Another sighting of the hooded woman, who seems unmindful of both the night and the incorporeal creatures that call the Sullen Woods home:
She was seen depositing several items on the leafy ground, including a weapon, a few gold, and an extinguished torch. As she did so, a piece of paper fluttered unnoticed from one of her pockets. Immediately thereafter, she seemed to vanish for a moment, and a sorely wounded man came tearing through the trees as though pursued by whatever had injured him. Bleeding profusely, he stooped long enough to retrieve all the artifacts the mysterious woman had strewn on the forest floor.
She reappeared as he did so and called to him to halt in a dry, raspy voice that yet carried with it much authority. The two spoke for a while thereafter in hushed tones and seemed to reach some sort of agreement as dawn broke, its rays yet failing to illuminate the damp darkness beneath the thickly over-hanging branches of twisted trees.
The man left the woods with apparent relief, and after a moment of angry keening, the woman, too, was nowhere to be seen.