I rarely go into the mistways, but after an exceedingly lengthy deep dive with someone not too long ago, I've come to learn that the mountain regions are all around a cause for everyone present to groan. Being fairly unfamiliar with the many locations possible, I quickly came to learn that navigating these regions is, at best, obtuse. There's numerous viable paths that lead to dead-ends that are hard to spot without running down them first, which is certainly time consuming and not ideal, but by far the biggest negative aspect I've found is this tilesets are exceedingly broken; there are numerous spots where the pathing geometry does not match the actual ground modelling and you will find yourself either running through the air, or phasing through solid ground. I can appreciate wanting to add more varied tilesets to the server, but these ones don't pass the minimum standard for use; that being that they actually function as they should.
Combined with their obtuse navigation and the seeming lack of any actual draw in these areas, the frequent response to encountering these zones appears to be 'let's double back and pray there's another path we can take'. People are opting to retread prior paths in the hopes that they won't have to deal with these locales; not out of fear for their mechanical dangers as in the Ooze City, but simply because they're not enjoyable to traverse, nor interesting enough to encourage overcoming the downsides.
Granted, I think I've only seen between two and three variations of this mist region spawn, but they all seem extremely empty and solely exist to pad out traversal times. Whether fixing these tilesets to not have such prevalent issues of characters phasing through their geometry is on the table or not, I don't know, but these areas cry out for points of interest that encourage players to put aside their dislike for traversing it for something neat to look at.