As stated towards the end of the above question; there can be difficulties when trying to identify the various monsters and creatures of the core. There are those that conceal or hide their true visage and intentions. There are also matters were discussion and determination must be had; particularly the case of Caliban. In this manual I will be hoping to cover all the information to not only help survive encounters with these fiends, but also how to destroy them.

Are Caliban monsters?: The easiest answer would be 'No.' but it is far more complicated than that. The Caliban can not be inherently called a monster as caliban sometimes can be non-violent and functioning members of the world. It is important to remember that Caliban should be seen with pity as they are men who have been cursed from the womb. Humanity should be aware however, of the Caliban that have become feral. Feral Caliban do not belong in polite society and should be destroyed as any other monster ought to be.

Why is it important to destroy monsters?: Civilized people are threatened by the very presence of monsters, and will attack for a plethora of reasons. Sometimes they are hungry, sometimes they are cruel, and sometimes they are either mindless or bored. Regardless of reason, it is a service to humanity and those who can function within it to destroy them when they can. When a monster is destroyed you are sparing someone or yourself from becoming a victim of its insatiable bloodlust and hunger. I have chosen to devote my life to the absolute destruction of monsters, and I realize that teaching is a very powerful weapon that would allow my handiwork to spread much farther than my hands actually could.


illustrations in order: A Vampire moments before destruction, A Werewolf wretched and feral, An Ogre hideous and foul

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 04:48:05 AM by Meduegna »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2023, 04:45:53 AM »



"That smell, that sound it all haunts me like a specter most foul. I can remember his cries for help. The tearing of flesh, the spilling of blood, the popping of bones as he was torn limb from limb. I have never seen a more grotesque form of subhuman in all of my life and with them they carried the stench of death. Consuming everything in their path until they are stopped by the very same level of violence that they carry with them so casually. Ogres are a disgusting race of monster and they deserve nothing but complete and total extermination."
— Angel Valdés, Author & Hunter


The Ogre is a vile and despicable parody of the sapient form. They appear as large brutish men with hideous features and gnashing jaws. Their minds match their appearance as they are nothing short of depraved sub-humans who only understand feelings of their most basic needs. The worst of all to mention is their seemingly endless hunger. Their large bodies require vast amounts of food, and they have taken to people eating in order to fuel their enormous bodies. While ogres are incredibly stupid creatures; their lacking intellect should not be reason to underestimate them. Simple beasts, employ simple but effective tactics. They like to use bludgeons like clubs and flails, and they prefer to hunt their prey up close and personal. Using their unreasonable strength to crush or tear apart anything they wish to eat.

It should be made aware to the reader that a variant of the Ogre exists referred to as the 'Ogre Mage'. The are the somewhat smarter spell casting cousins of the typical Ogre. Their tactics typically involve more trickery and for some reason they prefer to handle problems with their magic more than their natural strength. Their skin color is unusual reds and blues, sometimes green. As with any magic handling creature their kind should be dealt with quickly and severely lest they assist their less intelligent but more physical cousins.

Ogres can be found residing in temperate and cold hills where they will make their dens. The homes are just as horrific as they are; with caves smelling of blood and death. Remains of more intelligent and noble races like Humans and Elves can be found within their dwellings and if they are not used as food, they serve other more macabre uses. Ogres maintain a very basic tribal system that can barely be called a society.



FIREARMS ~ The best defense and assault against the ogre freaks is without a doubt the grand invention of flint and steel. Traditionalist warriors and marksmen who will not let go of their bows and arrows may scoff at this determination but it is without a doubt the truth. The pistol and musket are the next step in warfare, and defense. The Dementlieuese can often be cited scoffing at armor, referring to it as 'barbaric'. While wearing some degree of armor is only sensible; the reason why this disregard for armors of old has become prevalent is because of these weapons. It is simply better to be quick when faced up against a weapon of fire, flint, and steel as opposed to encasing ones self in a steel shell that inhibits movement.

Thankfully, the same reasons why this weapon is especially useful against armored foes happens to also be why ogres are also easy victims to the civilized mans weapon of choice. Ogres overall are flesh and bone made gratuitous. The creatures large size makes them easy to hit targets. They are not intelligent enough to forge their own weapons and armor which is why they can often be found using things like large tree branches and stolen two handed weaponry in a single hand. Armor that would actually fit them is scarce, and any armor they do wear tends to be poorly put together scrap. For all their strength and bulk they have no protection, they are massive making them vulnerable to attacks, and they are not quick on their feet making them particularly vulnerable to fire arms.

It is my hope that should this great technology spread ogre kind will face complete and total extinction in a matter of decades.

MAGIC ~ While Firearms may be the best because they exploit the ogres greatest powers of large sized accompanied with strength and turn it into their weakness; magic can be utilized against the ogre to great effect as it will target a direct weakness: the mind. The mind of an ogre is simple and is not capable of complex thought and certainly not feeling. This makes ogres particularly vulnerable to clever magics that target the mind. Stunning or dazing them at the very least, or turning them against each other at the very best. It is recommended a practitioner of the arts use spells that inhibit their ability to engage altogether.

In concluding thoughts, I would warn against the reader from trying to engage in martial combat with the monstrosities. While it can be satisfying to run a blade through these sickening creatures; it is the most dangerous way to enter combat with them as doing so would be playing to their strengths. That said, a remarkable warrior of great martial skill and strength will defeat the ogre where they stand through sheer skill alone. It's important to note an ogre is not a great warrior, and that their biology simply lends them a handicap by way of strength and physical prowess for their lacking mental capabilities.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 12:03:55 PM by Meduegna »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2023, 10:19:04 PM »



"I'll recount my problems... Firstly, a hammer is needed. Whatever magic used to animate, strengthens the walkers. My blade felt near useless at times. Only though skill, cunning and my own persistence did I win out. While not intelligent; the skeletons knew how to move around my strikes. Lastly, and /very/ of note: Some can do zauber... Magic. Those with the "willpower", Lords, knights and priests seems more likely to be of issue in death.. and unlife. If fighting one. Use a hammer. A body bashed und mangled cannot be used again. If using the zauber. Don't use icy spells. Chill of the grave keeps anything less at bay, it seems."
— Heinrich Von Mueller, Hunter & Comrade in Arms


The Mindless Dead are a category of undead that refer to the more simpler forms of undead. These creatures do not have a truly functioning mind and instead act entirely upon instinct or by the command of a Necromancer. They shamble about in the clothes, armor, and tools they once held in life but truly they are former shells of what they used to be. These undead are not capable of complex thought, but instead act upon instinct. This is why a skeletal knight is able to fight with a blade much like how he did so in life; these skills carry over as instinct. There are a few varieties of Mindless Dead that vary in power. It should be noted that one should be wary to approach such beasts without being properly prepared.

The Zombie is perhaps the simplest form of undead. Flesh continues to cling onto them even in animation. An interesting point to note is that the Zombie's movement is slow and ragged. I can only conclude that the reason this happens is because the body as a whole is not animated by rather the skeletal remains. The Skeleton of the creature is then weighed down and contorted by remaining flesh. Zombies are constantly decaying and rotting despite their animation. As far as undead go they are in incredibly rough shape. The Zombie is incapable of speech and instead let's out groans and moans of dulled pain.

The skeleton could be seen as the 'upgrade' to the zombie. Their movements are more fluid and they can walk and run at a normal pace. They wield weapons and they can more often than not be proficient with them if they were proficient in life. They still cannot speak however. Their skeletal form allows them to be far more resilient to a plethora of attacks as well.

The Huecuva are a form of skeleton that I believe is worth mentioning on its very own. These undead are the remains of priests who had perished. It is said they were priests who did not truly follow their vows and then rose again as these demented skeletal forms. They wield arcane magic and can very easily be the most dangerous of the three mentioned here; unless a skeletal warrior is so impressively trained.



BLUDGEONS ~ The best way to deal with bones is simply to break them. Cutting weapons are not the best when faced up against bone, and arrows and bullets will have their difficulties. A simple and straight forward solution to a very terrifying problem. My personal recommendation would be a Maul or a Morningstar. The Maul being an incredible bone breaker while the morning star can be held in one hand allowed the other to be free to use a shield or grab another important object.

THE DIVINE ~ I have seen powerful and faithful priests send the mindless dead into a cowardly hysteria. As they hold aloft their righteous symbols and call out the name of their patron. The dead tremble, mindless and intelligent a like. The dead cower in the face of the divine for their very existence is an affront to Ezra who would guide and protect the deceased rather than allowing them to become wicked monstrosities. While a bludgeon of some sort is ultimately the most practical tool. If you are aware that you may face the dead or mindless dead then it would be best to find an priest or priestess and make an offering to recruit their support.

PLATINUM ~ While this suggestion is expensive and impractical it is certainly worth mentioning for the hunter with excellent finances that platinum seems to have an adverse effect against the living dead. Armor gilded with the material will keep the dead away and weapons gilded will curiously find themselves able to cut or break through the deads natural defenses much more efficently.

It would be utterly worthless to address merely the puppets and not the puppet masters. As an arcane school Necromancy can have it's practical applications that can be useful in combatting monsters and even the undead themselves. A perfect example of this would be the spell 'Undeath to Death'. That being said though, there are those who focus their time on the practice of the black arts. Many spells within the school are dark and depraved and allow the wielder to animate the dead for their own selfish purposes as opposed to respecting the past life once held. Necromancers can wield either Arcane or Divine magic.


FIREARMS ~ It goes without saying that a ranged weapon is the preferred tool against an necromancer witch. This is purely a matter of logistics. Witches use their spells, and spell casting is conducted through verbal and somatic components. For those who aren't quite so learned on the arts both arcane and divine, what this means is a witch has to say a few 'funny words' and conduct 'silly hand gestures' to materialize their spells. Doing this does not require a tremendous amount of effort, and can be done relatively quickly. Logically, that would mean to walk or run up to one of these witches and swing a weapon is usually impractical. A ranged weapon however will eliminate the problem of 'closing the distance' and a fast hand will promise a necessary strike before they can complete some of their more vital spells. Firearms are listed first because of their practicality and ability to bypass armor. While many witches are not armored, those necromancers who have aligned themselves with fiends and legion may act as high priest cultists and can wear armor. The firearm bypasses armor, and already strikes unarmored targets well. Further more, the devastating blow caused by a bullet is more likely to disrupt a witches incantations than more traditional ranged weaponry. These defilers of the dead tend to be frail and not physically healthy as they spend a great deal of their time reading books and studying advanced incantations. The goal should be to slay them outright, or hit them fast enough so they cannot call upon wicked magics. It should be important to note that it would be unwise to strike a prepared witch, and if one is expecting to engage one it is important to never do so on their terms.

TRADITIONAL RANGED WEAPONRY ~ Traditional ranged weaponry is fast moving with an overall quicker reload than even firearms and certainly crossbows. These weapons at times can also be more devastating especially when striking a weak point. Many of these necromancers end up seeking the boons of undeath for themselves whether it is the path of the lich or perhaps other grisly paths. It is because of this path walked, that the most advanced of necromancers may not have any natural weak points. Traditional ranged weaponry is fine against the witch, but make sure ammunition is powerful and it is highly recommended it is enhanced alchemically as well as coated in burning alchemical varnish.

CROSSBOWS ~ The crossbow is slower than more traditional ranged weapons, but can be somewhat faster than a firearm. Though the damage of a firearm is far more devastating and its ability to punch through armor simply outclasses crossbows entirely. It is however good to keep a ranged sidearm at all times, and I personally would rather have the crossbow than have nothing at all should I to be faced against the necromancer witch.

The problem of undeath can occur for many reasons but I would say the core of the problem is witches who behave irresponsibly with the dark arts. My recommendation to preventing such incidents is to prevent the spread of Necromancy in the first place. As stated earlier, some of the spells can have practical use for eliminating the undead and monsters alike. There comes a problem however when practitioners start casually defiling someone else's remains for their own servitude. These forbidden and dark arts should be reserved only for responsible and well tempered arcanists who know not to use such arts for evil, and certainly ones that know better than to conduct the vile act of animating corpses. In a way The Mindless Dead, Necromancers, and Necromancy are a reflection of a much larger problem: mans inhumanity towards man.

Those who animated the dead don't care about the fallen's burial, their family, the life they lived, nor do they care to keep them at peace. Instead they would disturb their final rest conduct labor for their sickening masters. Mindless shambling about filling orders; spitting in the face of people the animator more often than not does not even know. It's important to oust necromancers, to uproot them, and execute them. Not only would you be ridding the core of a despicable evil, but you are also honoring the dead by freeing them from unconsented servitude.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 04:56:42 AM by Meduegna »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2023, 04:09:35 PM »



"An adaptive species is an invasive species. Stories tell of trolls and bridges, but these old tales can be misleading. Destroy them with extreme prejudice and at the moment of sight, lest they breed and further cement their unwarranted invasion. They are lanky creatures with little regards for their own bodies, after all they can simply regenerate what is lost. Identify, apply the proper science, and destroy. It's the best way to rid the world of the troll menace."
— Angel Valdés, Author & Hunter


Disgusting, foul, lanky, and man shaped creatures that are often hunched over with preposterously long legs and a long nose. These creatures will make even the most experienced hunter disgusted with their foul appearance. Despite this foul-ness the Troll has a fascinatingly biology that demands a true hunter to take special consideration when fighting such beasts. It can be found that trolls are very receptive and adaptive to their environment. This adaption is done on an astronomical level as trolls have a plethora of sub-species that as a result of their adaption require unique solutions to solve the problem. The most notable feature that trolls possess is their ability to regenerate. Their regeneration is perhaps the most sickening aspect of the troll. Body parts can regrow in a matter of minutes to half an hour, or instantly if the limb is placed on the stump it will reattach immediately. Trolls are wild creatures with no consideration for their own lives and never the lives of others; and with their regenerative abilities they don't really have to concern themselves.

It would be simple to say the key to slaying a troll is to use weapons doused in incendiary or corrosive materials; or spells with similar qualities. However this would not be so simple as not all trolls fall victim as the common troll does. It is worth mentioning at least two known variants of troll: The Scrag and The Desert Troll. The Scrag is a weaker form of troll that has adapted to an aquatic environment. This form is much weaker than their more common cousins. Their regeneration works best only when mostly submerged in water. The Scrags prefer the darkness and will stay out of bright light. As a result of their enviormental adaption they are able to swim faster than their cousins. These sub-species of troll can be sighted by both fresh and salt water. The wastes of the desert have forced the trolls to adapt more closely to their enviorment which allows them to withstand the heat of the sun. With this mutation however comes a weakness to the cold. Unlike the standard and common troll, Desert Trolls do not find themselves victim to incediary or corrosive material but rather water and frost. In a suprising result of their adaptation these trolls are often times more cunning and are known to ambush unsuspecting traders of the desert.

Featured on the left: A Scrag troll emerging from water. Featured on the right: the face of a desert troll moments before attack.



ALCHEMY ~ One of civilized peoples greatest strengths is access to science. The adaptive ability of troll biology is best countered through prepared alchemical varnish. Common trolls find corrossive and incedniary conctions to be fatal; and thus these concotions can be applied to weapons. The same can be said for Desert trolls and much more frigid extracts, and so on. Thanks to these sstrives in science the very unique solutions to destroy a troll can now be readily available at convenience. Alchemical concotions can be used by anyone as well, the only limitation perhaps is tht only those trained and learned in the science of Alchemy can put together the concotions necessary to help rid the world of these giant beasts. Nevertheless, because the tool can be used by anyone, and it can be applied to most weapons; it goes without saying that Alchemy is truly the best weapon against the troll.

MAGIC ~ Ordinary sciences are ideal for all but those who have studied the arcane sciences will find that a proper spellbook can be utilized to keep in check most if not all variety of trolls. In addition to the obvious elementally charged offensive spells; mind manipulating spells can be used against their more stupid numbers. Watching the beasts tear eachother apart can find itself to be an amusing solution to a rather vile problem.

FIREARMS ~ There is a theme among my list of suggested solutions: science will triumph. Whether it be alchemical science, arcane science, and now of course I would suggest engineering and civilized weaponry. The large creatures are lumbering and big making them an excellent target for an armor piercing pistol. However, one should be wary that the desert variant of troll is far more nimble and it's recommended that more experienced hunters advance against them. It is important to remember that the lead bullets should be treated with alchemical varnish before firing.

The troll is an enemy that truly deserves to be destroyed by civilized people. Their ways are both brutish and stupid. It is no wonder why in the end it is the science of the civilized races that would triumph over their disgusting lot. The rewards for slaying these creatures go beyond the greater good for humanity, their hides have been shown to have properties that can bolster ones natural fortitude.Though it can be uncomfortable upon the flesh. Their hide is rubbery and riddled with cysts and blemishes. Ultimately I would recommend wearing proper animal hides like any other civilized person. The Scrags in particular have an interesting digestive system that has lended to their intestines to containing a corrosive bile. This bile can be reduced down to a acidious extract that can be used against the common troll. Only further incentive to see the destruction of the vile creatures.

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2023, 05:23:10 AM »



"I was sick to my stomach, and retched daily. Violence is not my way, but where hags are concerned... it must be. But also caution, hags deploy powerful and intricate illusions where possible to foil enemies, where brute force is not feasible. She is at the heart of every spell gone awry, every ounce of bad luck and pain. The tangle of briars, the rent in the fabric, the stain that is all too stubborn to wash out."
— Sister Marissa Fallierčs of Hala, healer and holy woman


The Hag is a creature that is hard to truly identify and define. These creatures are more than just foul magic wielding women of the wilds. In order to truly acquire the most important and necessary of information on the creatures; I had decided to consult an expert who knows well the irredeemable nature of these monsters, and how important it is to destroy them. Sister Marissa Fallierčs; whom is mentioned earlier in this entry has given me an indepth look into the classifications and behavior of these creatures. It is said Hags often appear as innocent elderly women selling fruit, pies, fortune tellings, Or love potions. In some cases they may take on the visage of comely young women, promising everything and anything for a night of passion. The Hag is always female, and always dabbles in temptation. A hags greatest strength is her powers of seduction, illusion and enchantment. She can spy from afar, without fear of being detected, watch for weeks as she maps out a society. As a monster, categorically there is some rationale to think they are related to the Fey, but I believe they are a new category entirely. The connection with fey is believed to be due to their ties with nature and their surrounding enviorment. It should be noted however that the hags are not 'in tune' with nature but rather serve as an instrument for corrupting nature. According to Sister Fallierčs, there are three known types of hags and two specifies of hag thought to be demonic and perhaps mythical.

The Annis hag makes it's home in the mountains, caves, and in deep dark places. Marshes and moors have been known to hold them also, they are one of the most powerful of hags. Their magic is great and terrible and requires less subterfuge than the other two variants that are lesser than it (the Green and the Sea Hag). While the Annis is certainly capable of the kind of disguises and shapeshifting that Green Hags deploy, it certainly does not need to resort to such things. The Annis Hag wields a very ancient and unique variation of magic that is known mostly to them; and at times the known traditions of magic may simply not apply to them.

The Green Hag is a dweller of swamps, bogs and fens and fanes. She is the most common variety, and is the witch of the woods and wilds that bewitches wayward travellers with fey. The Green Hag is one who more commonly will use these powers of subterfuge, disguises, and tricks. Their use of such magic makes them dangerous to those who are not able to pick up on the warning signs ahead of time. Without some sort of magical aid however to see through the foul creatures disguises it can be difficult. The best recommendation would be to pay attention to the context of a situation. A woman selling apples or pies past the ouskirts of town would be suspicious. Afterall, if an elderly woman is trying to make money through sales, why go to the trouble of selling in unpopulated zones rather than trying to peddle these wares within the city or market place? Vigilance and awareness could save yours or anothers life.

Sea Hags are the least powerful, but despite this are still incredibly dangerous creatures. The Sea Hag makes its dwelling around shores, lakes, and ocean caves. The sea hag attempts to ensorcel pirates, sailors and anyone who strays too far from the villages that dot the coast. Her domain is the water, seaweed and coral, the nature she corrupts.

The Night Hag is a particularly vile sort of creature that is said to come from the very depths of hell itself. Great and demonic beings that surpasses in strength even to the Annis Hag. Little is known about this species of hag and accounts only exist in text and anecdotes from those who claim to have encountered one and lived to tell the tale.

The Dusk Hag according to Sister Fallierčs has only ever been mentioned in one book she has read and that little evidence exists to actually acknowledge the true existance of these creatures. It is said that an Annis Hag who is very old and powerful may find themselves elevated to a greater state of wickedness and corruption. It can only be hoped that the existance of these foul creatures truly is rooted solely in mythology.



FIREARMS & OTHER RANGED WEAPONS ~ As a matter of proper tactics, ranged weaponry seems to be the best offense against the Hag. Especially if caught in a long distance ambush; the hag like dealing with any witch or necromancer is best to be dealt with immediately and quickly. They should not be given the opportunity to cast spells, or perform their foul rites. Rain down upon them bullets and arrows until they stop breathing. At which point it is crucial to address the lackeys of the creature soon after. While most ranged weaponry will be functional; I cannot end this section without once again encouraging the use of a firearm. Fast, hard hitting, and armor piercing. A well crafted pistol should be able to pierce the hide of weaker hags without magical assistance.

MAGIC ~ Fighting fire with fire seems only logical. A powerful arcanist can find themselves able to combat the magic of a wicked hag, though it should be made clear to confident practitioners of the arcane sciences that they will need to be fully confident in their abilities, skill, and technique. To defeat a hag in magical combat is quite the talent as Hags tend to have their own unique set of magic and powers that make them deviant far from the standard magical duel. An ally with magical warding that can bolster ranged weaponry and pistols would be preferable. Destroying the creature before it is even aware there is a fight or destroying it from afar truly is preferable.

TOTAL CORPORAL REDUCTION ~ Upon the slaying of a hag, no time should be wasted. Hags rely heavily on subterfuge and the heavy lifting of their lackeys. Where they are lacking in a desire to do any actual activity, they make up for it in their mental faculties. Most hags have vast many great contingency plans in place. Only by going through them all and then finally cornering the creature can one begin to cleanse the earth of its vile presence. When a hag is killed it is important to destroy it's physical form until it is nothing but dust and less. Fire is recommended to burn every bit of flesh, however I would encourage the reader to take a step further and use a corrosive alchemical concoction to melt down both flesh and bone until it is no longer in existence. The most loyal of minions will see to the resurrection of their dark masters. These creatures are a perfect example of why it is important to not spare a single one.

The Hag is perhaps one of if not the most wicked form of monster I will ever write about. What is perhaps most disturbing however is how much of their lives are shrouded in mystery. No one truly knows how hags come into this world. It is theorized that Hags will eat infants and then give birth to new hags as a result, another theory is perhaps that hags use their magical disguises to seduce men unwittingly to see to their creation. It is said creatures called 'Hagspawn' exist that half-human and half hag. It is disturbing to believe that some monsters can interbreed with humans. Most important of all to consider is the destruction of these foul and corrupt witches. Suffer not a Hag to live. Eliminate and eradicate them all for the good of humanity.

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2023, 07:13:19 PM »



"You will make a fine sacrifice to Nerull. Make your move for you will not leave here alive."
— Elizabet the Blackhearted Lich of Gundarak

"Nerull? Your false God?"

— Angel Valdés, Hunter and Author moments before combat


The Lich is the end result of the mad wizard and necromancy left unchecked. Perhaps one of the worst creatures to walk the core as they not only defy Ezra in their foul un-life, but discard their humanity in the name of their mad pursuit of power over the dark arts. Liches are the kind of monster that I would classify as a 'Master'. These are generally very powerful and experienced monsters who typically have long term plans, and an array of minions at their disposal. A lich is an undead spellcaster, usually an arcanist but sometimes a priest or other spellcaster. A lich has undergone foul and profane rituals to reach the point that they are at. The method of becoming a lich is neither an accident nor an affliction. A lich is perhaps one of the most vile of the undead for they are not victims, nor are they cursed. A lich chooses the path they walk, and the choice in the end is entirely unforgivable. A lich is gaunt and skeletal with withered flesh stretched tightly across the mages horribly visible bones. The eyes of the magi are indeed lost during the transition, but in its place burns bright pinpoints of green light in their vacant eye sockets. The lich retains its memories from life, but it has abandoned its heart irreversibly to darkness. A lich will speak the same languages that it once did and life.



A crucial element in the path to lichdom involves crafting a mystical phylactery, a vessel in which the practitioner safeguards their essence of existence. In the arcane realm, it is an established truth that the sole guaranteed method of eradicating a lich is by annihilating their phylactery. The phylactery can take on various forums but it is usually some sort of gem stone, trinket, or bauble. Once the phylactery is destroyed the lich may be destroyed; if left undestroyed though the Lich will simply return to its phylactery and continue its reign of terror. Without the destruction of the phylactery it is a pointless endeavor to fight a lich, if for no other reason other than to protect others or send a clear message to the monster itself.


MAGIC ~ The best way to battle a lich will be with magic. I would say it is an absolute necessity to face their arcane magic with arcane or divine might of your very own. Liches despite their vast array of spells and magic at their disposal, another spell caster of considerable power makes for a powerful threat against these vile immortij witches. It is recommended to carry an ally with plenty of dispelling magic and one that is experienced in the art of counter spelling. If the witch cannot cast spells successfully, or its wards are stripped from it, then it really does become little more than a glorified skeleton whose soul is attached to a stone.

BLUDGEONS ~ When it comes down to the hard destruction of the creature, a bludgeon is an excellent choice. Weapons designed to break bones will not only break the lich but its phylactery as well. Alone a bludgeon is useless and it's wielder susceptible to the very magic the lich wields. However with an ally preventing the creature from casting, and seeing its wards stripped; a bludgeon is the next best weapon to destroy it's physical form. Once it is destroyed the Phylactery should be destroyed quickly to prevent its foul return.

PLATINUM ~ This metal has a particularly adverse effect against the living dead and the lich is no exception. If gilded with a bludgeon weapon, it would certainly mean the physical demise of the liches form. Overall an incredibly expensive material and by extension an incredibly expensive tool but certainly worth it if it means the destruction of one of these foul immortij.

As mentioned earlier, the Lich is what I would refer to as a 'Master'. This means their plans are long term and usually contain multiple contingencies. It's important to try and always be two or three steps ahead. Part of being a 'Master' is also having various minions. This can be in the form of Mindless Dead or in the worst case 'mindless' people who are lured by the promises of wealth, power, and forbidden knowledge. These minions could perhaps be redeemed but the risk of such a thing truly cannot be worth it unless there is good reason to believe otherwise. Destroy and oust servants of these foul masters whenever possible, it will not only rid society of such foul degenerates but also weaken the powers of the lich as they will not have the various minions they so desperately need. The best way to prevent the creation of a lich altogether is to eliminate necromancers. Necromancers are the ones typically on the track to lichdom and while some undead destroying necromancy such 'Undeath to Death' is good and useful. most necromancy is dark and foul. If a known necromancer is in your area it is best to see to their destruction. For more information on destroying necromancers, check the section titled 'Mindless Dead' towards the bottom of the entry. Destroy Liches and necromancers with the utmost prejudice for the good of civilized people everywhere.

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2023, 12:34:16 PM »



"The coal is invaluable but we must be wary. In the shadows lurks an age old predator: a large cat with fangs and claws. Although something is different about this breed of feline. Lions, panthers, and their kind have adapted to the darkness. They are stealth hunters and stalk prey from wild grasses. The Ebon Tiger however, was born in darkness."
— Angel Valdés, Author & Hunter


It is not typical that I will include various animals and their species in my text; as I want to focus entirely on beasts with supernatural powers or have a naturally monstrous disposition. Believe it or not, yes. The Ebon Tiger can be tamed by very talented individuals. Though I have only ever seen a high priestess of Hala conduct such a feat. Though I hardly would recommend trying to keep one of these enormous cats as pets. They are tremendous in size and have the unique ability to be one with the shadows as they seemingly phase in and out of darkness. Much like any other predatory feline, they prefer the darkness so that they may strike from the back. Typically trying to sever the bones connecting the head and body to hunt their prey. A keen eye is a powerful boon against the Ebon Tiger as once they are exposed they can be dealt with far more easily.



Close Quarters Weapons ~ It is a good idea to be armed with a weapon that could be held within ones person or to be have some good armor on hand. A fast individual able to react quick enough to their pounces is even better, but if one wishes to slay the beast it is best done with a skilled sword arm.

Firearms ~ While ranged weapons are not preferred against such creatures as they may very well lurk in the shadows, a good eye and some distance can stop the problem before it becomes a problem and a proper musket can be used for close quarters as well. A good shot can cripple and knock down one of these large felines almost certainly confirming their doom.

Magic ~ Magic will like regular sciences always have some kind of useful application towards the destruction of monsters. What makes magic particularly note worthy in the case of the Ebon Tiger is that despite their shifting in and out of the shadows; there are many magics which do indeed strike out at the shadows that they are incapable of hiding from. Sadly this can be taxing on the knowledgeable arcanist and in close quarters be very dangerous, so it is important that it is suggest to be a utility tactic and only used in preferrable scenarios.

In concluding thoughts, I would suggest if one is typically well versed at taming beasts such as this that they do so to use the tigers to fight each other. It kills two birds with one stone but it requires a considerable amount of well practiced skill. Ebon Tigers are mostly found out in the misting wilds or in underground caves and areas where they can call the shadows 'home'.

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2023, 02:56:31 PM »

Painted & Drawn by Mi'zzerrah         


"They are most often seen in the humanoid form. Confident, alluring... or so they try to be. They do naut favor combat, they try to get others to do their bidding using their charms. The other form, of course, the giant, bulbous spider. Like a black widow but the body is a shiny red. On its back is a hourglass like shape."
— Mi'zzerrah, Hunter & Comrade in arms


The Red Widow is a shape shifting creature that does not prefer direct combat but rather has an interest in luring its victims into traps. The Red Widow's is driven to find a mate and will do so by luring unfortunate normal men into their clutches. Once the creature has mated with its unwitting victim it will lay eggs inside of its victim and then proceed to eat them to provide food for the Red Widow and her children. Red Widows can take a wide plethora of forms for their humanoid shape including humans, elves, halflings, and so on. The life cycle of a Red Widow is very short and at most they tend to live around thirty years or so. The Red Widow spiders unlike the Hag prefer to operate and mingle within society rather than sneaking around society. They prefer to interact with males however for the purposes of their mating ritual. The Red Widow can orchestrate and control many smaller spiders to do its bidding. The Red Widows are retardant to webbing spells, and poisons; though they will victim to weapons and ordinary magic. Red Widows are no stranger to magic either and will often utilize such to charm their victims.

Featured on the left: A transformed Red Widow about to devour it's 'mate'. Featured on the right: A mans desiccated corpse resting in the spiders web.



FIREARMS ~ The Red Widow despises straight forward combat and for good reason. They are vulnerable to ordinary weaponry which naturally makes fire arms a fitting choice for slaying the creatures. An axe may work, a hammer may work, a bow may perhaps work too. Though if the mundane will suffice then so to will be the science of modern man. Keeping good distance from the creature if one can and making good use of firearms will see to its righteous demise. Bullets treated with alchemical fire may perhaps be the best weapons against the creature.

MAGIC ~ While webbing magic does not work, many other magics will work against the creature. A great ball of fire could be utilized to destroying the Red Widow's many minions, and certain protections against the mind will work to prevent the Red Widow's charms as well. A spell of 'Freedom' can also prove to be significantly useful in case one is found caught in the monsters webbing. Regular science combined with Arcane science will see victory over this foe most wretched.

Mind Blank Potions ~ Preventative measures are key in keeping oneself safe from such creatures, and for hunting them down. Potions to protect the mind can be made from herbs found in Har'akir and Hazlan. Cobra-Tooth Cactus can be used to create these powerful tonics to protect the mind and the flowers known as Blood Tears found in Hazlan can also be used to create a similar tonic. Other tonics may also come in handy including 'Freedom'. A more common but short lasting tonic would be one of Clarity. Red Toadstools combined with Black Avis can create these clarity potions and can provide a short term protection.

Concluding thoughts

With the very short lifespan that Red Widows have, it is believed they have a very aggressive temperament as a result of this. A curious thing may occur if a Red Widow finds itself at odds with a mundane woman over a man. Perhaps a failure to compete may reveal her true nature? Much of their demeanor is unknown and requires further study. Perhaps an interesting outcome would emerge from two Red Widows competing with one another. Another thing worth considering is perhaps gauging a woman's persistence. Of course not all red haired women are Red Widows, but it is always better to be safe than sorry isn't it? The best advice is to remember that if it is too good to be true, then it probably is; and if something does not feel right, then there is probably something wrong.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2023, 03:16:00 PM by Allied Master Computer »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2023, 02:28:06 AM »



"Ah, glad you asked! There's been these little pointy-eared pests breaking into the inn at night time lately, stealing from our stock. Give me proof of their undoing and I'll pay you for your troubles. If you're up for it, I heard they come from a cave west of here, and in a burnt out farm up north."
— Bianca Zeklos, Barovian Inn Keeper


The Gremishka is a small and pathetic creature that is barely worth a mention in my bestiary; however for the sake of completion and because these creature are actually remotely dangerous to a lone and untrained man, and women and children. The Gremishka can easily be summed up as a bipedal rat with a very disappointing amount of sentience. It's shocking that they can even speak. They have their own filthy little language that isn't worth learning about or at all, and they can barely grasp trade tongue amongst other proper human languages. Though while I do so dismiss these creatures as little more than the pests they are, I would warn the reader of this text. For the untrained, and perhaps unarmed the Gremishka can be a deadly force.

Perhaps one of the most terrifying things I had seen in my time in Barovia was an entire pack of Gremishka ambush a lone Barovian peasant and overwhelmed him. Killed him, robbed him, and ran off. Gremishka will rarely fight alone but their lack of self-confidence quickly disappears once they have a couple of friends. They are as stated a pathetic and disappointing race of monster. Ogres despite their stupidity can build structures and weapons, and even the Mindless Dead can do something as simple as be organized and follow direct orders. Like idiot mist addled outlanders they commit their foul deeds with neither foresight nor hindsight; they live entirely within the present. The Gremishka's stupidity cannot be stressed further; certainly it has been observed that they use tools, but these tools are typically little sticks or they are stolen from humans. On the topic of stealing and parasitism; as I have said and I cannot stress it enough: the Gremishka is an utterly stupid and mindless creature incapable of performing any task that would better its own existence. They live entirely off of theft and ironically without human life, I have a feeling the Gremishka would die off altogether. It is fortunate however that the Gremishka is so easy to destroy.



THE BOOT ~ Pathetic creatures deserve an equally pathetic end. There is a certain feeling of satisfaction that comes with crushing them beneath your heel. The small squeak followed by the crushing of bones. Highly recommend giving one of the little bastards a good stomp. Even if you do have to clean it off of your boot shortly after. It's not difficult at all, and frankly it's kind of fun. Step on Gremishkas you're doing yourself and others a favor.

TRAPS ~ All pests are the same, they are annoying and easily attracted to bait. Set out a typical mouse trap (I recommend those nice Lamordian ones) and place something shiny on the trap instead of cheese. Don't have to be around for it either. Leave them around places in your home where the little cretins like to wander and hide it real well. When you return to the trap hopefully you will see a Gremishka's foul corpse.

MELEE WEAPONRY ~ Only the finest of marksman will be able to shoot these tiny little rat creatures, that being said though they are quite vulnerable to being smashed, stabbed, and sliced. I recommend smashing so they can feel the unfathomable pain of their entire body being crushed all at once. That being said this involves engaging one or many so be advised this is dangerous, where as a trap is much more simple, and the boot is much more satisfying.

There is not much to say in the way of concluding thoughts. Trivial creatures, require trivial solutions. Problem will come into play if there is too many of them or if there is an infestation. The best advice to give is to use judgement. They are vicious and numerous, but they aren't incredibly smart.

« Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 02:36:45 AM by Allied Master Computer »

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2023, 09:32:24 PM »



"See you in His realm, once the time comes! Au revoire, mon cheri."
— Douveline "Mama Dove" Boudreaux

"Have another drink, Dove."

— Melissa of Linde, Hunter and Servant of Hala moments before force feeding Douveline a bottle of fiery oil


The Mummy, a wretched aberration of preservation, a mockery of life entombed in the trappings of death. Its once-venerated form now a desiccated husk, swathed in funereal wrappings adorned with symbols that herald the darkest of gods. A grotesque relic of antiquity driven not by the mindless hunger of common undead but by an unyielding obsession, a fervor that eclipses even the most gluttonous of ogres in its intensity.

Approach these abominations and be accosted by an acrid stench, not the sickening decay of carrion, but a pungent aroma akin to a spice cabinet, a perverse testament to the sinister rituals that consigned them to this cursed existence.

To witness a Mummy is to confront an entity consumed by an insatiable longing for past pleasures, its fixation unyielding and malignant. It embodies a macabre devotion that chills the soul, a testament to the twisted desires of its former life, now eternally etched into its desiccated remains.

And yet, amidst this horror, lies their most obvious of weaknesses: a vulnerability to fire, the cleansing flames that serve as the sole solace against their relentless pursuit of their twisted passions. Face a mummy by wielding flames hot so they may rival infernal forces, sear away its preserved facade and consign it to oblivion, freeing the world from the clutches of its vile fixation.


From left to right: An mummified witch rising from her sarcophagus, An akiri mummy standing guard of their tomb, an akiri mummy lord watches over its own sarcophagus.


FIRE ~ Perhaps most interesting of all is the application of fire. A natural solution for a super natural problem. Most would be and amateur Monster Hunters would tell you that the Mummy is vulnerable to fire because of the funereal papers it is wrapped in. While to some end this is true, it's actually not so much the wrappings as much as it is the embalming methods used to preserve the corpse. These desiccated husks are often loaded with careful concoctions intended for the preservation of the body; but that very concoction is highly flammable. The dry nature of these salted corpse also makes them ripe for burning as they contain absolutely no fluids of any kind. My best suggestion is to coat lead firearm balls with flaming alchemical varnish. These would see the absolute destruction of the creatures.

DIVINE MAGIC ~ The Mummy like all other undead are vulnerable to the light of Our Lady of the Mists and her aspects. The Divine Light of Ezra from powerful priests can not only see the creatures placed into a panic and frenzy but even outright destroyed if strong enough. These creatures are animated by dark, demonic, and or perhaps necromantic powers. It only makes sense that Ezra's searing light would burn these legions to dust.

PLATINUM ~ Still a mystery even to myself why the undead are so disturbed by highly coveted platinum metal. Perhaps because it mimics divine light in physical format? The important thing to know is simply that it works. Further investigation can perhaps help yield greater weapons but for the time being it's important to simply do what works and platinum weapons work famously against the living dead.

Animated Mummies are a fascinating type of undead as they do not cooperate well with others. Through out my text you may have read that some creatures like the Hag or Lich are referred to as 'Masters'. This means they are prone to using minions to conduct their dirty work. Often times, Mummies are minions that serve an even greater mummy. These undead are devoted to their life pleasures and tasks and comradery can be seen between these creatures if they share such similarities. Some may argue that their purpose is noble; defending graves from robbers is a good thing. While robbing graves is wicked, no supernatural creature of such terrible proportions should be allowed to walk upon soil. These creatures that need to see hell fire.

Re: Angel Valdés ~ Compedio de Bestias
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2023, 11:52:35 PM »



"Lamenting terrors; like all other undead driven by extreme and primal emotions or feelings. They have business incomplete, a vengeance that requires fulfilling. Shame for them my vengeance is more important."

— Angel Valdés, Author & Hunter


The Ghost, a grotesque specter, a mockery of life clinging to this realm with spiteful tenacity. Its form, a warped reflection of its mortal self, an abomination steeped in unresolved anguish and malevolence.

Observe the horror of their capabilities, each more abhorrent than the last. Their eyes, a Corrupting Gaze, capable of extinguishing life with a mere glance, snuffing out feeble souls in an instant. Their touch, a Corrupting Touch and a Draining Touch, siphons strength and vitality from the living, leaving behind hollow husks of former beings.

These wretched entities are not constrained by the boundaries of the material world. They manifest intermittently, mocking the solidity of objects as they effortlessly traverse through walls, rendering defenses meaningless against their relentless onslaught.

To encounter a Ghost is to face contemptible terror—their Frightful Moan, an unholy cacophony that spreads fear like a contagion, and their Horrific Appearance, a manifestation of malevolence that drains the very essence of those unfortunate enough to be near.

Amidst this horror, lies a twisted opportunity—their Malevolence allowing them to possess mortal vessels, prolonging their torment upon the living. A strong will power is necessary to resist such foul effects.

But what sets these abhorrent creatures apart is their resilience, their revolting ability to reconstitute themselves, returning to haunt the living within a matter of days. Even the most potent spells merely offer temporary respite, a fleeting reprieve from their malevolence.

These loathsome entities, these remnants of tortured souls, evoke disdain and revulsion. To rid the world of their haunting presence can be done with violence though it does not work as often as it should. Courage only goes so far but an understanding of the specters tortured past will reveal it's immediate demise. An arduous and perilous journey into the depths of their unresolved anguish. Only by unraveling the mysteries that bind them to this existence can one hope to grant these despicable spirits the rest they so vehemently elude.


From left to right: A wraith haunting a tomb, An ghostly warrior defending its lords grave, an a lamenting specter bemoaning its tragedy to all who might listen


SPIRITUAL INVESTIGATION ~ Investigation can require any number of paths and tools. The point is that information is the best way to rid the core of a ghost. That these creatures prowl dark and long forgotten halls, and haunt various locations because they have unfinished business that needs to be righted. With a ghost everything is about context and regrettably it is not always as simple as shooting it, or cutting it down. Though I would very much prefer it were in fact that simple. Depending on the age and identity of the ghost, history texts and old documents may perhaps be the best way to go about understanding why the creature lingers. This of course is not always possible and I would recommend if possible to seek out the assistance of a medium capable of communing with these spirits. Sometimes these priests of spirits are referred to as Shaman.

DIVINE MAGIC ~ Ghosts are particularly resilient to a priests ability to 'Turn' the undead. However, divine magic is still very capable of dealing with the creatures as healing magic will burn and sear their forms; however without finding the source of their problems there is no guarantee that such powers will destroy them. Arcane sciences can also have its effect against the creatures; again though there is no guarantee towards destruction.

MASTERWORK OR ENCHANTED WEAPONRY ~ A very specially crafted or magically enchanted weapon will allow a warrior, or ranged combatant to have the chance to strike at the creature despite its incorporeal behavior. That being said, I strongly refer to the reader to engage in the above investigation. It is the best way to deal with these creatures regrettably. A powerful weapon can work and possibly destroy it, but it is more likely the ghost will simply return in a matter of days.

In the unyielding battle against Ghosts, a pivotal aspect emerges: comprehending their tortured existence. These spectral entities transcend mere apparitions; they embody echoes of profound anguish, hauntingly tethered to this realm. Their defeat demands more than sheer force; it necessitates a meticulous excavation of their past.

Each Ghost is a testament to a unique saga of suffering, their histories woven intricately with unresolved torment. Unraveling the enigma of their pasts is no trivial feat and it is an endeavor that needs to be handled with great care and scrutiny.

Regrettably, force cannot bet he primary method to expel these foul undead. In order to banish these spectral entities demands a pilgrimage into the heart of their misery, a journey marked by empathy and comprehension. It's about deciphering cryptic clues within their histories and offering solace. Only by illuminating the shadows of their haunted pasts can we shatter spectral chains, granting these tormented souls the liberation they crave.