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Author Topic: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]  (Read 1564 times)

fist of death

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[Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« on: July 26, 2023, 08:10:30 PM »
*Posted in areas around Vallaki, both in the Drain and throughout the lesser patrolled parts of the city*

See how the savage Barovian oppressors like PRIVATE MARIA ANA and CORPORAL BENEDIKTE ZUGRAVESCU hide behind their walls and condemn young women for death for merely speaking Luktar, the language of their birth. No more shall the Gundarakite people suffer under the hands of the oppressors of this land without retribution. The greatest tools of these oppressors, the Outlanders and foreigners from beyond the mist, shall be turned against those who would seek to genocide our people.

From this date on of Iulie 26, 778:

All Vallaki Garda bounties on the Gundarakite people will be repaid in kind against those who place that bounty. Every bounty against any Gundarakite people is now offered to any as double the amount against the Garda who signed it.

All Outlanders and otherwise who participate against the struggle of the Gundarakite people shall be marked for death. Their names shall be decreed here.

All bounties may be collected ALIVE OR DEAD within the Drain with proof of capture or demise.


fist of death

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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 08:12:58 PM »
*Posted in areas around Vallaki, both in the Drain and throughout the lesser patrolled parts of the city*


Private Maria Ana is a female Barovian, a member of the Vallaki Garda who has offered a death sentence of one thousand fangs on a Gundarakite woman who spoke Luktar. She can identified readily by her brown cloak, chainmail, and full helmet.

Proof of her capture or demise can be brought to the Drain and reward will be confidential.

2,000 FANGS

Approach with caution:
Many members of the Vallaki Garda now cower behind their more capable Outlander friends and fellow supporters of genocide, such as Vahn Stranek.



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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2023, 06:26:30 AM »

In response to summary executions, arbitrary institution of the so called "Gundarakite registration", and morbid hunts of the cannibal Burgomaster of Berez, Musatei Viteazul,

All men and women of


travelling along the Road to Zeidenburg and across the Southern Forest, placing their feet on the Gundarakite lands, unlawfully occupied by the Devil's men

Will be required to pay a


As compensation for the families of the victims of the Barovian Bloody Regime.

Outlanders will not be charged.

Blame not us but the cruelty of your rulers.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 06:33:20 AM by Nekro83 »

fist of death

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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2023, 01:14:27 PM »
*Posted around Barovia and from the least patrolled areas of the Vallaki Garda*

That the so-called follower of Hala, Marissa Fallieres, reports Gundarakites to the Vallaki Garda. True practitioners of Hala believe in neutrality and the path of least suffering, but Doamna Marissa Fallieres is no true Halan. She willfully chooses to report the Gundarakite people to the Vallaki Garda based on the tonics they look to buy from her knowing that these Gundarakites will be arrested, interrogated, and beaten. She is a rat, and worst of all, she is a hypocrite who perpetuates the oppressive suffering in Barovia.

May it be known from this day until the day of her last breath that she is


May whatever peace she once knew be gone. Her remains will be scattered unto the trees, unto the wildeneress, the mountains and the oldest places of the Barovia and Old Gundarak.

And those who give her quarter shall meet the same fate.



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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2023, 09:48:13 AM »
*Posted amongst the sewers of Vallaki and unpatrolled countrysides of Barovia.*

Let it be known this is a public calling for the previous enemies of Gundarak during times of war to remain uninvolved or to rally beside the free people of Gundarak. Sympathizers and innocents will be treated fairly. However, a specific, re-emerging group amongst the previous have gone back to their old ways, aiding members of the Devil's allegiance to selfishly keep their own keeps and land, unlike their noble Dementlieuse cousins. The BAROVIAN CONGREGATION OF EZRITES MUST NOT TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THE GUNDARAKITE PEOPLE.


Whatever peace may lie now will be immediately revoked if the Barovian Congregation lift their blade against a fair people, whom have several believers of our Lady in the Mists, and our Köztársaság, who's state religion is equally, of Ezra. Soldiers of Gundarak will be forced to defend themselves. Never forget that our Republic dedicated coin and soul toward the creation of an Ezrite church within the capital of Zeidenberg, fiercely defending it from traitors of the cause of freedom, to the last man. However, Ezrites of the Barovian Congregation of the past, including under the supervision of the current Toret, allowed the massacre of several innocent lives in Krezk in 776, as well as being conjoined to the sickening hounds known as 'Dog Company', a personally picked kill squad of the Devil's interests.

The Ezrites of Barovia are encouraged to refuse the corruption seeping into their superiors and are asked to practice what is truly preached with Ezra. Compassion, sympathy, and the true elimination of the greatest evil within our lands, of both Barovia and free Gundarak alike. The only true way to create peace for all people and neighboring countries is the destruction of the Devil.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2023, 09:53:58 AM by Forte »
Dzenifér Uralkodó - HATEFUL


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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2023, 08:39:06 AM »


Outlanders are warned not to side with servants of the Count. As this notice is written, we caution those with their own and others' safety in mind from being taken to the Citadel, in fear of the enforcer harming innocent Outlanders out of suspicion of being a sympathizer.

Brothers and sisters of the cause are reminded that service in the insurgency to free our people will ensure, once the nation is again bonded, permanent citizenship as a citizen of New Gundarak. Soon enough, territory may be reclaimed and servants of the greatest evil of the land, the Devil, will be felled!

Do not forget the sacrifices given by patriots of freedom like the Ezrite Warden Anton Durand, who valiantly brought faith in missionary while serving as a frontline soldier in the cause for freedom, earning a dual citizenship within the Lucine and Gundarak alike. Follow in his example and walk the path of honoring freedom and liberty!


Dzenifér Uralkodó - HATEFUL


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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2023, 03:58:55 AM »

That earlier in the season,
were EXECUTED for

Servicing the enemy of the the free state of Gundarak, as well as continually aiding in the active oppression with the unlawful tenants denying all Gundarakites any rightful property. In an exchange mandated by an unnamed third party and in exchange for an UNLAWFULLY IMPRISONED young Gundarakite woman within the Citadel, it is only by the mercy of Gundarak and her people that these two walk the cobble roads of Vallaki again.

Servants of the Devil need not be reminded that continued service will mark them as an enemy of an oppressed people. Continued abuse of the Gundarakite people will lead to further consequences. Only when equal will violence end, and equality will be made upon trenches if words do not work for the barbarians of the enemy.


Dzenifér Uralkodó - HATEFUL


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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2023, 06:55:52 AM »
This notice is distinctly written with more personal effect than previous announcements, and seems to personally address things, longwinded and lengthy. It is posted amongst discrete locations, and some short lived ones amongst the Outskirts.



Today, we have lost more than just soldiers. On the Thirteenth of August, 778, several children were taken from a local orphanage by the villainous Von Zarovich, and in the chaos, one was executed. A gruesome display made to invoke fear, despair, desperation. A crime stooped so low that even in my incomprehensible work in attaining some sort of foothold in the country that was once ours by right of blood, in facing monsters, beasts, betrayers and worse- It was inevitable that the villains of the Count's reign would target the innocent again. Most did not believe the stories of the First War of Liberation, dismissing them as propaganda.

Unfortunately, this is not propaganda, nor is this hardly a formal reactionary word from our fair country. Propaganda would assume we have something to gain from manipulating the deaths of the young, and even I, in my jaded state, cannot do this. I have done things for my country I could never put to paper. That is not one of them.

Is this the wake-up call you require, men and women of the Outskirts? The reminder, the violent display of what happens to our people when we step out of line? To forever be bent knee, else risk the worst crimes known to any soul? Opposed by a country controlled by monsters, breeds monsters, and only survives by the weight and threat of such monsters. Monsters who would sooner kill children than give simple rights to the common man, who is not much unalike the Barovian next to him, beyond the circumstance of his birth.

Those of you who stood up, who tried to do anything for those children- We thank you. I thank you. I know who you are. Of all those eyes who witnessed, only few were able to muster the desire to speak out against what is possibly the worst crime of war to take place since the Massacre of Krezk. The Barovians personal squadron of assigned killers burnt a building alight with unarmed Gundarakites inside, letting the smoke and fire take them. The Ezrites watched.

Nothing has ever been fair for us, we have lived and realized this. It will always be a struggle for everyone in this land, and we are no exception. Those who feared to stand up against their oppressors, do not. If we are all trapped together and must coexist, then one must not take part in the structure. Running is no option. Diplomacy is no longer an option. Lance Corporal Mitica and Private Ulrika were returned, believing that the cost of one Gundarakite life was more valuable than two slayings of men in service ever would be.

One must wonder what the justification amongst the bystander could be, watching such a horrid thing take place. Would they simply think it out of their control? That banding together is impossible to see this threat away, and that we should simply let the powers that-be continue to take innocent lives? Is that markings of a Paladin, Maren Jars? Speaking up information constructed upon falsehoods and half-truths made to spread misinformation on purpose, to 'save' children? If you are a holy warrior, why do you not draw your blade in the name of the defenseless? Why do you watch the Count's heel stomp on what you vow to protect?

He has doomed these children to a fate worse than death.

By submitting to the Count's demands, Maren Jars has damned what remains of the children stolen by the Von Zarovich family. Misled heroism is not itself, a crime, but it is a choice that I hope weighs heavy on his shoulders for the rest of his days. I hope the white of the children's eyes stays with you when they looked at you, knowing you could have possibly done something. You will walk forever with the mark of shame from our people. Equally, I speak with pleading hands for Outlanders to recognize the absurdity of a man of the cloth bowing knee to an evil as great as the Von Zarovich. His holy warrior nature is a falsehood, or perhaps simply a veiled excuse for strength, we will never know. If you see this 'paladin', you need not kill him- No. Living with the shame is a far, far greater punishment. Let him carry that burden forever. It will dig a hole into his heart.

A fight awaits us all. Those of us truly willing to stand up to an injustice, despite our own failings, despite what sacrifices had been made before in the name of freedom- Despite what dark paths this torment of an era has brought us to. Outlander, Gundarakite, Barovian, Dementlieuse- It makes no difference in the eyes of evil. In that, we shall always be equal. Pawns upon the board. In this, I call for arms. I call for the blades of supposed heroism to be drawn, and I ask you fight for something worth fighting for. No returning mindless undead, not for the circumstance of their birth, no- Every Garda who currently remains after such proceedings clearly must sleep well at night, knowing they have killed children.

It is an uncertain battle. I cannot lie to this page, not after what I have had to sit amongst brothers and sisters to find out. The Von Zarovich brings forth dark magic, tainted knights, the best the Count has to offer in military might-- To strongarm us all into compliance. Let this be known. I do not intend to stand down, and neither should you. Where the mythic feats of an army long past failed, I believe in the persistence of heroes, better than me, able to put rest of the pieces together to end this. Almost every man in my squadron in the days of history has been killed in action. Perhaps, even someday, I will be next.

I will hope to die fighting alongside those who believe in freedom, rather than those who would preach succor and give none of it when the innocent are threatened. Outlander partizáns will be treated with the same dignity as any other. Fight together. Live together. Give a future to the defenseless.



« Last Edit: August 14, 2023, 07:01:22 AM by Forte »
Dzenifér Uralkodó - HATEFUL


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Re: [Proclamations and Bounties from the Gundarakite People]
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2023, 10:28:14 AM »
A reply is stabbed into a proclamation with a dagger.

Childish cowards, you have only yourselves to blame.  You know his tactics and methods but continue to enact violence against the people of Vallaki, who are no less his slaves than you are. You all know where Castle Ravenloft is, yet you do not dare so much as vandalize his gates. You stick with killing random people in some vassal city state because you know you won't have to face consequences directly.  You could silently acquire power in the shadows and find a way to fight him directly. Instead you bring more suffering on your own people and cry to sympathetic ears to come solve the problems created by your own idiotic actions.

The worst part? Those kids will certainly die now, even if you turned yourselves in. Though I truly hope to be proven wrong. 

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