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Author Topic: Lopsided chests/baskets  (Read 905 times)

Silence is Violence

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Lopsided chests/baskets
« on: July 12, 2023, 07:36:54 PM »
In the outskirts.

Happens when trying to place down an RVT chest or a basket full of items on the floor.

When you try to align the chest/basket to face the road, sometimes it'll end up lopsided. So it ends up diagonal or vertical instead of facing your character. This is bad because you have to pick up the chest/basket to realign it, spamming everyone's chat windows a couple times at worst.

Try to place a chest/basket in a way that faces your character. Sometimes getting a new chest/basket works, and other times it doesn't.

No clue.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 07:42:54 PM by Silence is Violence »
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Re: Lopsided chests/baskets
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2023, 08:05:29 PM »
Just as a bit of input. It relies on where you're facing and have moved from prior before placing it.

Stand far away from your intended placement area and walk a straight line towards the way you want it to face. You'll have better luck in it facing the correct way. You can wrangle it after you get used to it.

Grendlykins, Simp of Azalin Rex

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Re: Lopsided chests/baskets
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2023, 01:03:22 AM »
I have noticed this exact bug with the carpet; but it only ever happens rarely. The intended behaviour of these placeables is for them to be oriented perpendicular to your character's facing, always. I just tried it in the Vistani Camp area for example; on the first, third, fourth and fifth attempts it was placed correctly. The second attempt, it randomly rotated it 30-50 degrees to one side.

My assumption is that this is a bug being encountered by all similar placeables and that whatever variable determines the perpendicular facing is going awry.