I've thought about posting for a while, and I'll do so for the sake of offering an alternate perspective.
I've been here for sufficently many years I've lost track now. (Four I think.)
I've played all the way up to level 18, I think I've visited every dungeon on the server, (You never know!) I've played in Barovia, Port-a-Lucine, I've hung around the Mist Camp, I've regularly wandered the mists, I've played a Paladin, a Wizard, a Sorcerer, a Rogue, a Hexblade, etc etc.
I've never once enchanted a piece of gear, or felt it was needed to do so. Not having said gear has to my understanding, never impacted my play experience. No-one seems to complain when I dungeon with them, and I very rarely ever die. (Except during a recent visit to Blackwatch when I had an unfortunate experience with people setting off electric traps, in which I died more times than I normally do on two characters combined.)
Now this means I'll never be able to understand the hurt and frustration people are expressing in this thread, so I won't comment on that.
But what I wanted to stress is that I'm not alone. A lot of people play characters that will forever remain low level. A lot of characters will not be impacted in a meaningful way by this change. Even those who reach high level will not always engage with the enchanting system.
I would however, be impacted by the DM Team being buried in requests. I already find them very hard to get ahold of, so I can't overstate how much of a burden even a modest amount of admin work would be for our overstretched team, not to mention likely, 'Not fun' for them, which helps drive burnout.
I appreciate my support for this change is in the minority. I know it impacts all of you, and doesn't impact me in the slightest. But I just wanted to share that there are other playstyles, experiences, and impacts not so far expressed which are worth considering.
Stay excellent everyone.
Note - The XP Refunds referenced so far are automated, and do not require DM supervision. (Is my understanding.)