Author Topic: Supported Faction Guide  (Read 32238 times)


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Supported Faction Guide
« on: April 30, 2007, 01:24:05 PM »
Officially Supported Factions

The intention of this thread is to inform players of the purposes, benefits, and challenges of the faction system currently in place at PotM. Most of us when we joined the server began in the outlander faction by default. One of the obvious benefits of PotM Ravenloft is that characters can be plucked by the mists from many different worlds. While the outlander faction is a safe and sensible starting point, some players soon become tantalized and fascinated with other character concepts that are already a part of the setting: natives information thread For those of you interested in learning more about the factions and the setting, this thread is for you. We hope to answer frequently asked questions. If we have missed something, or you would like to contribute on some level, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Community Council, Development or the DM teams. Contact information for each faction is also provided, should you have questions about a specific faction.

Why join a faction?
One of the goals at PotM is to create and foster a dynamic role playing experience. Tension is the key component to any dynamic setting. Tension drives plot. Each faction has its own history, secrets, and goals. When one faction’s goals conflict with another faction’s, tension results, generating a plot structure for player characters to thrive within and from. When these factions are an embedded part of the setting, not only do player characters benefit from the resulting plots, they also contribute towards bringing the setting to life, hence enhancing the role play experience for everyone. 

How do the factions typically work?
Each faction has a DM responsible for it. Some factions may have more than one DM. Some of the DMs were once players, who were involved in more than one faction, making them more than qualified to handle the faction while remaining true to the setting. Each faction also has a secure forum. Once a character is initiated into the faction, the DM will grant that player access to the forum. Once your character's faction is set, you will have the option of spawning at the faction base, so long as your faction has one. 

How do I join a faction?
Sometimes the role play will lead a character into a faction, with little to no level of OOC. However, how a character joins a faction depends a great deal on which faction. If you have an existing character that you would like to get onboard with a faction, or if you would like to begin a new character within a faction, we recommend that you send a private message to the Faction DM. Be aware that there are times when a Faction DM may not be active due to life’s other obligations. If you do not receive a message back from that DM, we recommend sending your message to the DM team in general, or the Community Council, and someone will be sure to take care of you. 

How much time is devoted to faction play?
How much time you want to invest your character into a faction is up to you. Which faction is best for you may depend on how many hours a week you play, as well as your style or preference of role play. Some factions are more dependent on DM involvement than others. Some players have multiple characters, involved in different factions. When an event is scheduled to take place in one faction, they simply log in that character and participate. If one faction is laying low, either due to IC events or OOC reasons, they then have other characters to role play in the meantime. If you are interested in joining a particular faction, we suggest that you contact that faction's DM. You may also benefit from talking with players who have experience within that faction. 

Are the factions true to canon?
Some of the factions have been revised to accommodate for the persistent world experience. While some factions have been altered more or less, the integrity of the setting has remained intact, and the role play from each faction adheres to the conventions of the gothic genre. 

What factions are available to players?
While players always have the freedom to begin their own faction, the following factions are currently supported by the setting, Development team, and the DM team:

Worldly Factions:

Religious Factions:

Secret Societies:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 05:23:28 PM by EO »


  • Church of the Lawgiver
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Re: Supported Faction Guide
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 11:36:54 AM »
The Nature of Faction-Play

What is required of role-players in order for factions to succeed?

Tension drives story. Tension drives character development.  The real adventure in life or in stories begins when everything goes wrong and characters are forced to adapt and make critical choices.

Potm's history is rich with players that have achieved their power primarily by charisma--a sort of power that grinding for xp/levels can't achieve.  When you have players who can play charismatic characters, while also maintaining a healthy separation between their character’s ambitions and their ambitions for their characters, while also not needing to constantly be in a position of power and control of every situation, you have players who can make factions work for themselves and the community.

If a player’s character is a personification/manifestation of that player's desired ego (or wish fulfillment) and that player lacks a healthy degree of self-awareness, then they will experience difficulty and frustration at every turn of faction role play. Anything or anyone who seems to get in the way of their vision and ambition, whether they are aware of it or not, will be viewed with hostility.  As tension/conflict is necessary for dynamic-role play and character development, anyone who doesn't maintain a healthy separation from their character may view the players or dms whom their characters or factions are in conflict with (which may overlap too much with their personal interest) with an out-of-character suspicion.

Faction role play also works best when you have participants who don’t engage in slander and gossip. When a player becomes angry and upset, too often they seek out others who will share their narrative. For this reason, it is within the rights of the DM team to remove from faction-play those players who have been judged as having a negative impact on the game-play. If a player has genuine concerns about DMs or players, they are encouraged to approach the Community Council with their grevience so an unbiased assessment may be taken.

Server Role-play at its most basic is a free-flowing form of storytelling set against a historical backdrop. Faction-play is considered to be an elevated level of storytelling within the server. It is complex and often complicated, showcasing the canon elements of Ravenloft even as it gives players the chance to aspire to grand heights and even steeper falls. The DM team, through the use of NPC's, can be expected to promote the canon narratives of Ravenloft and ensure that the overall narrative within a faction is a compelling narrative for the players involved. Players who engage in faction-play cannot expect their characters to always be treated fairly. In aspiring to a more complex form of play, it is inevitable that both betrayals and injustices will happen. Although it may not always be apparent to a player why something happened, the most important question remains the kind of legacy a PC and a player leave behind after they are gone.

As a narrative tool, PVP will often be used as a means to promote and resolve tension. Players who engage in faction role play are presumed to have accepted the risk of physical confrontation. While no player has the right to grief another, it is important to remember how limited a single players' point-of-view is, and how important it is to trust your fellow players. Trust, in the end, is the most vital element of storytelling and it is the responsibility of both parties involved to work together for the benefit of the overall narrative. Sometimes this means loss, tragedy, and injustice for one of the parties involved. Players engaged in faction role-play cannot expect to exist within any sort of bubble, remaining free of the actions of other players or even the ripples of the actions of other players. Every player within a faction is responsible for maintaining the trust of their fellow players, as well as respecting the skill and devotion with which they attempt to carry out their narrative.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 11:40:28 AM by Iconoclast »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Vallaki Guards
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 04:00:38 AM »
Vallaki Guard

The Man with the Golden Helmet by Rembrandt van Rijn

Marching out the gates of the Citadel, the ancient fortress that was once owned by the mighty Tergs in Barovia's distant past, Private Sergei Olyaevo makes his way unto the cobbled portions of Old Svalich Road. It is a mild day and he has been ordered to make his way west, outside the walls to ensure that the various squatters that come pouring from the infamous 'Outlander's Gate', as well as his fellow Barovians, keep passive and respectful of the Count Strahd von Zarovich XI and his Burgomaster Svari Ionelus' laws and edicts. When he arrives beyond the Grey City's walls, he can only hope that this shall be another day empty of work so that he can enjoy his evening without having to scribe some foolish offense down in a log...

The Vallaki Guard serve as the Grey City's defense as well as peace keeping forces. They are a basic feudal military drawn up by the Burgomaster of Vallaki as their contribution to Barovia's war machine should the Count require them. They are volunteers - free Barovian men and women who have decided that with steel and blood they will find purpose or safety in their life, rather than simple crafts work or farming. When upholding the law, and carrying out orders, guard characters may find themselves in positions where they perform morally questionable acts. Guard players have the power to enforce the law upon and even arrest or kill other players in the line of work. This power in players hands is tempered only by in character checks and balances as well as OOC courtesy. Along with this a member of the Vallaki Guard must always remember their character is surrounded by other Barovian NPCs who will not kindly take to strange things like witchery and other foreign concepts - your individual unique aspects, eccentricities, and dark secrets will likely play against you should they be discovered by your fellow guards both players and npcs alike.

Eligible Members:
Races: Humans (Barovian)

Classes: Fighters, Rangers, Rogues
[Any one with Simple Weapons and Light Armor Proficiency could join but obviously spell-casters are going to have to keep their other talents secret at -great risk- to themselves...]

Alignments: Lawful, Neutral (LN, LG, LE, TN, NG, NE)
[Chaotic alignments would likely change under the pressure or wouldn't even consider joining an option...]

Themes: Intrigue, Investigation, Law Enforcement, Morality, "Native Culture".

Special: Can't have an alt in the Red Vardo, Gundarakite Rebels, and other guard antagonistic factions.



It is the responsibility of the officer to regulate and oversee recruitment. It shall be done
by need as well as by order. Recruits of particular tradeskills, such as metalworking, fletching,
and leatherworking may qualify for higher wages as well as exemption to some standards.

I. Only men of at least 16 and women of at least 18 shall be considered. None older than
50 shall be considered.

II. Only those who know their letters shall be considered.

III. Only those who have some knowledge of arms and armour shall be considered.

IV. Only those who have their own arms shall be considered.

V. Only those of good health and wholeness of body shall be considered. No cripples, amputees,
or chronically ill shall be considered.

VI. Only those of good standing and record shall be considered. None who have committed crimes
against Vallaki or elsewhere in Barovia shall be considered.

Related Links:
Native Barovian and Gundarakite Role Play Guide.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:37:11 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Red Vardo Traders
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2010, 04:01:29 AM »
Red Vardo Traders

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"Why can't people just make their payments on time?" Nicolai asked in his head. "I hate these kinds of jobs - they're not fun.. too legitimate for my tastes. I'd much rather be slurping some tsuika back at the Prancing Nymph, my face buried in Ylenia's legendary endowments. See, now that? That's something worth my time." He smirked at that. A loud pop issued from the chest before him and he retrieved the bejeweled chalice he was tasked to get by the Captain in Vallaki. Hopefully, he'd have time for his true heart's desire...

The renowned Red Vardo Traders, headed by Jacqueline Montarri, have made a reputation as ruthless "finders" who can recover lost and stolen cargo, objects, or even people. Their methods are closely guarded, and although most suspect them of underworld dealings, their services to the merchant community in Krezk and Vallaki are so valued that objections are never raised. In fact their reputation has allowed them to expand west beyond their grim Barovian home - with their most significant operation out there being in the Core's cultural capital, Port-au-Lucine in Dementlieu. While publicly the Traders deny any kind of criminal involvement or activity, it's no secret that some of their members come and go from seedy hangouts such as the Tigan's Rest in the slums of Vallaki or the Mutinied Sailor in the Merchant's Quarter in Port-au-Lucine. The sorts of people employed by the Red Vardo come in many skill sets from brawny bodyguards, smooth talking merchants, entirely legitimate locksmiths, and the chances are if you're good at what you do they might want you too.

Eligible Members:
Races: Any Non-Outcasts
[Outcast races vary in size, shape, and horror. Some might be able to gain entry at the discretion of Vardo leadership...]

Classes: Any
[Nearly any class could gain entry into this organization, baring Paladins and Druids, though it is mostly aimed towards thug fighters and crafty rogues...]

Alignments: Neutral, Evil
[Do-gooders might be able to make their way into this organization but chances are their soft hearts might keep them from advancement or even get them removed...]

Themes: Thievery, Intrigue, Underworld, Smuggling, Shady Stuff.

Special: Considering that this organization could be using its services for or against any one faction, it's best not to be involved in any other faction on alts.

Related Links:
Red Vardo Traders.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:37:25 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Gundarakite Rebels
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 04:11:35 AM »
Gundarakite Rebels

Untitled by Frank Frazetta

"This day, we shall be the thralls of The Devil no more! For too long have our people suffered under his yoke and the chains of his boyars! No more, I say, no more!" shouted Elder Fredek in the Luktar tongue - the assembled crowd though large in number was reverently silent. "From this day on, we shall work to supply men and other supplies to the Coursers of Chaos in their fight against the Barovians, their Devil Strahd, and his lapdog Burgomaster Jacenty Girghiu!" he rose his hand as some of the women in the crowd began to openly weep. "Save your tears, good mothers, your sons and daughters would only die under Barovian steel in their beds! Save those tears should they die as heroes, save those tears for the day Gundarak is free!" and so with that the crowd became a mighty roar, and many young men and women ran forward to volunteer themselves...

This faction primarily consists of native Gundarakites, and unlike the Guard faction, is secretive. To the west of Barovia, there once was the domain of Gundarak. Upon the assassination of Duke Gundar, Count Strahd took the initiative, and a nine-month long siege took place, until the eastern half of Gundarak was finally conquered. In Barovia, the Gundarakite are treated as second class citizens. Those Gundarakites who refuse to bend their knee to Count Strahd, have devoted their lives to the rebellion. This faction offers plenty of moral dilemmas for characters. The rebel desire for liberty is a noble one, but at what costs? Rebels spend much of their time in hiding, hatching plots in the hope that one day their struggle for liberty will pay off. This faction is open to both native Gundarakite and outlanders, so long as that outlander has gone through many trials and has been deemed trustworthy. Like the Barovians within the Guard Faction, Gundarakites fear the arcane. Therefore, any character that is of a class that is arcane dependent, be warned.

Eligible Members:
Races: Humans (Gundarakites)
[Other races, outlanders, perhaps even sympathetic Barovians might find themselves allies in the struggle, but ultimately it depends upon the individual group and its temperament as there is no unified movement...]

Classes: Any Except Spellcasters
[The Gundarakites, like all Barovians, fear magic, and any cell that had spell casters would likely find itself dreadfully alone...]

Alignments: Any
[The Gundarakite rebellion is fractured and the various cells likely have varying themes, goals, and moral opinions, though absurdly evil groups would likely be isolated from the wider movement...]

Themes: Struggle, Revolution, Rebellion, Freedom, Morality, "Native Culture".

Special: Can't have an alt in the guards.

Related Links:
Gundarakite RP Resource.
Gundarakite language resources.
Native Barovian and Gundarakite Role Play Guide.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:37:44 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Ba’al Verzi
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2010, 04:12:10 AM »
Ba’al Verzi

Ivan the Terrible Killing His Son by Ilya Repin

"Such a curious piece." thought Burgomaster Petre Teodorus as he walked the length of an ancient, tattered tapestry on the wall somewhere in his famous archive. "This must have been a common enough thing, then, a true and common thing, the killings done by the Ba'al Verzi, else why would the ancestors need make note of it? Or conjure up such grand images for tales." His eyes focused on what was a feminine figure, ideally some ancient Barovian lordling and his wife, however she was driving a dagger right into his skull. "Though it is said, even in those myths: that the Ba'al Verzi were legendary for their ability to blend in. That anyone could have been Ba'al Verzi... your best friend, the local priest, the captain of the guard, even the mother that bore you. Perhaps it wasn't an exaggeration, perhaps this is a record of truth. Yes..."

An ancient order of assassins, haunting Barovia to this day? Especially after their supposed attempt upon Strahd the First's life? Impossible.

Interested? Contact:

You won’t find them. They will find you.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:37:51 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Cult of the Morninglord
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2010, 04:12:47 AM »
Cult of the Morninglord

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"You are scared of this icon, my child? You need not be." Vicar Miklos said with a smile and in comfort to the little girl at hem of his robe. "His mouth and hand are bloody as proof that even in his divine radiance there is a darkness. We all have dark times and are guilty of ill deeds, but it need not smother the light in us. That is why he wears the sun-disk, the halo." He then places his hand atop the girl's head, patting three times. "...and in the end he will return, return with his mouth clean to dash away the gloom that came to our land so long ago. Much as we can start again on the morrow after we commit our dark deeds, he shall come to be the 'tomorrow' for all of Barovia, for all of the world." He then took her hand and lead her from the chapel and out into the morning sun...

The Cult of the Morninglord was founded around 475 BC by the outlander Matryn Pelkar, who claimed that the Morninglord appeared to him in physical form and saved him from a pack of vampires. Based on this encounter, the Cult depicts the Morninglord as a luminous sylvan humanoid, similar to an elf. Although his body is formed of soft, glowing light, his face is smeared with blood, which the cult says is a sign that even the greatest good may hold some evil stain and even the most depraved evil may contain a spark of goodness. They believe that no matter how dark the night, the dawn will come and that the Morninglord will one day return to lead the world into daylight. Presumably, when this happens the Morninglord's mouth would be wiped clean; clerics often use the phrase, "Thy lips be cleansed" in hopes of this day.

This religion is also imported from the Forgotten Realms setting. The name “Lathander” is not used here, and there are some differences in the belief system, such as focusing more on hope and struggle, rather than upon examples lead by nobility in the land, for instance. Lathanderites from the Realms and elsewhere may have a hard time connecting this religion with their own, especially the macabre image of a bloody mouthed elf in lieu of the traditionally imagined handsome, strong looking and human Lathander. The sorts of people who would become involved in this organization are faithful believers in the Morninglord's religion, particularly native people to Barovia and especially the oppressed Gundarakites who focus upon those aspects of hope and struggle to lead them through the darker days under the Barovian yoke. Priests of the faith make the core of the temples dedicated to bringing light to the world and banishing the wandering dead, as well as the warriors who aid them in the task. Laymen, however, can be anyone.

Eligible Members:
Races: Any Non-Outcast
[The cult's adherents are almost entirely human but their focus on the light in everyone allows for any who strive in the Lord's name to be among them, though outcast races would be kept at distance...]

Classes: Clerics (Dawnbringers), Fighter, Paladin (Light Carrier)
[Other classes might make their way among them, bards, for instance, who did not alert the native people of Barovia to their magics, would be a great boon to any church and their morning hymns...]

Alignments: Good, Neutral
[Only the most deceitful villains will be able to strive among these do-gooders. Best to avoid them..]

Themes: Do-goodery, Heroics, Hope, Morality, Undead-slaying, "Native Culture".


Clerics of the Morninglord must have two of the following domains: Good, Luck, Protection, Salvation, Sun.
Clerics of the Morninglord must have one of the following alignments: CG, NG, CN

Related Links:
Native Barovian and Gundarakite Role Play Guide.
Morninglord Resource.
Cult Of The Morninglord.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:38:00 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Church of Ezra
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2010, 04:13:18 AM »

The Church of Ezra

"Oh Ezra, look down upon me in this struggle, this struggle for the soul of Barovia..." prayed the Warden Mina Polescu. "Though its people fear your name, that they associate it with the sins of an ancient betrayal that was surely wrought by the Mists of Death so long ago to suppress your message of salvation, I ask you, to give me the strength to walk among them, to tell them of your story of sacrifice, to drive away the evils in their hearts, in their lives, and those that dwell near their homes in the night." She gripped her sword tightly, a symbol and aspect of Ezra's message of stalwart guardianship. "Blessed Ezra, you who gave yourself to the Mists of Death so that I may, so that we all may have salvation and protection from their treachery, know I love you and do your will in this world, until my breath leaves me and joins you in the Hollow, to await the day of our freedom..."

The Church of Ezra was born a little over one hundred years ago (666 BC), when Yakov, a son of the notorious Dilisnya dynasty claimed that a divine entity, Ezra, Our Guardian in the Mists, had given him a message to spread to all the world. According to most traditions in the church, Ezra was a virtuous mortal woman who, despairing of the evils of the world, forever surrendered her mortality to the Mists to become an eternal guardian of mankind. However, the fractious sects of the Church of Ezra have been debating the true nature and teachings of their ascended patron for decades. The original, lawful neutral sect, also called the Home Faith due to the hierarchy and highest office (the Praesidius) "at home" in Borca. The lawful good sect in Mordent, called the Pure Hearts, also teaches that anchorites must convert as many souls to Ezra’s flock as possible for their own good. The mystical, neutral Dementlieu sect claims that Ezra was a goddess who abandoned her callous fellow gods to offer mortals succor, and spends its time studying the true nature of their goddess. Lastly, the lawful evil sect centered in Nevuchar Springs prophesies an imminent Time of Unparalleled Darkness, when the unfaithful will be consumed by darkness. All anchorites agree that Ezra cannot protect those who do not accept her into their hearts.

In the context of our server this organization is represented only in two domains, Barovia and Dementlieu.

In Barovia, the Church of Ezra is represented in the Eastern Barovian Congregation, headquartered in a temple in Vallaki, the Refuge of the Fifth Light which was founded nearly three decades ago by the now Sentire Mugur Costinus. The Congregation is also composed of other much smaller temples throughout the domain, the Pure Heart chapel in the enclave of Raduta, and the now abandoned Shrine of Dutiful Mercy in the Village of Barovia. The Sentire of Vallaki has few concerns with anyone who passes into his area of temporal authority knowing well that even wandering Anchorites would need to obey his edicts and respect his position. Combine this with the Burgomaster Svari Ionelus coming to power, a man who is himself an Anchorite and a former student of the Sentire Costinus.  Effectively meaning - if an Anchorite wishes to do Ezra's work in eastern Barovia, they must do so at Mugur's blessing and under his guidelines. Despite this, the Church of Ezra and its followers are a minority in Barovia and its faithless locals. They are perceived by Barovians as Borcan representatives and looked upon with great caution.

In Dementlieu, the Church of Ezra is represented in Port-a-Lucine, Ste.Meres-des-Larmes Cathedral, heart of the Erudite sect, and in a small chapel within the nearby village of Edrigan. The Dementlieuse Congregation answers to Bastion Leonie Caille, but much of the administrative tasks are left at the discretion of Toret Armand Pineau, who serves as the primary custodian of Ste. Meres-des-Larmes. For the majority of the residents of Dementlieu, faith is not a significant part of their daily lives. Among the wealthy, strong faith is often viewed as a sign of weakness, while the poor generally find solace in the church, but often only in times of need or despair. Fortunately, this does not bring concern to the local church about the attitude of its flock.

Eligible Members

Races: Humans mostly but non-humans are welcomed.
[The Ezrite religion is almost exclusively focused in human majority domains and Ezra is a champion for mankind. However, the Zealots being Darkonese have baptized many demi-humans into the faith and look upon demi-humanity favorably. Non-humans however remain subject to the domain's racial prejudices and outcasts like calibans would not be permitted to join.]

Classes: Clerics, Mundanes
['Mundanes' represent any non-caster class which has decided to join with the church to serve as Templars. Atypical classes, such as Barbarians, Monks, Rangers would be scrutinized, and arcane spell casters would be turned away from such a position. Favored Souls and Paladins are both a boon and topic of debate. For information regarding Favored Souls in Ravenloft please read this.]

Alignments: LN
[The general alignment in the Eastern Barovian Congregation is LN, it is a Home Faith mission, while the Dementlieuse Congregation is TN as it is an Erudite mission. The other alignments of the other sects can be represented by those few strangers they've marginalized or host as guests. Templars and other laymen need not worry much on this topic, but obviously people who drift outside the traditional alignment groups for the religion will be noticed, corrected, and have other pressures applied to them in the course of role play...]

Themes: Intrigue, Politics, Morality, Monster-slaying, "Native Culture".


Clerics of Ezra must have Mist Domain and one of the following domains: Protection, Law, Destruction, Healing, or Curse. Be mindful that domains should be reflective on the anchorite's chosen sect. For more information click here.
Clerics of Ezra must have one of the following alignments, each usually corresponding to a specific sect: LN (Home Faith), LG (Pure Heart), LE (Zealot), and TN (Erudite). Please read the following rule on Anchorite alignments and the Shield of Ezra for more information.
Most clerics of Ezra wear metal armor or cloth attire. Those who differ from this tradition would be subject to scrutiny ICly.
Clerics of Ezra may only use a longsword if they are of the Home Faith or Pure Hearts, any one-handed edged weapon if they are Erudites, and any one handed weapon if they are Zealots (as well as never going unarmed). Clerics from all sects however are expected to carry a shield.

Related Links:
Church of Ezra Resource.

Interested? Contact:
A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2022, 12:36:23 AM by DM Tenebris »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Society of the Erudite
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2010, 04:14:27 AM »
Society of the Erudite

Destiny by John William Waterhouse

The pursuit of knowledge is the common thread weaving together those who partake in the Society of the Erudite. Located at the Les Presses du Savoir in Port-a-Lucine of Dementileu, this faction is based in the ideal setting. The Les Presses du Savoir possesses the most technologically advanced printing press, inviting player characters to not only collect knowledge but to author it. With the museums, multiple libraries, and the university culture, characters will have a plethora of resources to take advantage of. The faction is different than others in at least one important aspect: this faction is neither good nor evil. Characters of any alignment are able to join the Society, providing the unique opportunity for characters who might not normally associate with one another, to come together. The core value that unites those within this faction will be a deep appreciation and belief in the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and the resulting discussions, publications, and debates.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:38:12 PM by Phantasia »

Soren / Zarathustra217

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Fraternity of Shadows
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2010, 04:18:01 AM »
Fraternity of Shadows

No information is offered on this highly secretive faction.

Interested? Contact:

You can't contact what is not truly there.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 09:03:42 AM by DM Treason »


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Van Richten Society
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2015, 02:03:28 PM »
Van Richten Society

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Quote from: Dr. Rudolph van Richten
The fight against creatures of darkness is a difficult, and often painful one! But it is a good fight, and one that must be fought. If this work inspires but one person to follow in my footsteps, then I have succeeded and my life's work has not been for naught.

An organization dedicated to the eradication of foul monsters and understanding them, to this end. Although Rudolph van Richten is presumed to be dead, his legacy lives on in a few, who have formed the Van Richten Society in his honor. Because the foes of the Van Richten Society are many, and more than a few would seek to bring about an end to their meddling, the society is a secret organization.

Interested? Contact:

Do good deeds, work to eliminate evil throughout the Core, and you may get noticed by members of this clandestine organization.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:38:57 PM by Phantasia »


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La Troupe du Théâtre de la Cathédrale
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2015, 02:19:32 PM »
La Troupe du Théâtre de la Cathédrale

Salle du Palais-Cardinal with Richelieu by Jean de Saint-Igny

Working on behalf of the respectable and honorable House Jalabert of Dementlieu, in the mesmerizing and beautiful city of Port-à-Lucine, the Théâtre de la Cathédrale and its troupe frequently attract talent from throughout the Core and beyond. Thespians and actors, musicians and artists, set and costume designers - all are welcome to serve as part of the theater's troupe. Barbarous individuals and those with savage tendencies need not apply.

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« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 07:38:37 PM by Phantasia »


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Gendarmerie Nationale de la République de Dementlieu
« Reply #12 on: May 19, 2016, 04:05:12 AM »
Gendarmerie Nationale de la République de Dementlieu

With breastplates gleaming over bright silk and lace, pennants waving, plumes tossing and trumpets blowing, the Gendarmerie marches four by four before the great dome of the Palais Dirigeant. The great lords who lead them—Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, and Barons among them—raise their helmets high to salute the noble ladies young and old who have turned out to see the gay parade. For they are the keepers of order, the watchers of the border, the arm of the Council and the shield of the city of Port-a-Lucine. But they are more than that—for were they not once kingmakers themselves?—and could not the man—or woman—who controls the Gendarmerie in turn force their will upon the glittering gem of Port-a-Lucine with almost complete impunity…?

The Gendarmerie is both the national army of Dementlieu and the order-keeping arm of the Council. Although its authority spans the domain, and there are prefectures and local guard-houses in many villages and towns, its authority is concentrated in and, for the most part, essentially limited to the cities of Port-a-Lucine and Chateaufaux. The noble Houses of Dementlieu and their retinues generally retain much of the day-to-day peacekeeping in the rest of the domain, as well as retaining sizeable military forces of their own, which supplement the Gendarmerie in times of national crisis or war.

Although military prowess matters to the individual gendarme on a day-to-day basis, the higher ranks depend on anything but. Commands in the Gendarmerie are subject to the same intricate machinations, covert scheming, and outright bribery as any other office of state in Dementlieu, and it is not uncommon for those who hold high military rank to possess little or no fighting experience whatsoever. Such a position, it is commonly thought, is a good way for a House to increase and assert its influence in the domain, and should they be called upon to actually provide the services which are nominally required of them, well, one can always bribe someone else to handle that eventuality. A Gendarme who wishes advancement should expect to spend as much time drinking wine and making small-talk at social functions as drilling soldiers and fighting the enemies of the State.

Eligible Members: Humans (A strong preference for Mordentish-speaking humans; the more one deviates from this norm, the more difficult one will find advancement and reward).
Classes: Fighting classes preferably but exceptions can be made, provided they are very wealthy and can show basic military talents. Since spellcasting is very poorly-regarded, a gendarme would need to show other talents in order to secure a position. That said, should spellcasting prove an asset (except necromancy), commanders might be persuaded to turn a blind eye to such “frivolities”.
Alignments: LN, though characters can come from any alignment.
Themes: High society, politics, socializing, detectives, conspiracies, intrigues, self-advancement, military, hierarchy.
Special: Cannot have an alternate character in the Red Vardo Traders or any other Dementlieuse permanent or plot faction antagonistic to the Gendarmerie.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 08:47:17 PM by EO »
Hir yw'r dydd a hir yw'r nos, a hir yw aros Arawn.


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The Church of the Lawgiver
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2021, 05:27:51 PM »

The Church of the Lawgiver

The Church of the Lawgiver was already firmly established within Nova Vaasa when the country emerged from the mists in 682 B.C., its true origins lost to time yet by the claim of its faithful it has existed since the dawn of creation as the first and only true religion. Nova Vaasa itself is believed to have come from a far away land named Torverden, the Fair World, created by the Lawgiver over the course of three days as earth, life, and the Heavens were forged. It is said the Lawgiver watched the First People from his throne within the Heavens and suffered dismay as his creations succumbed to the corruption of the false god Mytteri. He rose up and struck down the First People, passing the First Judgment which separated the lands and condemned the living to fallen forms in the likeness of their sins.  The sundered lands became known as Faldverden, the “Fallen World”, and for thousands of years persisted in strife until the Højplads restored the Church of the Lawgiver to prominence within Nova Vaasa. It was a stability the Church exalted in until the day of the Second Judgment, when Nova Vaasa was cast into Falskverden, the “False World”, to join the lands of the Core.

What brought upon this Second Judgment is unknown, though the faithful fear the Third Judgment for it is said to be the last before all shall come to an end. When the Church of the Lawgiver found itself within Falskverden it sought to spread the faith, though it was only with the emergence of Hazlan in 714 BC that it found acceptance. The people of Hazlan readily accepted the Iron Faith and within the decade the church had entrenched itself within the workings of the country.

While the religion is spread throughout Nova Vaasa and Hazlan, the faction itself operates within the Fane of Nordenvall, a small village located a short distance north of Ramulai. The Nordenvall Fane is a dark, imposing structure emanating the oppression of the Iron Tyrant and overseen by the uncompromising Aerkebiskop Mommet. More than one structure within the village of Nordenvall has been razed by the Church of the Lawgiver as the Church diligently roots out corruption among the faithful.

The Church of the Lawgiver is a force of oppression within Hazlan and exists to assure the obedience among its people, demanding that all adhere to a given role mandated by the Lawgiver and never seek to advance or mingle with those outside of their station.

The Church of the Lawgiver officially views arcane magic as the agent of Mytteri, and for a quarter of a century, its practice was punishable by death in Hazlan. This decree held firm until the calamities of the Great Upheaval came to shake the core and brought with it doubt and uncertainty. Hazlik again spoke to the people of Hazlan and overturned the decree, for he claimed to have received a divine revelation from the Lawgiver that only through the arcane could the country be saved from impending doom. Rather than outlawing magic, he institutionalized it. Mulan and Rashemi alike were now encouraged to study the arcane.

This reversal of position has caused a severe schism between the two branches of the Church. Whilst the Church's official position is that arcane magic is the agent of Mytteri, and its practice punishable by death, following Hazlik's revelation, most of the Hazlani faithful and clergy now believe that it will be crucial in preventing future catastrophes. The Hazlani branch would prefer to see the prohibition on arcane magic removed entirely, and its Pave has quietly ignored all commands to stamp out the practice of "witchcraft" within the Hazlani Church. However, the official stance still applies to foreigners and those who do not worship the Lawgiver; they will be put to death if caught practicing arcane magic.

Eligible Members

Races: Human
[The Church of the Lawgiver only accepts humans into its organization and favors the advancement of the native Mulan ethnic group within Hazlan. Demihumans may venerate the Lawgiver but are ill regarded and may not hold faction membership.]

Classes: Clerics, Divine Champions, Monks, Fighters, Favoured Souls.
[The militant order within the faith will accept most mundane classes of a martial aptitude, including Divine Champions of the Lawgiver. Barbarians are not literate and will balk at the restrictions, while Paladins will find themselves at odds with the tyranny of the faith. Arcane practitioners will find themselves under heavy scrutiny in the Church, and non-Hazlani arcane practitioners will meet a swift and terrible end. Divine spellcasters presenting boons not bestowed by the Lawgiver are considered false. Those who enter the Church of the Lawgiver under deception do so at a considerable risk to themselves...]

Alignment: Lawful Evil
[The Church of the Lawgiver emulates the oppression of the Iron Tyrant and maintains a rigid and cruel hierarchy, favoring those who act decisively to enact judgment. Lawful Neutral worshipers are seen as permissive or soft by their peers and are unlikely to advance far within the ranks. Those of other alignments would soon be forced to bend a knee to the status quo or find themselves harshly reprimanded.]

Themes: Religion, Native Culture, Intrigue, Politics, Investigation, Oppression

Special: Cannot have another character in opposition with the Church of the Lawgiver or with ties to any group operating within Hazlan. Characters of this faction must be able to speak the Vaasi language.

Additional Information
Spoiler: show
Clerics of the Lawgiver must be Lawful Evil or Lawful Neutral.
Clerics of the Lawgiver must have either the Bindings, Death, Evil, Law, Scrutiny, or War domains.

Clerics enter the Church of the Lawgiver as Akolytes and reach the rank of Dommer when confirmed by the Biskop. Dommers serve the Church with administrative roles, provide assistance with worship ceremonies, and guide the faithful as fully vested priests.  Priests of the Lawgiver wear red and black robes.

The Gudkædes, “God Chains”, are the militant order within the Church of the Lawgiver. They are charged with the defense of the church, the protection of its servants, and the destruction of its enemies. They exist as a shadow of what they once were, for though they train constantly the Iron Faith seldom has need of their services. Mundane classes interested in this order begin as descipels, while akolytes may also choose the Gudkæde order as their path.

Monks may serve either the Gudkæde or the Kunduktør (Guardian) orders, the latter of which demands a vow of silence as not to disturb the dead in their holy duty of overseeing the graveyards of the faithful. The Kunduktørs watch over the dead and study the nature of death itself in the pursuit of understanding the mysteries surrounding the final judgment and universal law. Many of the Hazlani Kunduktørs believe that the Lawgiver was slain during the Great Upheaval, leaving behind only an empty shell of dictates and titles. This belief is a heresy and is met with great scrutiny whenever discovered by the Iron Inquisitors.

Related Links:
Church of the Lawgiver Religious Resource Thread

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Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2021, 02:04:51 PM by EO »


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The Red Academy
« Reply #14 on: November 01, 2021, 11:33:02 AM »

The Red Academy

The Wizards of Hazlan once ruled the upper echelons of Mulan society until their frequent strife and wars were put to an abrupt end with the emergence of Lord Hazlik, the Red Wizard. His decree prohibiting the study of the arcane arts brought the deaths of several prominent figures and permitted the Church of the Lawgiver to seize power and influence in the decline of magic. This decree held firm for a quarter of a century until the calamities of the Great Upheaval came to shake the core and brought with it doubt and uncertainty. Hazlik again spoke to the people of Hazlan and overturned the decree, for he claimed to have received a divine revelation from the Lawgiver that only through the arcane could the realm be saved from impending doom. Rather than outlawing magic, he institutionalized it. Mulan and Rashemi alike were now encouraged to study the arcane. The Red Academy was soon constructed and its doors opened to worthy prospects.

The Red Academy serves as a training ground for Hazlik's apprentices, picked among the Hazlani arcane casters with the greatest potential for Hazlik's purpose. Though this announcement came as a surprise, most Mulan were pleased at this reversal of position, now once again able to follow in the traditions of their culture and seeking to match the Red Wizard's power. This sentiment is not shared with the Rashemi, who want little to do with arcane magic, having seen too many of their own taken to the Tables for experimentation, and so, the few among them who join the Red Academy become outcasts, traitors who forsake their culture for better lives among their oppressors.

This reversal of position has caused a severe schism between the two branches of the Church of the Lawgiver. Whilst the Church's official position is that arcane magic is the agent of Mytteri, and its practice punishable by death, following Hazlik's revelation, most of the Hazlani faithful and clergy now believe that it will be crucial in preventing future catastrophes. The Hazlani branch would prefer to see the prohibition on arcane magic removed entirely, and its Pave has quietly ignored all commands to stamp out the practice of "witchcraft" within the Hazlani Church.

Graduates of the Red Academy, known as Wizards of Hazlan, are respected both at home, where Mulan graduates often receive positions of political power, and in other realms where their services might prove worthwhile as advisors and court mages for powerful patrons. They may also remain at the Red Academy, holding positions as instructors, furthering their mastery of the arcane arts. Occasionally, if a rare item is of interest to the Red Academy, apprentices of the institution will be sent out on assignment, either to retrieve it as payment or seize it from its source.

Eligible Members

Races: Human and Blooded Caliban
[The Red Academy is known to only admit humans native to Hazlan into its organization to assure loyalty to Lord Hazlik. Foreigners may comprise the occasional exception but these chosen few are selected personally by the Red Wizard himself. Blooded calibans created by Hazlik or his wizards may start in the Red Academy but will be restricted to the role of guards and may not rise in rank.]

Classes: Wizards, and to a lesser extent sorcerers, form the majority of the student base and faculty, either researching arcane lore or performing experimentations in order to further their understanding of magic, and thus increase their power. The Red Academy also trains a small contingent of warmages to put down Rashemi rebellions. They are looked down upon as narrow-minded louts by their peers, hardly worth the respect real wizards merit. A recent program to train hexblades has achieved limited success, most students struggling in this academic setting, though those few who graduate become elite bodyguards or even military leaders. Exceptionally, bards and beguilers who demonstrate an aptitude and an interest to enroll may be allowed to join, though Hazlik tends to dismiss them as useless for his purpose.

Fighters and other mundane classes may find employment as guards to the Academy.

Alignments: Primarily Evil; good aligned characters would not join this vile institution at all. While neutral characters may favor schools of study that do not conflict with their alignment, their adherence to the vileness of the academy will bring them closer to evil if they stay for long.

Themes: Academics, Arcane, Experimentation, Native Culture.

Special: Cannot have another character in opposition with the Red Academy or with ties to any group operating within Hazlan. Characters of this faction must be able to speak the Vaasi language.

Interested? Contact:

A member of the DM Team.

Or seek out a member of this faction in-game.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2024, 01:15:58 PM by EO »