« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2022, 03:17:51 AM »
The journal is signed by Vasryll Xu'vizh, and written in elven. It lists many dates and notes. The following entries stick out as notable.
November 28th. Waning Gibbous.
Partly veiled, the Nuitari glows bright this clear night. In the shadows it cast I see faces of Underdark slaves long expired. Their ceaseless mewling woes unheard in the back of my head. I feel sick with something, guilt? Shame?
December 6th. Waning Crescent.
Tonight I gaze upon the sickle shaped Nuitari. Its pull upon me weakens. Yet the woes around me have grown. Fleshbound lessons of the scourge burn hot once more. How do I temper this feeling?
December 11th. Shrouded.
I grow restless this night. The black moon hangs shrouded in its roiling ink-black visage. How impossible it is to look away. The arcane around me feels to be so much more, how exhilarating to feel this shadow cast down upon me.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2022, 03:25:32 AM by Leviellus »

Vasryll Xu'vizh