« on: April 13, 2023, 10:59:28 PM »
I am selling various curiosities and interesting trinkets I've found while abroad.
If anyone is interested in these wares, simply send a letter to Gene Siger in Vallaki.
The list is as follows.
Chunk of Cinnabryl Ore (Red Steel) - 70,000 - A curious red metal, rumored to protect against various evils. While I cannot verify that claim, I do note that it is exceptional in it's ability to store energies.
The Messenger - Taking Offers - A well made bow with the strange property that any arrow fired from it also inflicts an equal amount of blunt force. Good for things resistant against conventional piercing at a range.
Monk's Training Cowl - 60,000 - A cowl that goes over one's face, helping them to strike what they otherwise couldn't if they relied on their eyes alone.
Swordsman's Belt - 80,000 - A belt that assists in impeding attacks loosed from blades, offering the wearer better protection.
Gobalski's Bracers - 40,000f - A pair of bracers that protect the user from blunt forces, similarly to the belt.
Gauntlets of Tuning - 25,000f - A pair of gloves surely of assistance to any aspiring bard.
Archer's Belt - 45,000f - A belt much like the ones listed prior, though this one protects against the piercing strikes of things such as spears and arrows.
Brawler's Belt - 25,000f - A belt much like the ones listed prior, though this one alleviates impacts from sources of blunt trauma.
Golden Knuckles - 50,000f - Gloves blessed by a powerful priest. Metal plates and the blessing placed upon these gloves allow it to strike harder and with bursts of energy.
Ring of Hiding - 3,000f - As the name suggests. A ring that helps one hide themselves in darker corners more easily.
If you are interested in any of these items, letters may be forwarded to Shop #1 in Vallaki.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 05:22:27 PM by softdrink »