Author Topic: [Vallaki] Broken Bell Concert  (Read 360 times)

Interesting Username

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[Vallaki] Broken Bell Concert
« on: August 17, 2023, 07:15:17 PM »
*-A flier was written in the common tongue using an elvish inspired script containing the following:-*

Who:       You, and hopefully your friends!

What:     A concert of adventuring emotion performed by the bard Siloqui!

When:    This weekend! (( 08/19/2023 @ 1PM EST ))

Where:   The Broken Bell within the Market District of Vallaki!

Why:      To brighten the light in the audience's lives!

If you miss this performance, fret not weary traveler! A replay of this concert will come again!

(( Work demands my presence. The concert will be starting as close to 230pm EST as possible. Many apologies for the late notice!  ))
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 03:48:14 PM by Interesting Username »