Author Topic: L'Observateur  (Read 23167 times)


  • Undead Master
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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2021, 09:58:17 PM »


This twelfth d'Mars the Council met to discuss matters of note. The first tabled business was the ennoblement and ascension of Dame Alix Martineau d'Estellier. Prompted by the Council themselves, those asked to speak on her behalf were recent victim of violence Phillberte Gatteux, the impassioned speeches finally led to the granting of the title of Baronesse through the approval of Palascu, Drukker and d'Honaire. This however pushed the meeting long. The second matter of business was the cutting of funding to the Arcane Sciences department of the University. Spearheaded naturally by Councilman Wymmer Drukker. Duches de Beauvias argued along side Caporal Yvette Sallembier and Sargent Anatole de la Rochenoire for the continued full funding of the department, while newly ascended Baronesse d'Estellier argued against.
 The vote was narrow, split by Helene du Suis ruling in favor of funding the Arcane Sciences continuing. Though the concept of requiring all Gendarme employing Arcane talents be accredited has been tabled till next meeting. The final matter of note that arose during the Councils final minutes.
 An announcement of elections for the open seat of Arts and Culture, votes will be counted only from houses of nobility and their members. Campaigning is sure to begin across the nation with many already designating themselves for nomination.

Syville Cadieux


I try and make it a point to not get in between the disagreements of my peers and colleagues but the recent trading of letters between le Baron de Mouisset, Doctoress Vinter and la Baronesse d’Estellier has made me unable to hold my quill or tongue on this. I can not comment on the efforts of The Company of the Phoenix nor any past history between these parties, it is neither my place nor do I possess the proper details and perspective to even broach those subjects. What I can comment on is something that Martineau Maritime Acquisitions & Shipping Concern’s recent letter spoke of. To Quote their own posting “It has come to the attention of the associates at Martineau Maritime Acquisitions & Shipping Concern that the House d'Espérance has recently issued a public letter condemning Project: Renouvellement and reconstruction efforts as listed:  "Perhaps, then, the Dame d'Estellier would not feel so emboldened as to treat our country back-roads as her private playground in a transparent attempt to curry favor with the numerous members of the nobility she has alienated with her unearned derision."’

I find Monsieur le Baron’s dismissal of the attempts of MMASC to aid those harmed by the wars with honest work and the rebuilding of roads to be a bit disheartening. With the hardships this republique faces and could potentially face with the sky still dark from the volcanic activity in darkon affecting crops is this truly the time for infighting between individuals that could be working together to aid the Republique? While Monsieur le Baron’s efforts in aiding foreign nations trying to find freedom from oppression is commendable, there is a time where we must stop looking to our garden and into our house and see to what it needs. Aiding the infrastructure of the Republique and its people is not just the duty of the council and the council members but to all.

It is now more than ever that those of influence and affluence should band together and be the pillars that hold up those in need of it. This is the time for all to band together and focus on improving the infrastructure and allowing those in need the chance to obtain the tools they require to serve the betterment of the Republique. MMASC’s work with the Avenue du Progrès is a fantastic example of the good those with a platform can do to aid. Ambition and initiative to aid the Republique is what we should strive for in time like these. Not for our own gain but for the betterment of the land we call home.

While I do not agree with eliminating our focus on the arcane sciences perhaps the time to focus on them is not now when there are more pressing concerns to look out for. Looking into the health of our crops and lands, as Monsieur Norville has written, is a good starting point; Modernizing our agricultural approach for sustainability may end up being a crucial hurdle we might have to overcome in the coming months. Focusing on maritime advancements for potential dangerous trade routes to make sure we have a supply of what we require to fill gaps that our own farming might not be able to accomplish also could become a priority. Instead of those of the position and influence to aid in these matters moving forward to work towards they argue against themselves. We as citizens should turn our focus to making sure the republique is as shining and bright as it can be once these dark days are beyond us.

Viva la Republique,

Mlle. Phillberte Gatteux
Assistant Curator of the Musee du Port-a-Lucine, Member of the Society of the Erudite


The past two years have proven Maitresse Francette de Rosacier, Baroness de Fincelles, the proverbial 'point -of-the-rapier' in advancing art and culture in the capitol. Traditions such as Semaine de la Mode, Rose Day, and White Day would have been muted affairs if not for her work in concert with House Jalabert. The Grande Opera Nationale's presentation of Lotharia in association with House Descartes was not her production, but she did put down the requisite funds to purchase the tickets of all those who followed her into attendance, so great is her love of sharing the arts to all. Her production of 'I Want to Be Your Songbird' was the definition of traditional art, while 'An Unholy Union' pushed the bounds of performance, its provocation matched only by its rave reviews.

When Monsieur Maurice Bouvrain's 'L'Amour de ma Vie' was graciously auctioned for charity by the Marquis de Valey, it was the Baroness de Fincelles who purchased it to gift back into aristocratic hands, raising 175,000 solars for charitable ventures while simultaneously ensuring a priceless cultural artifact remained within the Serene Republique. These are just a few examples out of many wherein the Baroness de Fincelles proves that the fruits of Dementlieuse artistry can be enjoyed to the greater benefit of the entire Serene Republique.

The Dockworkers Strike and the 19 March 776 violence at the Palais Dirigeant demonstrated that the unrest within Port-a-Lucine is getting worse. The Baroness de Fincelles has proven her ability to cross the divides between the Quartiers, from mediating Monsieur Varteur's petition with the Council of Brilliance, assisting in the solving of the Chalkmark Abductions, and her La Lumiére dans le Granier initiative, to her work with the Jalaberts and involvement in national politics.  As Culture Advisor, the voice of the Baroness de Fincelles will be instrumental in ensuring all the people of the city get what is due to them, and in avoiding the blood and fire of a Second Revolution.

Nor is her patriotism or courage in question. Madame la Baroness de Fincelles stood before the gates of Ameranthe, holding fast against Kingfuhrer Drakov's most vile. As I commend the service of Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde, I hope he too can be civil in commending Maitresse Francette de Rosacier, Baroness de Fincelles, no matter the odds their political ambitions place them in.

I number among those who wish more could have been done for Vladantilan and was eager to advocate before the Council of Brilliance and in l'Observateur for a full defense of the fledgling nation, but that was not the mission to which I was assigned when I was selected to travel to Silbervas. Our role was to defend the delegation without embroiling the nation further into wartime commitments against Falkovnia. The choices made that day were to protect the citizenry of this Serene Republique, and should someone be required to answer for them, I will happily do so. They should not distract from Madame la Baroness's flawless qualifications for Culture Advisor.

It is an incontestable point of fact the Baroness de Fincelles has led the aristocracy in keeping the nation's creative flame blazing in absence of a Culture Advisor. Lady-Governor duSuis, without controversy, cited her artistic contributions when she raised her up to Maitresse, and then to Baroness. Latecomers may now pretend to have matched her zeal or contributions over the last two years, but in truth she is a uniquely Dementlieuse icon: Both artist and patroness, she's revealed herself as a lustrous gem in the Republique's crown, her Brilliance a worthy match to Leon's own Council.

Vote for Maitresse Francette de Rosacier, and vote to strive ever forward.

Professor Jacinth d'Espérance
Baron de Mouisset


With a new issue of the L'Observateur comes another anticipated interview, this time with the one and only Dame Alix Sinclair de Phélypeaux, Baronesse d'Estellier. Today I proudly bring you exclusive insight into the recently distinguished Baronesse's road efforts and upcoming projects.

How have your recent honours affected your life?

Well. It has certainly left tongues wagging, that's for sure. But in my life, that has never been a new thing, and I've endured far worse. It honors me deeply to be given this privilege and recognition for my actions, and I hope myself, and my descendents live up to the expectations of Nobility. I hope it will allow me to more readily help the people of this République as well. My heart has always been with them.

How would you define success? What does the word mean to you?

Success? I'm not sure. I suppose it's relevant to what you're doing, and your goals. I take pride in accomplishments, from small to large. As a Gendarme, I took pride in quickly solving a case. I consider that successful. As a businesswoman, I take pride in negotiating deals that are favorable to my enterprise, and in providing jobs to Dementlieuse workers. As a Captain of a private military contractor, I take pride in my military successes. To me, success means progress. Nothing bothers me more than stagnation.

Do you recall the precise moment you knew something had to be done about the Avenue du Progres?

When travelling to Estellier for the first time to survey the lands, I'd not traveled East since my time as a Gendarme. I took a carriage, with cavalry along the flanks, and upon the roads we found upturned soil and negligence. As we neared Chateaufaux, which had endured the Duc d'Ameranthe's siege for several months, we found the walls to be pitted, and the roads marked by mortar fire. It only became worse, as we traveled further South, to Chateaunoir. You could see once grand villas and estates in disrepair, some vacant, others being repaired slowly. It became apparent to me, then, when first travelling to see my then-Seigneurie that the true impact of the Civil War had never really been discussed in any great measure, and the Falkovnian Incursion following preyed upon this weakness with impunity. It was precisely what first took Estellier from the former Seigneur d'Estellier, and saw its Citizens murdered. I realized that the Council of Brilliance had vested in me this land as an opportunity to rebuild. So I took the challenge to heart.

We organized then, a three-part plan to see Estellier restored, and then more. Project: Estellier, which was to rebuild Estellier. Project: Renouvellement, which is our public roadworks project. Then, Project: Buissons de roses, a yet-to-be-announced project we hope to share with the République soon.

What is the nature of your arrangement with Harebell Hall?

Well, formally, we have no arrangement. Harebell Hall wrote a letter to Martineau Maritime Acquisitions & Shipping Concern expressing a desire to contribute to our public roadworks project, which we have stated openly that we are welcoming all of those who desire to aid in this project, be they of the Noble Orders of this Sereine République, or charitable business owners of common or foreign birth. They asked for our permission to use our name in their advertising, under which I provided the conditions that they not deviate from our public statements or advertising, and that we may see a copy of it before printing. Furthermore, that a diligent record is kept of finances, given the charitable nature of this endeavor. They agreed, sent us a copy, and we approved it.

With so many projects on your hands I'm sure you can use all the help you can get. Do you have anything more to add?

Only that I am a bit disparaged, by the conduct of my peers on the Council Chamber floors. There were many accusations thrown against my person there, but attacks against myself I brush off easily as baseless gossip. It is rather upsetting that the Baron de Mouisset seems so exceedingly eager to paint our public works projects in poor lights, with his insinuation that Harebell Hall murdered Gabriel d'Aubry, and that we were receiving funding from murderers. I pray the Gendarmerie Nationale resolves the matter of Gabriel d'Aubry's disappearance, and the true perpetrators of this act are brought to justice, whomever they may be.

Do you consider yourself to be lucky?

Lucky? That's a tricky question. I consider myself fortunate.

Do you owe thanks to any specific councillor for your recent rise?

Any in specific? Non. I couldn't be certain how the vote would turn out, nor do I think favoritism should exist in this situation. The Council of Brilliance may be comprised of various voices, yet they rule as one body, one voice, and I am grateful for their confidence in myself.

Mlle. Heloise Gatteux

Do you have a desire to have your voice heard? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant, we're always eager to receive your thoughts and opinions. Merci beaucoup for reading and have a wonderful day.

Libellious works will not be accepted and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


  • Dark Power
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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #51 on: May 01, 2021, 11:56:25 AM »

The Battle of Plessis Forest

On 25 April 776, The Baronesse d’Avéjan of House Vennier declared her intent to march and secure Port-a-Lucine for the common people. Widow of the late revolutionary hero Guillaume Vennier, the barony of Avéjan was rewarded following the revolution of 770 by Lady-Governor Helene DeSuis as revolutionary fervor gripped the Republique. Avéjan’s declaration followed the gruesome murders and assassinations on the leadership of the Workers’ Congress with Jacques Varteur and Lefwin Estbury’s murders on streets on the 22nd and Olivia Aumberden’s own murder in the tenements the following day. This left the Workers’ Congress leadership reduced to ex-gendarme and Vice-Constable of La Rue Bas, Sarra Regnard.

The Baronesse d’ Avéjan would then march upon the city on 27 April 776, but not before the Gendarmerie Nationale led by Gendarme officers Corporal Jacques Boucher, Corporal Yvette de la Rochenoire, and Corporal Aloutte Sautereau and the Company of the Phoenix marched out of Eastgate to parley with House Vennier. The baronesse d’Avéjan entreated with Corporal Jacques Boucher, the Baronesse d’Estellier, and Lily-Rose Dupont who became a rising star among the protesters in Port-a-Lucine. As the situation appeared to be de-escalating an unidentified rifleman fired and killed the baronesse d’ Avéjan whereupon House Vennier’s forces launched an assault in the belief the Gendarmerie Nationale partook in foul play. The mud and rain-imposed difficulties on both sides, particularly on the firearm-equipped Gendarmerie and Phoenix force. The corpses sunk in the mud, creating a gruesome scene outside of the Asylum

Heavy rains resulted in The Company of the Phoenix and the Gendarmerie Nationale to struggle as House Vennier relied on traditional weaponry and cavalry to inflict casualties until the Captain of House Vennier’s house guard Alain Montressor surrendered and was demanded to fight a duel to the death with Corporal Jacques Boucher leading to the former’s death. During the battle, a group of armed common folk from Port-a-Lucine struck the Phoenix soldiers and many lives were lost. Following the dispersal of House Vennier’s remaining soldiers, the battle concluded with an uneasy air over the Quartier Ouvrier and Marchand.

Creighton Norville

The New Spring

Stagnation is the hated foe of progress and Dementlieu is at risk of falling prey to this hated predator. Like a dress out of fashion, our measures remain outdated. Many are distracted by the politics of the upcoming elections, but the delay is but another factor that further erodes the Republique’s fortunes when it comes time to act to preserve the harvest and institute reform across our beloved country’s farmland. While some speak of conducting popular revolution in the cities, what must be discussed are the revolutionary efforts to modernize and change the way we as a people address the agricultural decline in Dementlieu. Since Falkovnia unified into a despotic state, since Lamordia funded Falkovnian war efforts to avoid their own lands being caught by our neighbors’ talons, we have relied on foreign trade to feed the country. During Pauline Jenout’s revolution, the Council by necessity needed Ghastrian food to prevent famine. The republic required the efforts of the Gatteux family to feed the land Sri Rajian rice to further delay the upcoming wave of starvation in the City of Lights and delay the thin times ahead. It appears as if the eruption of Mount Nyid did not instill urgency to act, but like an errant child, many require prodding and reminders of the specters ahead.

The seigneurs must be common-born, barons, or duchesses to reconsider their contribution to agriculture. For the glory many seek in war, some must step forward and claim the glory of feeding this land. One might ponder who I may be speaking of, but I speak of you, dear reader! Be you a landowner you have a great responsibility on your shoulders and the opportunity to make this land great. Many seek work as factories turn away those seeking work. Those who belong to the commons: let your voices be heard, ask each other why you must turn to Ghastrian grain or Lamordian fish when Dementlieu is blessed with fertile soil and a mighty shore.

Today Leon’s Legacy relies on the goodwill of its neighbors rather than its own inner greatness and innovation. While Port-a-Lucine is the center of culture, perhaps Pont-a-Museau shall eclipse it when the grain stops coming and the city shrinks as fortunes wane. Our farms must produce enough not only to survive but to thrive. The fields must be filled with foodstuffs to provide. The farmers and toilers of the land must be taught to till, to rotate the fields, and to take to the care of the soil as the naturalists of Mordent have done since time immemorial. It is time we invest in the future of the Republique to invest in the land’s bounty and in the skills of our people to care for it. It is time for Dementlieu to not only be innovators in culture but in agriculture and industry.

Falkovnia shall not wait for us to recover and neither should we. Let us build for the New Spring!

Creighton Norville

The Spotlight – A window into the people of Port-a-Lucine!

Today L’Observateur presents an interview with the only Halfling Gendarme officer in Port-a-Lucine Corporal Alouette Sautereau.

Corporal Sautereau what was it like growing up in La Rue Bas?

It was difficult, of course. My family is very large, by any standard. My father and mother both worked very hard while my siblings and I were growing up. We were rather lucky, as a family, though. We Halflings have a strong sense of community, so even when times are tough, we are there to support each other however we can. And my father's work paid somewhat better than others might hope for. Just the same, all of my siblings and I started working as soon as we could, to help provide for the family. I took on many different jobs, wherever I could. But I must admit, as both a Halfling and a woman, it is not always an easy thing to find work.

What sort of work did you and your family find?

Well, my father is an artisan; he creates fine musical instruments. My mother worked as a maid where she could. My older brother became a chimney-sweep, though I know that he hates the work, and for good reason. My oldest sister, Isabella, is a seamstress; she's actually received many compliments for the dresses she's made for me. Ah, Eloise is a cook, now. Abrelle did small jobs here and there, but she's married now. And my younger brother, Junien, well, nothing's quite stuck for him yet.

I'm sure something will come up for Junien! What did you do before becoming a gendarme?

A little bit of everything, really. I would take any good, hard work that came my way. I waited in taverns, I swept chimneys, I even worked on the docks for a while - though that is hard work for a Halfling to break into, doubly so for a woman.

What did lead to you joining the Gendarmerie Nationale?

I think it was just luck, mostly. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was passing through the Publique and met Anatole de la Rochenoire for the first time. We spoke for a short while, I mentioned that I had served in the Milice when the Falkovnians threatened the country, and he suggested that perhaps I should try to join the Gendarmes. I didn't really believe I would be accepted, but I thought, "why not?" and applied.

When did you become a gendarme?

As in, when was I promoted from Recruit?

Ah, my ignorance! When you joined as a recruit! I presume you are not considered a full 'gendarme' until promoted from recruit?

That's right. A Recrue follows, observes, and assists a Gendarme but they don't have the authority to do anything on their own. I became a Recrue January the twenty-first, I believe, and I was promoted to Gendarme proper the thirtieth, only nine days after.

Since you joined the Gendarmerie Nationale, has it changed your perspective or how you view things?

Has joining changed my perspective, well, I suppose I've seen a great deal more of how the 'other side' lives. And so I have something of a unique perspective in that way, one I didn't have before.

Now, you are an officer in the gendarmerie as a corporal. Do you feel your upbringing has affected your work as a gendarme? How many halflings are in the gendarmerie?

Now that mademoiselle Regnard has resigned? I believe it's just me. I must admit, there is often a problem of people not taking me seriously, given my stature.

How do you believe you can overcome such sentiments?

I suppose it's just a matter of sheer determination. Respect is earned, so I work hard to earn it. In the case of criminals, at least, I think they learn a measure of respect once the jail door shuts behind them.

One way of ensuring that, certainly. Do you feel the Gendarmerie has a larger role to play in society beyond defense and enforcing the law?

Oh, dear, that's a big question. I think I would say yes. Take the Ouvrier Safe Zone initiative, for instance. It wasn't simply about patrolling the streets and fighting off gangsters. We were trying to create a safe place for the community. A bit like weeding out an old garden that's been left untended too long, yes? The Gendarmerie wanted to create a place where a seed could grow. I think that was a deeply admirable motivation.

Is there a future for an initiative like this? Was it effective?

In truth, I don't know. Unlike a garden, these weeds fight back. And whatever progress we managed was quickly wiped away. But I know that mademoiselle Regnard approved of it, and so did many other members of the community. I have been giving the whole thing a great deal of consideration, though, in hopes that I can find my own way to give back to my home and my community.

That does remind me, of the recent turmoil in the city following controversy in the election that has been plagued with assassination. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Yes, it's been horrific. All I can really say is that I understand the frustration, but I would urge people to be patient. We are making progress on the investigation, and the people who have carried out these heinous assassinations will be held accountable for them. I had spent some time with monsieur Varteur before his assassination and I admired him for his motivations and his goals. When I first caught wind of what had happened to him... I was very upset.

He was a popular, peaceful voice among commoners advocating reform, and the Council of Brilliance did enact some of his proposals into law. His death did lead to reaction notably from House Vennier which led to what many refer to as the Battle of Plessis Forest. Can you share your thoughts on that confrontation?

Perhaps it would be best if I didn't just yet since the Gendarmerie Nationale is still investigating.

Of course! Last question from me. What would you say to halflings of the city who aspire to advance themselves beyond society's expectations?

Only that it -is- possible, if we remain determined. Mademoiselle Regnard opened a door for me. It's my hope that I have opened doors for other Halflings and, someday, I hope that they'll be able to do the same for others.

As always, L'Observateur is always looking for new contributors both full and part-time. Send us submissions at the Presses or seek out M. Norville for more information.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 11:58:30 AM by Chaoshawk »
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


  • Dark Power
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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #52 on: May 10, 2021, 11:45:34 PM »

The Deferment of Guy Maurice

On the 8th of May a revolutionary darling and popular figure among the working classes of the Quartier Ouvrier, Guy Maurice was taken to the Palais Dirigeant to face execution for Libel, Sedition, and Insurrection. His crimes were deemed to be a capital offense by the Gendarme Nationale and he was escorted there with a large force of Gendarmes under the direction of Lieutenant le Vicomte Ambrose Descartes. Guy Maurice was brought before Madame Guillotine to face justice. A large crowd soon formed including a group of protesters that called for the execution to be halted. His innocence was proclaimed by his supporters.

As a group of gendarmes began to arrest an activist known as Simon Brosse at the order of Caporal Jacques Boucher, Councilor Dominic D’Honaire arrived after Brosse shouted if the council could hear him. The councilor exited and stepped toward the guillotine where M. Maurice was being held. He soon declared that Maurice’s sentence would be commuted to fifteen years at the prison island of Pierre du Mort. Soon, the crowd began to disperse as gendarmes escorted M. Maurice to the docks. However, a heavy bank of mist appeared in which a fishing vessel soon crashed into the prison ship, sinking it to the bottom of the docks.

As all the gendarmes and sailors on the vessel swam to safety, gendarmes began to take fire from an unidentified assailant as sailors began to clamor for attending to the wreckage during the chaos of battle on the streets. M. Maurice was then escorted back to the Gendarmerie as sailors and dockworkers began to pick at the newfound wreckage in the harbor to continue their work. Several gendarmes were injured during the street fighting as the streets emptied, leaving an uncertain air on the streets of the Quartier Marchand.

Creighton Norville

Kidnapping at the Bazaar!

A brazen kidnapping has occurred outside of the Grand Bazaar on the 10th of May. The body of a Lecuyer bodyguard was discovered with there bullet wounds on his person which led to a frantic search as a witness overheard a woman screaming to be let go by an unknown assailant that shot her bodyguard dead. A frantic search began for the missing noblewoman of the illustrious Lecuyer line. Immediately accusations from bystanders insinuate revolutionary agitators and malcontents with ties to the Quartier Watch including the infamous Felix Toure who has found local fame and support in many corners in the Quartier Ouvrier. At this time further information is unavailable pending a gendarme investigation into the murder of a Lecuyer retainer and the kidnapping of a noble lady from the Duchy of Chantres.

Creighton Norville

End the Cultural Drought

“Uncultured”. The word cuts like a knife to those who prize art, propriety, and societal achievement. Culture defies the lesser standards by which the legacy of Lords, Sefeasas, Dames, and Lady-Governors are measured. An enlightened society values the stroke of a brush as much as it values the stroke of a sword, because an enlightened society is aware that expression of the mortal condition has worth that cannot be weighed with gold or spices. A country without values beyond the material is just a despotism awaiting ruin.

For decades, citizens of all the Four Towers Treaty nations have looked to Dementlieu for culture and stability. For years now, however, the Three Towers have instead watched in horror as the Fourth has crumbled under its own weight.

The city and its elections have become a nest of violence that rivals the most boring clichés about Borcan society. Dementlieu has descended into bloodshed and anarchy: open warfare in the streets, numerous noble coups, and the deafening silence following the circumspect narrowing of the political field for Culture Advisor. And every day, Dementlieu relies more and more upon foreigners to produce art, music, and even scientific innovation. This is not culture.

This humble writer makes no suggestion as the suitability of Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier of Tannegarde for the office he aspires to. What is obvious to all onlookers, however, is that free elections should never have come to this.

The law of Dementlieu says that the Lady-Governor selects her Culture Advisor, and may call elections if they so choose. I beg the Lady-Governor to post-pone elections, either to select a man with proper experience herself, or to allow the field to properly widen. Mordent, Richemulot, and Borca are watching. The Core is watching. You cannot water a tree with blood and lies, and expect it to bear anything but poisoned fruit.

Henri Deschamps

The Spotlight - Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux

This issue our spotlight is cast upon Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde who is a candidate running for the Council of Brilliance. At the time of this issue he is the only candidate running for the open seat for Councilor of Culture.

Sieur Regnier you belong to the noble House Chaboteaux. Can you tell us about your upbringing?

My father was stern but fair. He had high expectations of me, of everyone in my family, but I rose to meet those expectations and exceed them. He was a military man and so it was only natural that I would follow in his footsteps. My life as a child was regimented; I was constantly kept busy and the man who sits before you is the result. The indolent and lazy in the commons complain about such a life in the workhouses, but it makes for a well-rounded and hard-working man. The habits you have in your youth stay with you when you are old.

Sieur, you are a military man. Can you tell us about your military career?

I’ve served twice. Once during the Executioner’s Campaign as a petty officer when I was much younger and again when they [Falkovnia] invaded six years prior. Honestly, I did not see much action then. There was a fear the Falkovnians might traverse through Lamordia and smash into Port-a-Lucine. Of course, we later learned they’d take a more direct approach, but such were our worries at the time.

During the Executioner’s Campaign, I managed to kill five Falkovnian talons. They gave me a run for my money, but as ferocious and fearsome as they fought, they couldn’t compete with a man fighting for his homeland.

Is it through military valor you became knighted?

Correct, monsieur. The Council of Brilliance saw me personally recognized for my courage and bravery and, should I be chosen to join their number, I will see others who demonstrate courage and bravery justly recognized as well. For example, I imagine several acted with distinction at the Battle of Plessis Forest against the perfidious and opportunistic House Vennier and their dangerous, radical allies here in this very city.

Can you tell us your thoughts on the recent turmoil surrounding the election and the assassination of Jacques Varteur and the ensuing chaos on the streets?

I did not agree with Varteur’s politics in the least and yet you can be certain that I saw the man’s death as a tragedy. At the very least, he seemed to largely agree that violence is the language spoken by barbarians and brutes and that it has no place in our country’s political discourse. I worry that those who claim to be champions of his pet causes will be less devoted to peaceful means. After Plessis Forest, things seem to have fallen into an uneasy peace, but I do not know how long that might last, especially given the madness that unfolded in the days leading up to it. People need to go back to work. Normalcy must be restored in the Quartier Ouvrier and lawbreakers and vigilantes need to be brought to justice.

Some in the city speculate that because of the exceptional happenings around the city that the election is unfair and therefore should be postponed. What are your thoughts on those sentiments?

I would urge them to look back to a couple of years ago when the so-called Provisional Government tried to hold elections. Of course, we know now that they had no intention of actually doing so, and the ‘postponement’ was a cynical delaying tactic. Of course, I would not dare to assert that the rightful Lady-Governor and Council of Brilliance would do such a thing. They understand the importance of keeping things on track. I mean only to draw contrast and to highlight differences between our current government and the illegitimate one that ruled over this country for so long a time.

Given the climate of the city of late, how can the gentry reassure that they can make life better for the common people?

Fewer hours, more days off – that’s nonsense. It seems people do not recognize the value to be had in a hard day’s work, but here’s the truth of things. The most destitute Dementlieuse man or woman lives far better than any man or woman anywhere else, especially where our next-door neighbors are concerned. The word ‘slavery’ is bandied about by the rabble-rousers, but they have not any idea as to what that means. I do. It’s a common tactic by the Falkovnians to use those whom they see as chattel as human shields, or for screening and causing confusion among the enemy. So, I know a thing or two about what ‘slavery’ looks like. In Falkovnia nothing belongs to the individual. It all belongs to the state. They take their wheat to feed their armies, and they are entitled to take even more should they deem it necessary. By contrast, our taxes go to feed those who do not provide for themselves. The gentry routinely gives to charities and contributes to the common good. What I am trying to say, monsieur is that most people fail to realize just how good they have it. That is, of course, not to say that there are not challenges to be met. Every man and woman in Dementlieu ought to be well-fed, and there ought to be no empty bellies in the Quartier Ouvrier or anywhere else in our country.

What can be done better to improve the quality of life of those who work full weeks, yet remain destitute?

I believe the Council of Brilliance’s stance toward debt bondage is something that could be applied to other reforms. Those who offer higher wages to their employees can receive subsidies and financial incentives to offset the cost of labor. In this case, the carrot is a far better mechanism to utilize than the stick. Everyone knows about our rich culture, but Dementlieu also should be lauded for its industry and those who lead us into greater discoveries and innovations. We ought to not alienate those with a mind and acumen for business, else we may lose that advantage.

Do you believe there is room for reform in the Republic’s agriculture given the reliance on foreign foodstuffs?

Certainly, but most of Dementlieu’s arable land is to the east. We ought to spread out. I believe we ought to see the savage and barbarous Valachani pacified. We’ve yet to have them fully answer for the vile raids against your former countrymen in Mordent. I would make them answer for that, I would work to see a colony established in Valachan; the land is mostly untamed forests that we can see cut for lumber, and the land, or so I am told, is well suited for all manner of products. But more generally, we have a limited amount of land to work with and it will prove difficult to get the noble families to change from profitable and luxury goods and what has low margins and yet everyone wants. Thus, the only real option is to expand out and widen our circle of influence. We as a society have only fought wars of defense, which while commendable, has constantly meant we are on the back foot.

That is a bold proposal to be certain. Do you believe Dementlieu has the means and political will for this proposal?

Dementlieu almost certainly has the means. The will? Well, I believe we could. What happened six years ago should have been a loud enough alarm. Why what happened less than a year ago should have been loud enough an alarm. Some people remain asleep even now.

What are your immediate goals when you are elected as councilor?

My first act would involve publishing a list of that which I would see censored. That way, those who would pen vulgar, licentious works that are not fit for the stage cannot tell me they were not forewarned well in advance.

Are there any recent performances that seem particularly troubling in your eyes?

I cannot say I was fond of “Arachnea” especially since my money went towards its production. I’ve yet to attend to anything held inside the Jalabert playhouse since it came under new management, but needless to say that when I am elected to the seat, I will be keeping a close eye on what is performed on its stage. My detractors will not be able to accuse me of being unfair; I will make what is allowed and what is not aware to them.

Both the Opera and the Theatre de la Cathedrale utilize many foreign actors and actresses, particularly from Borca. In the debate, you mention concern over many foreigners taking jobs from Dementlieuse citizens. Do the origins of foreign performers concern your stewardship of culture?

I have an appreciation for Borcan opera, but I think I would like to see Dementlieuse stories being told preferably by Dementlieuse actors and actresses. I haven’t a problem with foreign actors and actresses, provided they respect our customs and traditions. Sometimes that isn’t readily apparent. I also don’t think hiring foreigners whilst Dementlieuse citizens with talent in the Quartier Ouvrier go overlooked and ignored is a trend we ought to encourage.

Last question: How do you incentivize Dementlieuse talent and increase the accessibility of Dementlieuse productions as M. Varteur raised concerns about?

I would happily support subsidies being given to theatres and opera houses that favor hiring the Dementlieuse over foreigners. We need not look beyond our borders for great performers necessarily, they could be in this very city, we just don’t think to check. I would likewise be in favor of financial incentives directed toward some of the workhouses perhaps working with these institutions and offering a half-day to workers, so they can attend a show. It’s something I would be more than happy to offset the cost for.

A taste of culture: A review in vintage

Dear citizens, guests, and enthusiasts of Port-à-Lucine

I wish to address a topic that takes an important place in the hearts of us all: The matter of wines.
This season has brought to us a variety of excellent selections and it is my intention to make light of their individual strengths and relative shortcomings.

Today we shall have a taste of the explosively popular Sang de Leon, a Damas wine harvested in the year 768. Rather, I should say we will have a look at it because its light blue hue and sparkling bubbles immediately draw the attention of every connoisseur; but how well does the showy wine hold up against the competition?
The Sang de Leon's true strength is the distinct and flowery aroma, backed by the more faint note of the cedar barrels it matured in. A glass of Sang de Leon easily pleases the senses even when it is held at a moderate distance and imbues every sip with the same, strong aroma; however, it fails to leave an impression in the aftertaste, making it a fleeting joy that is never quite sated.

I conclude that the Sang de Leon is a pleasant distraction; a flamboyant but innocent flirt without commitment – perfectly suited as company to a snack buffet or as a conversation piece for a glamorous reception. For these reasons, it is a worthy addition to the prestigious Artois lineup, but it falls short of its siblings once the sparkling presentation has gone and fizzled away.

F. Engels

As always, L'Observateur is always looking for new contributors both full and part-time. Send us submissions at the Presses or seek out M. Norville for more information.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 01:07:33 AM by Drekavac »
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2021, 12:58:35 AM »

The Council Session of 22nd May 776

The Council held a session to respond to petitions of land on titles directly managed by the council by claimants in a session that has seen much discussion across the city before its session. This session would be the first since the attempt to kidnap the Lady-Governor Helene Desuis by several members of the de La Rochenoire family amid gossip regarding a conspiracy to overthrow the rightful Council of the Republique.

The titles for the barony of Fincelles once held by the attainted Francette de la Rochenoire and barony of Moussiet held by the attainted Jacinth de la Rochenoire were oft-discussed properties with several aspiring to claim these lands based on personal merit and attempts to establish a semblance of legitimacy to the claims. Furthermore, the barony of Beauvieres once held by Mathieu Laurier, who notoriously murdered his own family and owned a firearms business, was sought after by Madame Michelle Anciaux. Announced within the session included the barony of Avejan once held by the now-defunct House of Vennier and the barony of Magnaoc, once petitioned for by de Bellerose before her abrupt disappearance years ago. During the deliberation of titles, Councilor Andrei Palascu urged caution in giving letters patent and instead, except Fincelles, granted honorific titles with a seigneurie to those who claimed the other titles pending a demonstration of responsibility and loyalty to the Republique.

Madame Anciaux successfully petitioned for Beauvieres and became titled Maitresse Anciaux, signeuresse de Beauvieres pending an ability to secure issue for the lands now responsible to her. It was noted by the council her support of the arts in the city, her work in seeing to the reconstruction of Beauvieres, and her demonstrated loyalty to the Republique. Monsieur Creighton Norville and Monsieur Lucien Bellerose both petitioned for Moussiet until it was noted that the barony of Magnoac was open for petition. Both men were knighted for their respective contributions to the Republique most notably for battle defeating Port-a-Lucine in the Battle of Plessis and conditions placed for which both gentlemen could seek letters patent including demonstrating proper stewardship in the case of Moussiet and to secure issue for House de Bellerose in Magnoac. Both men were hereby titled Sieur Lucien de Bellerose, Cheavlier de Magnoac and Sieur Creighton Norville, Chevalier de Moussiet. Sargent-Inspecteur Jacques Boucher was granted Avejan by the Council for his service as a gendarme including for leadership demonstrated at the Battle of Plessis following the extinction of House Vennier after the battle. Avejan is notoriously known for being a hotbed of revolutionary activity and sentiment and the newly knighted Sieur Jacques Boucher, Chevalier d’Avejan was considered the right man to restore the barony following recent destabilizing events.

Maitre Alexandre Vaillant petitioned for the barony of Fincelles, but Mlle. Claire Lecuyer surprised all present with her petition to secure the barony of Fincelles for herself. Maitre Alexandre, a war veteran at Ameranthe and Plessis as well as being a respected engineer and second son of the baron de Duchbourg of the storied House Vaillant was granted the title in full as Maitre Alexandre Vaillant, Baron de Fincelles pending a marriage alliance with House Lecuyer with Claire Lecuyer as baroness de Fincelles. The turn of events potentially allies two powerful duchies in the Republiques between those who do not stand to inherit their respective duchies.

Subsequentially, The Council of Brilliance decided not to throw out the Envoy of Blaustein, the banished Alusand Fersquing after the Council demanded that Blaustein provide fish to trade to assist with the prospect of food shortages prior to an expected poor yield in the next harvest as a result of the ash caused by the Eruption of Mount Nyid. Referred to by some as the Chief Concubine of Bluebeard, Mlle. Fersquing successfully made the case for Blaustein’s surprising diplomatic overture to the consternation of those who see the island as merely a freeport that plunders the Sea of Sorrows. The envoy made promises piracy from Blaustein would not affect Dementlieu from this point forward.

The end of the consequential and chaotic proceedings was the stuff of Operas and plays and will undoubtedly shape the immediate future of Dementlieu as its effects continue to be felt in the time of looming elections to be held with Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde, and Madamoiselle Lily-Rose Dupont.

Sieur Creighton Norville, Chevalier de Mouisset

Citizens as Sport: The Most Dangerous Game?

Dementlieuse justice is the envy of the civilised world. And part of that justice system, at present, involves the issuance of bounties for the apprehension or slaying of wanted individuals who have been found guilty of heinous crimes. This is a sensible compromise, in service of relief for our hardworking Gendarmerie, that they not have to hunt down and take the risk of wresting with every single one. Many of these wanted persons are rather dangerous. Consequentially, the value of these bounties can run north of two thousand solars.

We must be cautious, however, that such measures, and indeed the crime which makes them necessary, do not attract overmany unsavoury foreigners to the shores of the République. For many, two thousand solars represents a hefty sum. But to others, such an institution feeds a predilection for hunting that most dangerous game: their fellow man. In the brutish lands beyond our borders, many live and die by the blade, with neither permanent residence nor any instinctive aversion to brutal violence. Au contraire, there is a population whom seek out so-called adventuring as a way of life, and find entertainment in bloodthirsty gladiatorial combat. Through such eyes, even citizens of Dementlieu represent just another game animal to hunt, and even the children of Quartier Ouvrier momentary sport.

If one lingers in certain places in the Capital, perhaps you too shall meet foreigners who were drawn to the fair City of Lights not by its culture or cuisine, nor for its scholarship, nor to witness beautiful painting nor emotive play, but rather enthralled to distant whispers of the famed bounty board or the prospect of a violent after-dark experience. Few of those who come purely for this purpose speak Mordentish. Some barely speak the trade tongue. Some wander through the Quartier Publique wearing clanking chains and thick metal plates, spattered with the blood and viscera of countless men and beasts, stinking of refuse. Cleaning up the carnage that oft lies in their wake along Widow's Walk is an unenviable task frequently left to the morning shift.

We may question whether perhaps in such a dangerous and violent profession, distasteful individuals are an inevitability. But the trade of the bounty hunter ought rightfully not be a seedy or dishonourable one: those who bring an end to the reign of terror of these criminals most heinous, and who work to relieve the burden and risk upon our Gendarmerie Nationale, are making the streets safer for all. Many bounty hunters are in fact honourable professionals. As with war, justice is often a messy business, but a necessary one. And we should seek not to let our values be tarnished in the process, just as we hold our soldiers to high standards. Perhaps domestic bounties ought be issued not in the vulgar trade tongue, but in proper High Mordentish. Perhaps a licensure scheme might be introduced, or a guild may be convened to self-regulate and oversee the profession locally. I invite readers to consider the possibilities.

Aidelina Gatteux

Beware the Monarchist Cancre Within Our Midst
By Jacques Soleil

Our beloved Emperor Leon’s proudest legacy is the sovereign and serene Republique that he bestowed upon us, his children. In his great wisdom, he entrusted the safekeeping of that most temporally-sacred institution to the Council of Brilliance, for he knew well that no single individual should ever be tasked to follow in his footsteps and wear his mantle: it is a solemn duty that none should be forced to bear alone, lest a bearer less noble than Leon find the burdens of office justification for abuse of its absolute power.

There are some who would claim to know better than Emperor Leon. They believe that the institution of the Republique breeds division: that the vigorous -- yes, sometimes raucous -- disagreement and debate that animates our halls and coffee shops is not an indicator of our Republique’s intellectual and moral vitality, but a symptom of weakness; that power should lie in a different, more “deserving” set of hands.

I speak of course of monarchists. I understand the urge, but please, do not laugh and roll your eyes, thinking that such a breed is foreign to our shores. They exist: Armand Foquelaine’s coup six years ago was proof of that. I hope I do not ask of you to stretch the boundaries of your imagination too far by stating that, just as they didn’t spring from a vacuum, some must yet have survived the years subsequent to Foquelaine’s usurpation of our national sovereignty.

One source from which these monarchists sprang was a body known as the "Imperial Lucinian Historical Society". Ostensibly a society interested in Dementlieu's distant past, wishing to see it remembered and ancient pieces preserved for future generations, they were in fact a gathering where many members shared the belief that our Republican form of government is ultimately unsustainable, and that an Emperor must be crowned in order for Dementlieu to remain strong enough to withstand the Falkovnians' aggression and penchant for violence.

The following is a list of the Society’s past membership:

Colin Rochefort
Ernest de Vocelynn
Cyril Dauphin
Fabien de Cochet
Victor Ballesdens
Regnier Chaboteux
Patrice Menetries
Clovis Dutoit
Maurice de Bettancourt
Estelle Rouanet
Lesly Valluin
Jean-Guy Vaillant
Theophile Deslys
Armand Foquelaine

Foquelaine was Chairman of this Society at the time when he was an instructor at the Academy of Military Sciences at the University of Dementlieu, and more than half of names on that list signed on with his Republican Guard when Foquelaine named himself "Marshal" and seized control of the Palais Dirigeant.

Additionally, the following is the oath sworn by members of the Society’s inner circle:

“I solemnly swear to work towards the restoration of the Lucinian Empire, and to see it defended against its enemies both foreign and domestic. I give my word and my vow to aid my brothers and sisters in bringing about its return. I declare that I shall not rest until death shall take me or a new sovereign is given coronation. So help me, Sainted Mother of Tears.”

Furthermore, the inclusion of the name “Dauphin” is noteworthy, given that House Dauphin was also implicated in a coup against the Council of Brilliance several years ago.

Many members of the Imperial Lucinian Historical Society are now dead: their project failed years ago. A cursory inspection of the above list shall also reveal that some survive. Of course, belonging to a Society from which sprang a nest of treacherous monarchists does not prove that one was themselves a treacherous monarchist. Yet I would submit that the severity of their former Chairman’s perfidy makes the actions and attitudes of its surviving members a matter of public interest, especially as and when they should seek to elevate themselves into high office.

We must ever be vigilant of the monarchist cancre within our midst: for these fifth columnists would have us extinguish Leon's light, turning ourselves into Falkovnia in order to fight Falkovnia.

No! Live for Liberty! Better Death than Tyranny! Vive la Republique!


The matter of food reliance upon the dreaded realm of Falkovnia is upon the minds of many in our republic. There are a number of solutions, from growing more food ourselves to other trade partners. Both are important. However what we should not forget is that we have the bounty of the Sea in front of us.

The name of the capital of our Most Serene Republic of Dementlieu is Port-a-Lucine. It is the Jewel of the entire Core. There are towns along the coast, such as Aquitaine and Ste Luciennes that are also port towns. As such we overlook the riches of the Sea of Sorrows and the food that it can provide for our people.

Fish of all sorts lay just waiting for our people in the Sea. Crabs, Lobster, Clams, Muscles and other seafood are there for the taking as well. This food is there that can support the people of our republic. Of course we should not forget the Jewel Box Lakes or the River Musarde which also hold bounties of fish for people.

By harnessing the bounty of the sea it can strengthen the republic and provide for her people. This should not be considered the only thing we should do to improve the food of our republic, but it is one solution we should do for our Serene Republic.

Madame Yvette de la Rochenoire

Maitresse Anciaux: Exemplary Citizen

After overcoming the injustices of the Falkovnian military the recently elevated Maitresse Michelle Anciaux set about creating her own business in Port-a-Lucine. In a scant few months her club, Secrets, became one of the most popular social venues in the City of Lights. Instead of resting on her laurels, the Maitresse invested her wealth in restoring and developing the lands of her home. Lands ravaged by the Falkovnian invasion. She has overseen the development of engineered firearms and their trade.

As a long time admirer of the late Verinne van Haute, another woman of common birth that rose to become a true asset to our country, I find much to admire in the Maitresse. Her accomplishments speak to an investment in building works that genuinely benefit our country. In creating meaningful work that allows our common people to live without fear or suffering. Charity is a generous thing, but alleviating the burdens of our people for a day is never the same as creating real and lasting working and living opportunities.

No one gave Maitresse Anciaux all she has. She forged it with will, wit and capability. She has been elevated with the opportunity to prove her fitness to truly lead the lands of her home. I have no doubt she will succeed and prove to our people she is worthy of elevation, just as our founder elevated the great houses that made us the nation we are today.

I am glad that our nation produces citizens with such diligence and brilliance.

Jaspar Espivant

The Lecuyer Kidnapping!

In our last issue, we reported upon the kidnapping of Marion Lecuyer by a notorious outlaw and leader of the illegal militia the Quartier Watch. L’Observateur has since learned Monsieur Toure had kidnapped Marion Lecuyer to the lighthouse on Sable Bay and had trapped the lighthouse keeper at the top as he held the noble lady hostage to exchange her for the release of Guy Maurice who was sentenced to 15 years to Pierre du Mort before the kidnapping. Subsequentially, Guy Maurice was issued a pardon for previous offices by the Lady-Governor, and Felix Toure was confronted and later released Mlle. Marion Lecuyer before being found deceased in the Lighthouse. Rumor speculates that he was killed by Workers’ Congress Chairwoman Lily-Rose Dupont after an attempt to negotiate a release, but at this time we were not able to verify with the Gendarmerie Nationale or Mlle. Dupont herself. The release of Marion Lecuyer and the Pardon of Guy Maurice proceeded a rather auspicious Council of Brilliance meeting held on the 22nd of May.

Sieur Creighton Norville, Chevalier de Mouisset

L'Observateur is seeking new contributors both full and part-time. Send us submissions at our officers in the Quartier Savant or seek out Sieur Creighton Norville for more information.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 01:15:44 AM by Chaoshawk »
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #54 on: June 03, 2021, 01:49:38 AM »

Attack on South Head!

A galleon with a pirate’s banner launched a lengthy bombardment of the Gendarmerie Fort on South Head on the 30th of May. Captained by the now-infamous Nathan Blake who had previously served as a privateer on behalf of Dementlieu during the governance of Lord-Governor Marcel Guignol including action against Falkovnia in recent years. However, after his brazen attack on the City of Lights the corsair showed his true colors when he sunk a merchant vessel with all onboard perishing aside from one fortunate survivor. He followed up his strike with a bombardment of Port-a-Lucine’s coastal defenses before leaving with a clear message. He has blackmailed our Republic with the sum of ten million solars in order to fill his pockets for what he declared as ‘payment’ for his past services rendered to Demenetlieu.

It is known Nathan Blake has conducted work and has been associated with several citizens across the Republic where he received significant pay for his past services rendered. Yet, it appears the enormous sum granted to this pirate is not enough as greed has blinded the captain to resort to such treachery.

As of now, it is undetermined how many lives Captain Blake has taken, but it is known he has hired two more pirate ships as a part of a fledgling pirate fleet that is intended to menace Dementlieuse shipping and strike the city. It was not long ago when the Covenant blockaded the city as part of their siege to subdue the city to a reactionary regime bereft of the rule of law. It is in recent memory the people of the city remember the difficulties faced from a threat from the sea and it is imperative that the people are readied for the menace that lies ahead. It is our civic duty to resist the machinations of these brigands at sea!

Sieur Creighton Norville, Chevalier de Mouisset

A Script to Die For, The Poisoned Crown, a Review by Lily Anciaux.

The latest production of Opera in our beautiful city of lights was certainly a formidable sight. Emblazoned across a stage fit for a king, our very own Monsiour de l’Hopital crossed swords with the untried Dionisio Scarlat in a tale of two brothers, one destined to hold the kingdoms crown and fall corrupt, the other to slay him and renounce the folly of a throne.

The poster reminded guests to dress in their finest, as they would only witness that upon the stage, and while the Duchesse d'Evreux claimed the evening in a stunning plum outfit - Neatly matching her retainers, I am sad to report that finery was only partially matched upon the stage.

While Monsiour de l’Hopital’s acting matched his previous string of impressive stage performances, indeed this may yet be his finest role so far, his soul searching cries of grief were poorly echoed by Monsiour Scarlat’s passable performance as King Lucien, who drifted from idealistic visionery to oppressive golem in the coarse of a single scene.

The music too, was wondrous talent without direction, Madamoiselles Harding and Dragunescu leading a piece that was some of the most stunning music I have ever heard but let down by a bland script that I fear may have been put together in an evening’s drinking.

For what was the plot that blended such talent together?

The Poisoned Crown was of coarse a metaphor, there was no literal crown of poison, rather the performance begins with the old king dying and passing on his crown, that of rulership to his elder son, who takes great pains to talk about what a wondrous ruler he will be.

One scene later, he has abruptly decided to tax the population of the realm two thirds of their gold, orders I struggle to believe people would readily carry out for their king, and therein lies the fault of the script, it is a heavy club hammering in the metaphor of the dangers of power into the audience, without thought as to the other statements it makes. I for one, am curious as to the authors thoughts on the Demontlieuse tradition of first born sons inheriting their fathers titles and power - Has the author been spending too much time in the Ouvrier that he believes the properly trained and raised children of the nobility can not handle inheriting their fathers titles without going mad? This author certainly hopes not.

Furthermore, we have a peace that argues that should you disagree with your brother's decisions, rather than engaging in reasoned debate, your first recourse should be to draw your sword and run him through - Hardly a sentiment I find support for. With the painful memories of the revolution in al our minds, this is certainly not the statement I should have put to the stage. As it stands, the piece has the brothers' conflict over the nature of the crown, Monsiour de l’Hopital wrestles with the fact he believes the crown has literally bewitched his brother, and confronts him, demanding it be removed so he can only see the truth. Once the brother does so however, proving there is no fowl enchantment at play, the script calls upon the protagonist to cut him dead, without reasoning, even though it was the belief his brother could not be reasoned with that drew him to consider violence in the first place. A lack of consistency I find to be in poor taste.

While it was warming to see the honoured personage of Lady-Governor Helen DeSuis attending the performance, it was striking to see even with the Baronesse d’Estellier paying for free entry to all, the audience could barely manage out outnumber cast and musicans three to one - A sign Opera is perhaps faling out of fashion?

Still, for all the charm the script lacked, I can not fault the talent upon the stage and in the wings, nor the warm and ever gracious audience.

The Theatre rates this performance three out of five stars, and hopes to see the talented cast tackle a beter thought out script in the near future.

Vive La République.

L'Observateur is seeking new contributors both full and part-time. Send us submissions at our officers in the Quartier Savant or seek out Sieur Creighton Norville for more information.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 01:59:24 AM by Chaoshawk »
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2021, 01:27:15 PM »

The Death of Guy Maurice

Scattered reports are said that pardoned ex-criminal and notorious carriage robber Guy Maurice, also known by the moniker Black Jacques, was killed on the streets in the Quartier Ouvrier a few days past. Although there were unconfirmed witness testimony on the possible perpetrator spreading from the attack, the Gendarmerie has not issued a statement on the matter pending an ongoing investigation. Once known as the bodyguard of former Councilor Adeline Laurent and Ambassador from Mordent to Demetnlieu, Guy Maurice is also an ex-gendarme who joined the institution following the revolution of Pauline Jenout.

His hidden career of banditry and theft began years thereafter under his pseudonym until he was later apprehended by the Gendarmerie for his criminal activity. However, by an act of merciful justice, he was first given clemency by Councilor Dominic D'Honaire and later fully pardoned by Lady-Governor Helene DeSuis following protests regarding the revolutionary darling and firebrand among sections of the Quartier Marchand. It remains to be seen what consequences his death may have for the Workers' Congress given his significant involvement in protests and riots as well as an activist for increased reforms for labor as well as being a supporter of Jacques Varteur's and later Lily-Rose Dupont's candidacy for Council of Brlliance.

Sieur Creighton, Chevalier de Moussiet

A Menace Smolders within Our Midst

For too long, a danger has been burrowed within the deepest recesses of Port-a-Lucine. In the guise of dignity and honor, it threatens the lives of those we hold dear, a looming tragedy awaiting its victims. I expect many dear readers of this column will express ire and displeasure at what is held in so high regard being justly dragged into the light for what it truly is; a scourge upon our society and way of life. I for one, however, refuse to bury my head in the sand, and implore my fellow citizens to join their voices to mine in demanding accountability and the righting of this most grievous wrong.

I speak, of course, of that most treacherous gentleman who is held in so high esteem by this city.

I speak of General Pieter Delapont, Savior of Dementlieu, or more precisely, his namesake statue which has become a blight upon the well-being of the capital. Who has not passed Delapont’s likeness in Nomdemal Square in their finery, and risked the bare and open flames arrayed about its base with trepidation? They burn away at all hours of day and night, their cheery glow promising ruin upon the careless who step too close. Who has not held their breath as some noble scion swished her skirts mere inches from those same flames, wondering if this is the reckoning day of immolation?

Nondemal Square sees heavy foot traffic, and yet each and every man, woman, and child who skirts it risks disfiguration, unsightly burns, and scorched silks.  The Gendarmerie Nationale refuses to release official figures on how many fine citizens have felt the wrath of Delapont’s thoughtlessly-arrayed flames, but I assure the reader that it is indeed more than one. Even should the prospect of a noblewoman of this republic bursting into flames on her way to one of the many charming pop-up venues that come and go so frequently in the Quartier Savant not fill you with dread and outrage, consider the risk of conflagration to the surroundings.

Who does not recall with dread the burning of the hottest days of the Revolution? Who believes we should risk this all in the name of Delapont’s glory and the architect’s mad vanity?

Lift your voices, and demand these fires be smothered, or at least contained by a reasonably distanced railing. Stand with me, or burn alone.

Henri Deschamps

The Green Renaissance

The eruption of Mount Nyid has captivated the entire Core as the sky is overcast for most of the year with sunlight rarely in sight during the months where ash covered the skies. The consequences of these events has been palpable not only in agriculture but in daily life in Port-a-Lucine where the dreary air is not often greeted by the light of the sun and detracted from the physique of the Republique. It is during this period the worrying concerns of massive crop failure and reduction in food has began to weigh on many people’s minds as Falkovnia ceased to trade their valuable supply of grain to Dementlieu due to shortages within our hostile neighbor’s own nation. Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the Gatteux led by Mlle. Phillberte Gatteux a significant supply of rice from the distant country temporarily alleviated concerns while measures were taken by many innovative individuals in order to combat the prospect of a time of few for all in Dementlieu.

The University of Dementlieu therefore participated in scientific research in order to determine methods to grow crops including grain by cultivating plants including ameranthe in greenhouses that were capable of growing with reduced exposure to sunlight and the capability to draw nutrients in soil that other crops were wilting and withering in such as lands in Dementlieu’s eastern breadbasket as a result of Falkovnian tactics of sowing the fields with salt and devastation to the Republic’s agricultural capacity. With the efforts of Dr. Felise Engels, Professor Delfina Augustus, Sieur Creighton, Chevalier de Moussiet, and Mlle. Aidelina Gatteux grain with such properties have been developed as a result of the university’s innovative research and scientific measures taken under the Department of Physical Sciences in what shall be heralded as a massive coup for the study of botany.

With the prospect of such possibilities to grow durable crops that are feasible and safe to consume for people we can see the time of plenty on the horizon should the gentry’s fields take root with strong, Dementlieuse plants through scientific development. Once again, the Republic demonstrates its primacy in innovation in the Core. Indeed, these discoveries could very well lead us to a green renaissance with a boon for agricultural development for decades to come as modern techniques for farming techniques are simultaneously adopted.

Sieur Creighton, Chevalier de Moussiet

Revitalizing the Faith

Our Guardian watches over her people. She is our light in the dark, and our Guide when we are lost. Her Holy Cathedral of Saint Mere des Larmes sits at the top of our city. One can not escape her shadow. Yet, instead of what it looked like in the ancient days today it is a ruin. When one climbs the terraces, they are first greeted with the outlying wall that is in ruins. Then when they enter the cathedral to pray, one should wear a bonnet or hat to keep their head dry and mind the rubble that falls from above. Then there is the matter of the preaching not being done often.

I may be just a laywoman but I do not believe that this is what the Guardian wants of her Holy Church. I believe that we can revitalize the faith, and in doing so help the souls of our republic and the republic over all. The following is this humble and devoted laywoman’s suggestions for how to revitalize the faith within the republic and in turn strengthen the republic.

The roof of the cathedral should be fully restored to glory and the ruble in the cathedral should be removed. New lighting should be applied so that when one enters the Church at night they can see where they are going. One should not have to use a lantern to avoid tripping upon rocks when praying to Our Blessed Guardian in the Mists.

The rubble outside of the Church could be used to support the restoration of the Church. After which the rubble should be used to support a school. The cathedral has space to build a new school. The clergy should take an active participation in education, both in preaching during fifth days and in education more broadly. Education is the Guardian’s gift in fighting back against the Mists of Death and their Legion of the Night after all.

Fifth days themselves should be days off from work, at the very least once a month. So that the faithful will attend Church services. Restoring her holy cathedral of Saint Mere des Larmes will help inspire more pilgrimages to the city and more fifth days. A devoted people are a happy and productive people.

Madame Yvette de la Rochenoire

The Spotlight - Chairwoman Lily-Rose Dupont

This issue our spotlight is cast upon Lily-Rose Dupont who is a candidate running for the Council of Brilliance. At the time of this issue she is the only competitor to Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde.

Good morning, Madamoiselle Dupont! Did you grow up in Port-a-Lucine?

Yes, all my life. I was born in Ouvrier.

How did your experiences in Ouvrier lead you to be the person you are today?

I started in the workhouses early on in life, helping make buttons, and other menial tasks. Both of my parents also labored there. We were very poor, and I make no secret of it. It always seemed that no matter how hard we worked, it was never enough to survive. As I grew older, I branched out into a variety of self-sufficient tasks, such as running errands and deliveries for those who required it. I brought every solar home to ensure my family did not perish.

How did this shape the person I am today? It shaped me into a self-sufficient advocate for those who do not have the means to fight for their rights. I know what it is to have nothing, and to feel completely separated from your own culture and country, and feel there is no way out of such dire existence. The common man breaks their back to see this country succeed every day, only to have culture pass them by. They live without a voice properly represented in the council. I intend to see that changed.

Not an easy life and a story related to me by Caporal Sautereau (Lieutenant as of publication). You first became known to many after Monsieur Varteur’s assassination. You arrived at Plessis to defuse the situation with the baroness d’Estellier and then put your name in for Councilor as Chairwoman of the Workers’ Congress. What do you say to the people who struggle in Ouvrier today? What will you do as Councilor?

It was never my intention in life to seek a spotlight o any kind or draw any attention to myself. I never dreamed I would see a common man, someone who understood my life, and the experience of those around me, represent the country on the Council of Brilliance. When he put forth his name, I was inspired to work to support him and see him succeed. When he was tragically silenced, I knew I could not let his dream die, or the Congress he’d worked so hard to see to fruition.

To the people of Ouvrier, I pledge wholeheartedly to represent the real issues of our day and age and be a voice previously unheard within council chambers. I pledge to seek equality, improved quality of life, and bridge the vast gap currently present between the common and titled man. I intend to see scholarships funded, and connections made for the poor to obtain true opportunities to expand their knowledge of culture, experience it, and contribute to it. This may seem like a common man problem, but the country itself has been deprived of the untapped talent and skill hidden in those who have no means to seek professional tutelage in the arts.

My respected opponent, Sieur Regnier pointed this out himself when he has stated in the past the lack of Dementlieuse works of art and performances is an issue. We have an unseen wealth of fresh talent that has been deprived of such opportunities in the past. If I am elected to this position, and truly, even if I am not, I intend to see this changed.

Why should the gentry vote for the Chairwoman of the Workers’ Congress for Councilor?

Dementlieu is the greatest country in the Core, and I am proud to be a part of it. I wish to emphasize to every single member of the gentry, the beauty of this privilege of citizenship that we hold, and the great responsibility that it carries as a result. Previous narratives have highlighted the difference between the common and wealthy man, encouraging discord and strife amongst them. I challenge this idea, and I pose to the gentry to bravely rise and see the benefit of a complete representation of every citizen, not just those who can afford to be heard.

I reject the notion that simply stating that the quality of life here is so much better in comparison to other countries is the standard we seek. We are Dementlieu. We set the standard, and do not let others decide it for us. It is time for us to come together, boldly, and decide what the future of our beloved home should look like. We cannot look to the past, only to the future, and I believe us all fully capable of coming together in the one trait we share, that bonds us together: citizenship.

If one struggles, do not we all? Is it not in the best interest of our future culture, and future economy, that every citizen is allowed to succeed? To any member of the gentry reading this, please consider this your invitation from me, to join the table of unity and forge new paths for a brighter tomorrow.
Earlier, I interviewed Sieur Regnier. He came up with interesting proposals many have discussed. Are there proposals you had in mind?

Certainly! My opponent has stated his desire for heavy-handed censorship. While I certainly agree that censorship has its time and place, I believe excessive silencing simply for the sake thereof will only stifle and suffocate future creativity. We have resilient men and women, such as Dame Lily Anciaux, and Monsieur Jaspar Espivant working tirelessly to lead our theatres and opera houses. The recent performance, The Poisoned Crown, is one such example that was widely celebrated, and well-attended.

I think it would be a true shame to our culture if many inspired written works suffered due to fear of censorship and legal backlash. I would instead petition the Council of Brilliance to see censorship applied in healthy measure while giving the creative geniuses of our time, the space to do what they do best: produce the beautiful cultural works our country is famous for. We would be better served to focus on enabling these establishments to tutor and nurture currently undiscovered talents amongst those who cannot seek out such opportunities otherwise.

I would also propose that the Council take a careful look at the deep wounds past warfare has left on one of the most overlooked positions in our country: the widows of wars past. I am honored to work directly with Monsieur Fleury Vaillant, and Sieur Jacques to finalize the details of a petition for a Widow’s pension. This will directly benefit the quality of life for the women and families left behind in the wake of patriotic sacrifice. These are the women who stand in the trenches, raising children who will be our future, and their sacrifice should not be considered any less than those who heroically died on the battlefield.

It is said you played a role in the rescue of Marion Lecuyer from Felix Toure. What is the real story?

Felix Toure was a tragic example of what happens when vision and ambition are tainted by obsession and bitter loss. I did everything in my power to see him brought to justice for his crimes, but by his actions this was not possible. I will always fight for the well-being of every citizen regardless of social status, and that is what occurred that day within the lighthouse. I am simply grateful to Ezra that we were able to see Mlle. Marion Lecuyer safely back to her family.

L'Observateur is seeking new contributors both full and part-time. Send us submissions at our officers in the Quartier Savant or seek out Sieur Creighton Norville for more information.
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2021, 06:28:05 PM »

The Election of 776

Frought with political violence throughout the year, the election of 776 for Councilor of Culture has now concluded with 32% of the vote for Madame Lily-Rose Vaillant and 68% of the vote for Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde. With the election of Councilor Chaboteaux in charge of protecting Dementlieuse culture a new era heralds itself as the Council now sits without an empty seat. Two attempts to disrupt the election and voting were recorded with the first being an assailant acting on behalf of Sarra Regnard of the Workers' Congress to stuff the ballots and the next a criminal necromancer murdered six gendarmes before being driven away by the brave Gendarmerie and citizens who answered the call to protect the Republic. At the end of the election both candidates exchanged conciliatory words and hopes for the future of Dementlieu in heartfelt speeches.

During the election Francette de la Rochenoire, formerly the baroness de Fincelles, became attainted and therefore an outlaw which has posed significant problems for House de la Rochenoire for the treachery conducted by Anatole de la Rochenoire and Jacinth de la Rochenoire. Jacques Varteur, Chairman of the Workers' Congress was assassinated by an assailant allegedly a maddened gentleman of Lamordian origin. His efforts to increase the accessibility of culture to the common people of Dementlieu were later picked up by both Sieur Regnier and Madame Vaillant as an issue they would address so that all can enjoy the fruits of productions and shows that make Dementlieu famous in the Core. Phillberte Gatteux returned to Richemulot and voluntarily exited the race for personal reasons and continue to be a productive citizen of the Republique as Assistant Curator of the Museum in the Quartier Publique with an announced marriage to baron Jehan d'Alard to occur within the week.

The people of Dementlieu can now breath a sigh of relief as the election cycle is concluded and we all hope the cycle of violence of the past few months are a thing of the past.

Sieur Creighton, Chevalier de Moussiet

The Corbeau Culinary Review- Cezar's Coffee and Readery

As a new arrival to Port-a-Lucine I've had a number of locations suggested as 'must visits'. The idea of a Barovian Cafe on that list was a shocking addition, and thus became one of the first I made.

The location of The Cafe is exquisite, the beautiful park of The Quartier Savant providing a lovely backdrop as one enters.

Viewing the menu consists of the basics of Barovian cuisine, made through the lens of a Dementlieuse kitchen. If one is feeling under the weather, I would recommend the Barovian palette highly. Meat and boiled potatoes, while agonizingly simplistic, is incredibly beneficial for one's constitution.

What a number of these dishes fail to do, despite their namesake, is attain the rustic charm of Barovian cuisine. For the Dementlieuse citizen, they may be as close as one will get, but to those who have visited The Grey City of Vallaki, these dishes fall short of those created in the quaint Inns of Barovia.

Despite this, there are a few stand-outs. The Papanasi is a wonderful treat, the imported pastries, while not fresh, are wonderfully prepared, and when it comes down to it Cezar's makes an excellent Quiche.

I was fully prepared to give Cezar's Coffee and Readery an average review and move on, except for its saving grace.

The atmosphere of Cezar's is yet unmatched by any Cafe I've visited in The Serene Republique, or even The Core at large. Privacy among the maze of old books is easy to come by, and nestled away in a chair with the scents of coffee, pipe tobacco, and woodfire on a rainy Dementlieuse afternoon can be described as nothing but 'comfort'.

If you are seeking to find a pinnacle of cuisine, Cezar's Coffee and Readery is not it. For the Artist? The Student? The lover of books and quiet atmosphere? This quaint Cafe will become your mainstay, and I know that I will be a return customer.

Vive la Republique,
Chef Marco Corbeau
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2021, 09:57:19 PM »

The Spotlight - Stella Seifert

This issue our spotlight is cast upon Stella Seifert who is a practitioner of legerdemain from Ludendorf and a performer whose show at the Club L'Artiste captured the imaginations of her audience! I am joined by Aidelina Gatteux as we ask the new act about this Lamordian magician! Remember that during this interview Miss Seifert is trapped in a chest and is attempting to escape it as she answers our questions!

I've never interviewed someone in a chest before. Tell us about where you are from!

Earlier this year. I left Ludendorf and accompanied one Maximilian Vennard in his travels. He was my mentor, teaching me everything I know about the craft. Card tricks, to start.. then the fundamentals of sleight-of-hand and deception on the stage. He and I would eventually become partners. Unfortunately, the Mists saw us separated.. and to this day, I know not of his whereabouts.

A shame... that brings us to my next question - what led you here to the City of Lights?

This is where stars are made, are they not? Especially in our line of work.. if you wish to gain true fame as a stage magician, you have to make your way towards Port-a-Lucine. Of course, getting here was.. interesting, to say the least. The Mists forced me to take a detour, you see. Into Barovia. Much to my surprise, I was able to perform two shows in the city of Vallaki before being chased out of town by a mob wielding torches and pitchforks.

Barovia.. fascinating. Did your performances in Barovia prepare you for your show tomorrow?

Some noises can be heard inside the chest at this point, loud thumping sounds as though she were banging up against either the top or the sides of the chest.

And since that detour ... this is your first time in Dementlieu?


What led you to pursue the path you have taken? What did you do before?

I made watches. I made and repaired watches for my father's business in Ludendorf, known as Seifert Timepieces, Ltd. Obviously, I found it to be a rather dreary and dull affair overall.. but it did give me a rudimentary understanding of engineering and mechanics. In a way, I see most of my tricks and the tricks of others as puzzles in need of solving.

You have already gathered crowds on the streets with your performances. I wonder though, what is it you wish to accomplish here in the City of Lights in your performances? Who is Stella Seifert?

I hope to delight, to amuse, and to inspire the same awe and wonder I experienced when I was first exposed to the world I now live in and have become a part of. I also hope to show people how to avoid cheats, swindlers, and charlatans, by exposing them for what they are. After all, many of the techniques they use to defraud you are the same that are used on our stage.

A magician revealing others' secrets?

I think there is an important distinction to be made here.. [The sound of chains rattling can be heard once again.] There is a world of difference between those who perform under the auspices of entertainment and those who pass off their talents as real to take advantage of those they know they can exploit. Mediums, for instance, who profess to see spirits, but are actually just taking advantage of those in bereavement. Card sharks who cheat their way to winnings at your expense. They're not magicians. They're not interested in entertaining you. All they are interested in is your money and separating you from it.

Just as a footpad is distinct from a competitive duelist, oui? What's your ... philosophical ... outlook on the on the supernatural, Madame? From common legerdemain, to the arcane sciences, to the occult.

Most of my tricks are accomplished using wholly mundane means. The uninitiated often know not what it is they're looking for, and those who do? They are rather easily distracted. I retain my Lamordian outlook with regards to the world at large, but I also recognize that our senses are faulty.. and we cannot always trust what seems like the simplest solution. To most, I might seem like a skeptic.. but to my countrymen, I would likely seem quite mad. I believe that you must combat superstition, but you also have to fight against close-minded thinking about the world you live in. I hope that is a decent enough answer to your question, if a bit long-winded.

Do you have any parting words to give to our audience at L'Observateur?

I may be one of three Lamordians who actually likes magic. But parting thoughts? First, come to my show. Second, there are no limits beyond one's own imagination. If you dream, you can make those dreams real...

And what is your most fervent dream, Madame?

To inspire others, to see others made to walk in my footsteps. To see them encouraged to walk the same path I was encouraged to tread upon and see where it leads them..
Mademoiselle Seifert rises up, holding the chains that once held her and bows. “Thank you, thank you..”

The Corbeau Culinary Review - Le Croissant Bleu

Before I begin, I understand some readers may be asking, "Monsieur Corbeau, you run a restaurant. Won't these reviews come with a bias?"

While there may be some truth in this question, I would offer that while I may critique my fellows in the culinary industry of Port-a-Lucine, none will be as critical of my own work as I am.

I believe Dementlieu is a pillar for culinary excellence in the Core, and we are the representatives of that. As the saying goes, "Competition Breeds Excellence," and I strive to see all representatives of our culinary arts continue to improve and compete.

 With that, I will continue with my second review:

Le Croissant Blue stands as a pinnacle of fine dining among the establishments of The Quartier Publique, offering Dementlieuse cuisine in an environment fitting of its excellent location.

Sitting between the Le Grande Bibliotheque  and Le Grande Opera Nationale, it attracts a variety of customers at all hours of the day or night. From students taking a break from studying, to those who might find themselves with an appetite following a performance.

The drink offerings are exquisite, with a varied selection of wine and brandy that is enough to please even the most discerning of sommeliers.  If you are particular about red wines, I could not recommend the offered Chateau Malaturno higher. And for those who may not be in the mood for alcohol, the Hazlenut Cafe comes highly recommended.

The menu selection provides an easy review. It is fantastique. Dementlieuse classics, well-prepared. The Boudin Noir aux Pommes stands strides ahead of the rest, and speaks for itself as to why it has become a cornerstone meal for many of the social elite in Port-a-Lucine.

The desserts, while well-prepared, lack variety. To use their baker's skill on a mere three desserts seems a waste of good talent.

The offerings of private rooms are a perfect place to quietly study without the hustle and bustle of the restaurant, or to host a small private gathering. It is also where my largest criticism of Le Croissant Blue lies. This private atmosphere is easily shattered by a hovering waiter or waitress. To enter these rooms without so much as a polite knock, not once, but multiple times during a single seating? It can be ruinous to a customer's experience.

This could be easily rectified by the trained hand of a watchful Maitre d'Hotel, but until it is done so I must warn potential customers of Le Croissant Blue of this practice.

As this review finds its end, I can easily recommend Le Croissant Bleu to visitors and residents of Port-a-Lucine for a fine dining experience.

Vive la Republique,
Chef Marco Corbeau

« Last Edit: July 20, 2021, 07:18:58 PM by Drekavac »
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #58 on: August 24, 2021, 03:57:44 PM »
The Spotlight - This issue our spotlight is cast upon Dionsio Scarlat who is the manager, writer, and director of Le Grande Opera Nationale, who's recent production of the first part of The Marquise d'Ambre captivated audiences with a diabolical tale of seduction.

This interview was conducted by L'Observator's Chief Editor Sieur Creighton Norville.

Tell us about yourself and where you came from. How did you find yourself producing productions in the Opera?

Humble beginnin's, in all honesty. I wish that I had some background half as interestin' as the characters in the operas I  write, but the truth is my mother bore in Leckberg an' despite limited means, secured me a fine indenture with a family there.  I wasn't givin' a formal education, but I attended the young Signor of the house, an' learned through observation. His father was insistent he be cultured, an' so when he took lessons or attended operas at the Sommet, I got to enjoy them as well, on occasion.

 When the indentures terms were no longer honored, it was to my benefit to seek out my... [A pause] What would y'call it? Fortune? Destiny? Place in the world? Somethin' like one or all'a those, I guess.

I see, so when the indenture concluded that is when you decided to leave home for Port-a-Lucine?

There was an interim there of wanderin' the roads of the Southern Core. A lark that ended up bein' longer than I would have liked, on account of the unrest in Invidia an' Barovia. Once matters were settled there somewhat, travel from the south to the west became far more agreeable.

 I actually met an instructor there, in the south. A catrato I apprenticed under t'hone the craft before the City of Light's beckoned me. The rest, I think y'know. Monsieur Espivant an' the Diosa's were manganimous enough to give me a chance, an' I hope it's not too lackin' in humility to say that I've proved I'm worth every coin as a divo an' a librettist. An' now manager, of course.

The Marquise d'Ambre was very well received by its audience with a strong cast... Do you already have plans for the next production?

 While the opening of the play presents Eric d'Ambre as they protagonist, the plot's twists and turns demonstrate that he's as much a villain to the two women he promises to share his title with. 

It's very much  their tale. But... ah, yeah. I'm currently followin' Madame Seifert's attempts to put together a Lamordian legend into operatic form. For my own part, I plan to put on one of two productions. One would take inspiration from the shadow rift, an' incorporate ballet.

An' the other would be to produce Cezar Vercezzo's The Silent Child. I have yet t'decide which idea I prefer. Absalon Nightlyre once adapted it for the Theatre de la Cathedral, an' I'd like to try to reproduce Verzzo's vision, myself. It was rather a story with many a twist and shock to the audience and it seems we have numerous productions to consider in the future.

I consider a production that leaves the audience unfeeling a failure, personally. An' the Dementlieuse mind is a clever one, that requires many turns to keep engaged. I'm pleased t'hear the twists were as shockin' as I hoped. 

And you have ensured we have a strong cast that includes an up-and-coming Dementlieuse divo in the form of Mr. Arsene de l'Hopital and diva in Mlle. Marie-Louise Corbeau.

In the recent election there was concern from some about the lack of Dementlieuse performers in Dementlieuse productions. Does that weight on your mind when making casting decisions

Includes, but isn't limited to. Our Dementlieuse cast members help in polishin' the rest of us foreigners. A microcosm of the Four Towers Treaty, itself. We need Dementlieu, an' Dementlieu needs us. But, ah... As to your question, there's no need for conscious castin' of the Dementlieu; their proximity to culture ensures there's always a healthy mix of formally trained Dementlieuse divas and divos in the troupe. Personally, I think it's a coup that the Opera has managed to employ a natural talent like Madame Dragunescu. Barovia's loss is Dementlieu's gain. 

It is hard to argue against that. The talent at the Opera has brought it to new heights. Do you feel the Opera has been accessible for those with lesser means to appreciate the productions?

In so much as such things can be controlled, of course. The generosity of our patrons means our shows are more accessible than ever, but there are obviously still barriers that prevent just anyone from attendin'. I'm afraid these sorts'a matters are beyond my scope, however. I prefer makin' art to political waves.

I feel politics has a way of making waves in all aspects of life in this city... What would you say to those who might aspire to be a divo or diva on stage one day? 

I would say that for the rigor that path entails, there's no country in the Core better suited t'make that dream a reality. The Sommet may be a close second, but the Grand Opera Nationale is the pinnacle of the craft. Dementlie has an appreciation for art that only the Kartakan's match. 

Now that is a statement! I wonder why we do not see many Kartakans here now that you mention it... I think most look forward to your next work with bated breath. Any parting words you would give to our readers?

Only that I appreciate the enormity of the opportunity the city has given me, an' promise to repay its trust five-fold. 


“What do you believe in?” It sounds like an awfully personal question, doesn’t it? A question that you ought not have to give an answer to. Of course, I know of a few individuals who have privately-held beliefs that run counter to those they’ve expressed in public, largely because they fear what others will say if they answer that question truthfully. What they believe is not dangerous; what they believe imperils and endangers no one. It just does not conform to what the masses themselves claim to believe.

Of course, Dementlieu is not a religious country; far from it. It merely maintains the façade of one, and the perceptive can quite easily see the cracks. People attend only because they wish to be seen attending, and to make their families and society as a whole happy; it certainly isn’t something anyone does for their own spiritual health. I am, of course, more than fine with Dementlieu’s irreligious nature, but I am of the opinion that these vestigial remnants of faith ought to be shed altogether and cast off for good.

The Ezrites take, and never give. The men and women of the Third Revelation paint themselves as belonging to a scholastic tradition that sets them apart from the anchorites of other sects, but I would invite others to point towards one scholarly field that isn’t metaphysics or centered around religion where they have made a worthy contribution, one that has been shared outside of where they choose to cloister in the catacombs beneath Ste. Mere des Larmes. You cannot even argue that the Ezrites give back with their art and architecture, because they prefer to leave their cathedral as a crumbling ruin! The sole exception to this is the stained glass window that rests there, which they wrap up in spiritualist film-flam, claiming that it can somehow work miracles. If it can, if that’s the truth, then why is it that I see the Sisters of Compassion, women belonging to a far less centrally organized faith, doing all the humanitarian work in this city’s slums? Why isn’t the Church of Ezra in this country using their miracle-working multi-colored pane of glass to make it so the lame can walk again, so that the maimed can work again?

You already know the answer to this one. The Church of Ezra made it abundantly clear what they think of this country’s less fortunate when they closed and barred its doors to them in the middle of a siege. While others have told me that individual anchorites gave assistance to the masses, it does not change the fact that the church’s policy, when confronted with protecting people or property, chose property first. Your tax money goes to support this kind of behavior and thinking!

It does. Councilor Drukker is right for suggesting there is wasteful spending at the University, but he’s looking at the wrong department. It’s the School of Divinity that he should be scrutinizing. I know for a fact they aren’t teaching about Hala in there. They aren’t teaching about Yutow. If they are, it’s being done through the lens of indoctrination and I’d rather not have my solars go towards indoctrination.

Some may see this column as unnecessarily critical, needlessly harsh, and altogether unfair, but the Church of Ezra has already declared war on me and all others who are not a part of the flock. Bastion Teodorus Raines and his followers make it very clear: if you do not belong to the faith, you are the enemy. They’re as much a part of the Church as the Dementlieuse sect is; they’ve done nothing to disavow or disown them. As such, you will forgive me for wanting to punch back.

I invite you do imagine a world where organized religion is a thing of the past. The nascent Republic of Gundarak, a country where the fires of liberty burned bright, was taken down from the inside by a struggle between two diametrically opposed faiths. There is, of course, the holy war of Bastion Raines against the remnants of the Eternal Order. Naturally, the religious undertones to the civil war here in Dementlieu cannot and should not be ignored; the perfidious “Solemn Covenant” swore upon Ezra to right what they perceived as the country’s wrongs, damn the human cost that would be exacted. Even now, Sturben is at the center of a rather ridiculous amount of strife, born from a contest over who gets to wear a set of silly robes.

If you do not believe the Church of Ezra is bad now, just wait another century. Raines’ own sect is growing in popularity and that dangerous madman very nearly became the new Praesidius. Given that and the so-called “Home Faith” having an obsession with holding onto and remaining married to power, I would say it is inevitable that the Church of Ezra becomes identical to the oppressive Church of the Lawgiver in the east. It is really just a matter of time. We can, however, alter our course as a country and as a society. You do not need a man in a frock telling you what to do in order to be a kind and compassionate person, or to give back to your community. You do not need confession to know wrong from right and to avoid the former. There are perfectly ordered societies that have dispensed with the need for organized faith, or even the façade of it; let us look to joining them.

- La Voix de la Raison

The Corbeau Culinary Review - The Golden Fig

The Golden Fig sits as a landmark in Port-a-Lucine, a stop for classic Dementlieuse cuisine for the gentry of our fair city.

What it lacks in location it makes up for with a lovely interior, an open design with plenty of table room and a well-trained staff. It does not posses the quaint cafe-centric atmosphere that is so well-loved by Port-a-Lucine, but also is not as restrictive as restaurants of true elegance.

Moving on to the menu, I am hesitant. The food is made well, it's obvious that the owners of the The Golden Fig have hired a well-trained Chef. It's unfortunate they have strangled this Chef's skill with their stale and outdated menu. 

A few of the Dementlieuse classics are present, tried and true, but they are serving these a few years out of style. Pied de Cochon de Cerlimieu harkens back to my childhood, and proves a good dish - should anyone wish to view the history of cuisine.
Their steaks were recommended highly, and do live up to the skill of the Chef. Unfortunately it's not served with anything. Sauces, sides, seasonings - All things an owner should consider adding to the menu to elevate such a wonderfully cooked dish to the standards that should be offered to the people of Port-a-Lucine.

We as culinarians must not be afraid to take risks, break from the safety of 'classic' dishes. I would implore the owners of The Golden Fig to allow their Chef some artistic freedom, or to write me that we may work on elevating their menu. I write this critique with hope, that I may one day soon recommend the illustrious Golden Fig to the people of Dementlieu as a pillar of culinary arts.

But I cannot, in good faith, do so now.

Vive la Republique,
Chef Marco Corbeau

Announcements from the Editor:

-L'Observatuer is hiring!

L'Observateur is seeking writers and contributors whether full-time or part-time on myriad subject matters from politics, daily life, public affairs, and other topics so long as they do not attempt to break laws such as disturbing the peace or advocating for violence. The content of these articles may or may not reflect on the beliefs and opinions of L'Observateur as a whole.

Those who submit articles selected for publication shall be paid for their contributions!

-Now accepting advertisements!

Any Dementlieuse-based business of good standing with the law may apply for advertisement space in L'Observateur for a small fee. These advertisement runs are limited to two per issue, first come first served.

Any with inquiries may leave a letter for Chief Editor Sieur Creighton Norville, or Editor Marco Corbeau at the Presses du Savoir.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2021, 01:14:19 PM »

Dementlieuse Agriculture: Time for a Practical Approach

Since the time of Leon, Dementlieu has been governed by a ruling class that exercises the right of rule for the common good. It is from Leon’s own hand we enjoy our continuing tradition of high standards of public service, good order, and reward for exceptional merit. We would be remiss to forget, however, the sorry state of the country until Leon stepped up to deliver us from strife. Leon‘s reforms were carefully considered steps with which to solve the problems of the day. Our tradition is one of pragmatism, and the duty of the gentry one of solving the problems that face this country

Dementlieu enjoys a period of peace currently, peace that has been rare this past decade. All is not well, however. The scars of war remain deep, especially in the east. Falkovnian aggression has left crops burned, fields salted, and villages depopulated. Our country is exhausted by war, and our people bled white. Even where crops can be grown, the eruption of distant Mount Nyid still mars our skies despite the mountain itself having quieted. All in all, our crop yields are down and our dependence upon Vlad Drakov’s grain increases.

Stated plainly, the food supply is the problem of our time. What is to be done?

Leon answered that question with pragmatism, and laid for us a foundation of governance that stands us in good stead even now. There are steps that can be taken and in its wisdom the Council has honoured one who has quietly pioneered such measures. I speak of Sieur Creighton, Chevallier de Mouisset. His lands, salted and ravaged by war, have been brought back to fertility already. Not content with this, he already aids the Baron de Fincelles in the restoration of his lands, as well. Sieur Creighton is a particular expert in the restoration of the health of the land, and is more than willing to train others in his ways. One can only argue in favour of a multiplication of such talented souls within the Republique.

Yet many of the techniques and measures that Sieur Creighton applies can be adopted by all of us, as can yet more. In times of plenty, we have perhaps not worried about those marginal lands that exist within our Republique. The scrubland, the bogs and marshes, the fields with stony or acidic soil. Only those with a particular and laudable vigour bring such lands back into production, such as the Baroness d’Estellier. While the clouds of Mount Nyid persist, and the lands of the east still heal, we must look to waste ground and to hardy crops that can subsist in less than perfect conditions.

Other countries who have long laboured with cold, harsh climates, poor land, or poor technology. Despite this farmers abroad have persevered with crops that we of the gentry might consider beneath our notice. While subsistence crops such as rye and barley might appeal to only unsophisticated palettes, they will grow where grain may not. While goat’s milk might currently be the preserve of a peasant’s cottage industry, a goat will forage in places cattle will not. The turnip suits the peasants table, but hardy breeds can still be grown by the gentry in land otherwise left unused. A good chef can work wonders with any produce, but these foods need not reach our highest tables to be of benefit to the Republique as a whole.

Land that has been considered waste and hardy crops and livestock we would once have dismissed are the pending marriage of the season. The marriage ceremony will require perseverance and new techniques. It may even require new inventions to make the working of difficult land easier. It will, however, not involve the opportunity cost of using good farmland to grow staples rather than high value crops. More land put into production simply means an economic boon: to landowners, to farmhands, and to associated industries. Indeed, one suspects, those among the commons willing to exert themselves to hard work will particularly benefit.

In the spirit of Leon, let us come together as a people to solve the great question of our time.

Monsieur Emeric Desrosiers, Grandson to the Marquis de Valey

The Corbeau Culinary Review -

Chez Leon, a unique stopping point in The City of Lights. Even amidst the beauty of The Quartier Savant, Chez Leon stands out.

It's location- Superb. Quaint seating in a park-esque atmosphere, with a wonderful fountain. This outdoor cafe holds a torch for an atmosphere that most cafes aspire to (as long as the weather holds).

The food selection in Chez Leon is less of the restaurants that I have reviewed until this point, but more akin to that of a bakery. Cookies, creams, cakes, and coffee. If you have a sweet tooth, Chez Leon is the place to indulge. On a sunny day, I cannot recommend a visit to Chez Leon higher. Bring a book or good company.

The Cafe suffers with the rain, though. While I cannot speak ill of such a lovely establishment, I would recommend some options for cover when the Dementlieuse rainy season inevitably arrives.

Menu Recommendations

The Dementlieuse Vanilla Cake is best shared. I find that when paired with a good cup of black coffee, the combination is nearing on divine.

A guilty pleasure of mine is the waffles. While served with butter and syrup, I must recommend that you instead request them with simply a dusting of powdered sugar. A Cafe classic in the making.

Vive la Republique,
Marco Corbeau

Emeline and Renaldo- Review

Theatre de la Cathedral’s rendition of “Emeline and Renaldo”, an epic tale of love, loss, betrayal and obligation; has finally premiered. A story centered around two star crossed lovers who throw caution to the wind and pay dearly for it. Its playwright listed only as “Unknown”, the show was met with a resounding applause from the masses upon completion, despite the use of inappropriate language used in a public venue in front of respectable citizens.

Monsieur Arsene de l’Hopital’s use of the Baie Theater was a mark of genius, as it allowed the actors to perform in the round so that all in attendance felt as if they were part of the narrative, some of them even interacting with the cast. However, the lack of seating in this venue led to the gentry being forced to sit next to some very unsavory types, such as dark fey, who are legally not welcome to remain in the Publique so brazenly.

The theme of this play is quite overused however, and thus lacks a certain fresh quality that Port-a-Lucine has been long known to possess. A suggestion to the management would be to capitalize on our  proud nations firm patriotism and select a piece that better represents our fine Republique.

To that end:

The heroine, Emeline, played by the newcomer and foreigner Mademoiselle Dhelindria Lawrence; is the daughter of a prominent noble house, who finds herself wed to a handsome foreign noble, forming a smart match and showcasing the honor that comes with being a part of the gentry. Renaldo, brilliantly captured by Monsieur Fleury de Montaigne who continues to show that his acting chops have bite; is a young peasant, a ruffian who skillfully manipulates the innocent Emeline into an affair of the heart despite the generosity of her husband Lord Zarovian, revealed at the end to be played by none other than the Theatre de la Cathedrales own manager M. Arsene de l’Hopital.

 In order to keep his wife safe from the scoundrel Renaldo, Lord Zarovian spirits her far away out of his reach, but it is too late. Emeline’s heart already belongs to Renaldo and for five long years they are kept apart, pining for one another. One continuity error that I found was that it was not explained how Renaldo found Emeline after all that time.

Weeping over the loss of her love they run to each other, their hearts no less devoted to one another in their age of separation. Just as the  irresponsible lovers are about to embrace, Lord Zarovian appears, sword drawn. An epic duel begins between Renaldo and the jilted nobleman ending in the stabbing of the poor Lord Zarovian in the chest, sending him to his death. Or so the audience is led to believe! Just as the two lovers are about to reunite, Lord Zarovian rises from the ground, his sword in hand, driving it clean through the back of Renaldo and into Emeline as they embrace one another. A man driven to revenge by a most heinous betrayal caused the death of all three characters, ending an already tragic show on an even more morose note. Had the protagonist remembered the obligation to her family, the commitment she made upon marriage then all three characters could have survived, to find happiness in their lives. This play serves as a clear warning against breaching oaths of marriage for foolish flights of fancy.   

Each act was transitioned with the use of a magical darkness, seemingly necessary due to the lack of lighting in the outdoor arena, and unlike traditional plays where the actors speak their lines “Emeline and Renaldo” was entirely narrated, by the talented Madaemoislle Olarye Lavergne who delivered the only spoken lines with conviction and emotion dictated by the scene.

The rest of the cast performed their roles in complete silence, a feat not often achieved well, but Theatre de la Cathedral’s troupe somehow managed to stun the audience with simple body language. Mlle. Dhelindria Lawrence and M. Fleury de Montaigne gave a convincing rendition of two young lovers with nothing to lose, and in the end lost everything. M. Arsene de l’Hopital, giving life to the unfortunate hero who only wanted to keep his family together. Finally the Muse of the show was played by the foreigner Mademoiselle Xiao Zhen, who brought life to each scene with her musical talents.

Monsieur Marco Corbeau, of House Corbeau, showed his support to the arts by contributing a hefty amount of funding towards the play, allowing all who wished to see the premiere to do so for free.

The show was sponsored by House Jalabert, whose contributions to the arts are unending, and continue to make Port-a-Lucine, the hub for all things culture and prestige.

Mlle. Brielle Desrosiers,
on Behalf of Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde
Cultural Advisor

Announcements from the Editor:

-L'Observatuer is hiring!

L'Observateur is seeking writers and contributors whether full-time or part-time on myriad subject matters from politics, daily life, public affairs, and other topics so long as they do not attempt to break laws such as disturbing the peace or advocating for violence. The content of these articles may or may not reflect on the beliefs and opinions of L'Observateur as a whole.

Those who submit articles selected for publication shall be paid for their contributions!  Payment of 5,000 solars will be paid per article, limited to a single article per contributor per issue.

-Now accepting advertisements!

Any Dementlieuse-based business of good standing with the law may apply for advertisement space in L'Observateur for a small fee. These advertisement runs are limited to two per issue, first come first served.

Any with inquiries may leave a letter for Editor Marco Corbeau at the Presses du Savoir.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #60 on: October 11, 2021, 10:25:47 PM »
Every Fortress Needs Foundations

It is popular amongst many of the gentry to speak of the need to strengthen Dementlieu against military aggression. Such thoughts are understandable. The wings of the Zweifalk cast a long shadow over our country and few have not lost friends and family in the struggle for our freedom. House Desrosiers is no exception, and I have lost both uncle and cousin in battle with Vlad Drakov’s hordes.

Often, these conversations orient around some new wondrous technique or tactic that, it is claimed, will shift the balance of power once and for all. At other times, it is simply an appeal to favour and strengthen the Republique’s warlike nature and capability. Having lived with the threat of Falkovnia just across the border my entire life, I cannot in good conscience dismiss any advantage that Dementlieu might gain in our struggle with the Hawks. Let us build a mighty fortress, and repel the enemies of liberty, as we have done since the birth of Leon’s unity.

Yet such schemes cannot and should not set aside the fundamental truth of the Republique’s military strength, that the Household troops of the nobility, mustered en masse, are both shield and sword for our people. This is stated with no disrespect to the Gendarmerie, of course, but simply a statement of the truth that the preponderance of our armed forces are raised from the estates of the nobility.

It need not be a great leap of logic, then, to understand the link between the success of Dementlieuse agriculture and the safety of the country. The more prosperous, more populous and healthier a people the nobility can draw from, the stronger and more motivated forces they can put into the field. The more profitable our local agriculture, the better equipped household forces will be, the more able to take advantage of the tactics, gadgets and gizmos that some theorize will change the way we make war.

Some have sought to set my proposals for agriculture against a policy of military preparedness. I argue the contrary, that a proper economic basis is the very foundation of military preparedness. Let us settle our foundations, and all else will rise in strength. It is for this reason I call for the creation of an agricultural commission composed of academics and members of the gentry, to allow the Council of Brilliance to be fully apprised of the challenges the country now faces in the wake of the eruption of Mount Nyid.

Emeric Desrosiers, Grandson to the Marquis de Valey.
The White Day Masque ‘Heroes & Villains’- Review

The annual White Day celebration was marked with a Masquerade Ball, hosted by the dynamic Monsieur le Baron du Duchbourg who came dressed as Emperor Leon the Great, a particularly fitting hero for the evening. The excellent food and drink were catered solely by Monsieur Marco Corbeau of House Corbeau, however there lacked a permanent fixture at the bar, forcing those of the gentry to have to serve themselves; a strangely rustic event from House Vaillant. With the theme being “Heroes and Villains” those in attendance did not disappoint with their costumes. In attendance were some familiar faces such as Rudolph van Richten, Josephine Chantreaux and Jezra Wagner, but there were also some faces never before seen by the likes of man. Vile hags, Borcan mobsters, and werewolves all graced the ball, sweeping over the evening to spread their unique visages among the party goers.

Another famed female of old, Ursula Schuler of Lamordia, was seen mingling through the crowd, complete with snowshoes, and she managed not to trip over them once.

Monsieur Augustin de la Rochenoire came dressed as a fearsome Falkovnian, an insightful villain for the evening as they have long plagued our history books for ages. Mademoiselle Alienor Jalabert-Roquette shined like the rubies she wore as the Saint Igrayne Blaithe, showing to the fiends in attendance that she couldn’t be tempted.

Strahd von Zarovich and other fairy tales from around the Core were also in attendance, which gave the two Doctor Van Richtens something to hunt throughout the evening, much to the guests amusement which culminated at the end of the evening where the attendees put to a vote which was the true Doctor Van Richten and that honor went to the enigmatic Emeric Desrosiers.

The musicians of Theatre de la Cathedrale once again dazzled with their ability to perform the most classical pieces, elegant in nature that offered many couples time on the dance floor. Entertainment was in supply at the White Ball as the famed Lamordian magician Stella Seifret showed her masterful escape maneuvers by finding her way out of shackles set behind her back by the vile Red Wizard in attendance, not to worry, it was just another costume!

At the end of the evening a costume contest was held and everyone in attendance was granted the opportunity to vote for their favorites. There were so many wonderful costumes, and it was obvious so much work had gone into them all but in the end there were very clear winners.

Third place went to Mademoiselle Ella Corbeau for her frightening rendition of a Vampiress out to get Doctor Van Richten.

Second place was split equally between Mademoiselle Noemie Vaillant as Brighid the Goddess of Poetry and Mademoiselle Brielle Desrosiers, who went as The Embodiment of Innocence.

First place, and well deserved, was Monsieur Marco Corbeau, who arrived as a fiend, the very Embodiment of Corruption.

Much to my surprise and approval, despite there being more than a few outlanders present, the costumes were all tasteful and the company pleasant.

Mlle. Brielle Desrosiers,
on Behalf of Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde
Cultural Advisor

Citizens as Sport: The Most Dangerous Game? Revisited.

The Dame d'Norville, formerly mademoiselle Gatteux, wrote some months ago in this very same publication about the issue of bounties and bounty hunters and their role within our justice system.

The issuance of bounties for the apprehension or, more often, slaying of wanted individuals, is a sensible compromise in service of relieving our hardworking Gendarmerie, as it frees them not only from the obvious risks of apprehending dangerous criminals, but their hands for other duties as well. The value of these bounties, in consequence, can run well over two thousand solars. As of now, these bounties are written out in clear trade tongue for any to read.

This, in turn - as the Dame wrote - has had consequences which are not desirable.

Dementlieuse children speak of men running around the night with glowing swords with a mixture of fear and awe. To these brutish outlanders who have no home but their blades, death is merely another business, and they find it in abundance on our very streets, leaving in their wake a trail of our women and children for the Gendarmerie to find each morn.

You may have seen such men and women come and go from our City of Lights, outdated metal plates clinking in rhythm with their gait, not for our culture, not to witness a stage magician or a moving play, barely even able to speak our tongue - but for what is plain and simply the prospect of brutal violence and blood money, paid by with the lives of our tax-paying citizens in the Marchand and the Ouvrier. Even servants of the brutish so-called Lawgiver have been seen traversing our streets, using our citizens as sport to be played on the ends of their flails, and collecting a reward in solars at the end of it.

Such men and women do not have our interests at heart; they do not care to make our streets safer or the jobs of our hard-working Gendarmerie easier. Even so, as Dame d'Norville wrote, many bounty hunters are professionals who do cause more damage than they purport to fix. What can we possibly do to improve this system?

The Dame made several suggestions which I still believe hold merit. Perhaps, to reflect the measure of professionalism we expect from those who keep our streets safe, the bounties on the board ought to be written in High Mordentish. Perhaps there ought to be a guild to more effectively regulate the bounty hunters we know and trust in the Republique. Perhaps, even, the murder of our women and children ought to be punished. The possibilities are many, but only by considering the matter together, in the spirit of enlightened debate, can we reach a conclusion. I therefore invite readers to consider and debate the possibilities among their enlightened company.

A Concerned Citizen
Announcements from the Editor:

-L'Observatuer is hiring!

L'Observateur is seeking writers and contributors whether full-time or part-time on myriad subject matters from politics, daily life, public affairs, and other topics so long as they do not attempt to break laws such as disturbing the peace or advocating for violence. The content of these articles may or may not reflect on the beliefs and opinions of L'Observateur as a whole.

Those who submit articles selected for publication shall be paid for their contributions!  Payment of 5,000 solars will be paid per article, limited to a single article per contributor per issue.

-Now accepting advertisements!

Any Dementlieuse-based business of good standing with the law may apply for advertisement space in L'Observateur for a small fee. These advertisement runs are limited to two per issue, first come first served.

Any with inquiries may leave a letter for Editor Marco Corbeau at the Presses du Savoir.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #61 on: October 26, 2021, 07:51:53 PM »
Lacy Aguillard Atelier

I have had the opportunity to attend two art classes, led by the effervescent Mademoiselle Lacy Aguillard, and I must say that I was impressed with her ability to connect with both children and grown adults alike. Her grasp of the techniques needed to tell stories on canvas is one of the best I have witnessed in Port-a-Lucine.

With the children, she encouraged their creativity, instructing them to paint a boat on the baie, but allowing them to make their own adjustments as is the will of a child's mind. She demonstrated a keen ability to diffuse even the most stubborn of children from acting out with her kind words and critical thinking skills.

At her Atelier, she floated around the gallery with a glass of wine in her hand, issuing detailed instructions to the gentry and common folk alike. The subjects we were to use were each other, as the topic was “The human figure”. Mlle. Aguillard told us to look around at those present and to choose a muse to paint, someone who inspired us to want to create. We were given all supplies needed to succeed, canvas, pencil and paints which she had premixed to aid the more novice artists in attendance. The atmosphere was relaxed, with many imbibing as their brush strokes marked the canvas.

Mlle. Aguillard moved effortlessly from each patron offering advice, discussing the technical side of art or even guiding the hands of those in most need. At the end of the class, once the paintings were revealed they were all found to be tasteful renditions of various attendants to the class, some of them so well painted that there is no doubt their work may be seen at future art showings.

Taking in one of Mlle. Aguillard’s classes will not only expand your mind to the technical and creative sides of art but also will allow artists a space to show off their talents with the hope of earning noble patronage.

Mlle. Brielle Desrosiers,
on Behalf of Sieur Regnier Chaboteaux, Chevalier de Tannegarde
Cultural Advisor
The Legacy of Jacques Varteur

Jacques Varteur was a man that stood for change. Stood for the betterment of our society in line with the values of civility, dialogue and openness. Whatever one's stance it is with civil speech, diligence and brilliance that our society was built. It's something to be treasured wherever it arises, and an example to others. It was Jacques Varteur who presented a peaceful petition to our wise Council post restoration. He acted peacefully and respectfully always in his efforts and embodied the best our society has to offer.

What, then, became of this man? Jacques Varteur was murdered. His life of peace was ended by cowardly violence. All of the Republic lost a voice to that violence. For without those with the conviction and wisdom to speak peacefully, respectfully and openly how do we continue to grow as a society? Without dialogue, there is only conflict. Violence. Deplorable and senseless.

Everyone should remember Jacques Varteur, and the example he set for us all.

- Catherine Lacroix
The Truth of the "Drow"

There is a strange and sinister sight that has begun to frequent the streets of Dementlieu. One that frequently comes disturbingly close to the gentry. As a man of science and guest in this fair nation I feel it is my civic duty to shine a light on these creatures. Outwardly, they appear to be elves with ebon skin, crimson eyes and white hair. My own anthropological and phrenological studies have found that this is more than a superficial difference. The prefrontal regions of Drow skulls are depressed and under developed. This is the region responsible for benevolence and moral reasoning. I have further observed that the temporal regions bulge outwards slightly behind the ears. This region is responsible for destructiveness, greed and deception.

The effects of this on their foreign society are terrifying in their implications. The Drow believe themselves racially superiour to others and practice the enslavement of other "races" including human. The Drow prize deception and practice it as a norm within their culture. Worse, they worship a mythical demonic figure called Lolth. Of course, any Lamordian knows that there is no such thing! But the Drow practice rites that include ritual sacrifice and acts of deviancy. I can only imagine the good citizens who I have seen accompanying these Drow are unaware of the grave danger they pose to themselves and their families.

Written by: Researcher Gunther Hoffman

Announcements from the Editor:

-L'Observatuer is hiring!

L'Observateur is seeking writers and contributors whether full-time or part-time on myriad subject matters from politics, daily life, public affairs, and other topics so long as they do not attempt to break laws such as disturbing the peace or advocating for violence. The content of these articles may or may not reflect on the beliefs and opinions of L'Observateur as a whole.

Those who submit articles selected for publication shall be paid for their contributions!  Payment of 5,000 solars will be paid per article, limited to a single article per contributor per issue.

-Now accepting advertisements!

Any Dementlieuse-based business of good standing with the law may apply for advertisement space in L'Observateur for a small fee. These advertisement runs are limited to two per issue, first come first served.

Any with inquiries may leave a letter for Editor Marco Corbeau at the Presses du Savoir.

DM Indolence

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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #62 on: December 24, 2021, 07:23:24 AM »
[This latest issue of Port-a-Lucine's leading gazette features a pair of editorials, but little else of interest...]


In Response to Truth for the People
To the editor: I'm not certain how best to preface this article. I am not a writer nor orator by trade, but having seen recent publications on the national matters I felt compelled to dispel some unfortunate errors that I believe may serve to cloud debate.

In regards to Mlle. de Bellevance's publication, Truth for the People, Issue 1, the writer claims that in a decade, farmland along the Musarde would result in the agriculture necessary to feed Dementlieu. This is objectively wrong, as even during the early years of  Lord-Governor Marcel Guignol's administration  when eastern agriculture was untouched by the ravages of recent war, grain production was inefficient to provide for the people of Dementlieu, and we were yet dependent on Falkovnian imports. There have not been sufficient advances in agriculture since to change this unfortunate truth. It cannot be written with too fine a point that no amount of investiture in eastern farming will change the truth that even at maximum yield, there is not enough land to produce the grain Dementlieu requires to subsist, let alone thrive.

There are additional misconceptions within Truth for the People's figures, such as their population estimate of 14,000 individuals within the nation. This number, based upon census information provided through the Palais Dirigeant, fails entirely to account for the population of children in Dementlieu. Less important, but no less necessary for the purpose of calculation are the number of livestock to include horses that rely upon a supply of grain to produce meat, provide transportation, and serve as war steeds for the nation's cavalry forces.

I believe that any scholar of statistics, logistics, or agriculture will readily confirm my claims, and am troubled that a publication marketing itself for truth would refrain from including them. Without their accounting, Mlle. Belevance's claims are badly skewed, and only serve to further muddy waters in which all the people of the Serene Republique must tread together.

I wish Mlle. de Bellevance all the best in regards to her continued work, and thank you for taking my words into consideration.

Daniel Mercier
Student, University of Demenltieu

A Visit to the Theatre

Having heard a great deal of the numerous scandals pouring from the confines of the Jalabert's Theatre de la Cathedral, I did not take my seat within with much great hope. In fact, I thought of all the shows I might witness, foremost among them might be the scandalous divorcé Mlle. Dragunescu's own dramatics. Having been appreciative of the production Lion's Legacy, marred as it was by its periphery troubles, I thought to be writing another lukewarm review that would go unseen for all the gossip surrounding its associated actors and actresses.

Instead, I was treated to a spectacle that was at once foreign and yet innately Dementlieuse. I sat in the audience not as a critic, but as one mesmerized by the story told by the unquestionably talented Mlle. Dragnuescu and her considerable cast. I was left spell bound, and anything but frigid despite the promise of the title. Bravo.

I applaud House Jalabert's efforts and the talent is has assembled, and hope fervently that all those involved will continue to keep their theatrics upon the stage. May they all reach the heights of Heart of Ice.

Ricardo Diosa

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant.

Libellious works will not be accepted and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 10:59:26 PM by DM Indolence »
"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2022, 05:15:53 PM »
L'Observateur, 8th Mai 777

Editorial - the Leonic Tradition

Welcome to this fresh edition of L’Observateur, and my first as editor of this venerable publication. For many years L'Observateur has been the centre of civilised discourse in this bright city, and for the country as a whole for that matter. To be given custodianship of its august pages is a great honour, and I undertake to preserve the robust discourse and intellectual freedoms that this paper exemplifies, within the confines of civilised behaviour. Such is the Leonic Tradition.

It is that tradition I wish to write about today. What does one mean, when one refers to someone, or something, as Leonic? It is not, as might first appear, direct emulation of the actions of our glorious forebear. Yes, to follow in his footsteps is laudable, but it bears examination just what those footsteps are.

Leon brought peace to our realm, and ended the infighting that cost us so much blood. He formed a council of the best and the brightest to help advise him as he set down the principles and practices that would guide our people through our rebirth into the light. These principles and practices were so well founded that the Lord Governor and the Council have stood the test of time in guiding us onwards over hundreds of years.

While, like all states, we have had difficult periods and external pressures, we have retained our freedoms, our astute, measured government, and our commitment to progress. We have adapted to and tackled each problem that has arisen, as Leon intended, by the application of reason and ingenuity.

To be Leonic is to emulate Leon in his ideas as much as it is to emulate his practices. By design, he wished fresh thinking to be brought to bear on the problems of the day. By design, he wished to establish a tradition aht would stand the test of time, but would have built into it the ability to adapt to developing circumstances. And he wished to place public service at the heart of our political life, from the heights of the Lord Governor down through titled nobility and the gentry, to the commons at large.

To be Leonic, then, is to be patriotic and proud of our traditions. It  is to face the problems of the day with traditional ideals, but modern methods. To be Leonic is to shoulder the burden of public service that comes with honours, and to maintain high standards of conduct. To eschew corruption and favours; to raise up those around us who will serve the Repubique better; to ensure ambition takes second place to the greater good of the Republique and its people.

It is with this spirit that I shall edit L’Observateur, and I look forward to continuing this publication as a place where the Leonic ideal is most readily displayed.

Maitre E. Desrosiers, 8th Mai 777

Justice of Palais and Street

The execution of a violent terrorist (Mlle A. Bellevance) was disrupted by a gruesome scene on 1st Mai 777.

The condemned was convicted of the slaying of a Gendarme, Pierre du Banc, in the line of his duty. Gendarme du Banc was part of the team escorting the condemned woman's sister, Mlle J. Bellevance, to the Asylum for her own good, after her obsession with necromancy was revealed.  The Condemned, part of a strange foreign cult that idolises the inner self, used forbidden magics to effect her sister's freedom, at the cost of Gendarme du Banc's life.

Immediately prior to the Guillotine's humanitarian dispensation of justice, foreigners in the colour of the Red Vardo brought forth the body of Mlle J. Bellevance to the sight of the Condemned. While it was a distasteful spectacle, and one may have pity for the fate of someone so mentally disturbed, one cannot but be happy that Gendarme du Banc's family know that the one who stole their honourable son knew, in the end, her own crimes had amounted to naught.

Maitre E. Desrosiers

The rest of the edition remains light, with commentary on the upcoming council meeting notably absent. An advertisement appears at the end.

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to the Press de Savoir.

Libellous works will not be accepted and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 05:45:32 PM by Kleomenes »


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #64 on: July 31, 2022, 02:58:37 PM »

"Same Name, Same Building, the Same News Source You Can Trust"

[The front cover of the l'Observateur this issue is a fresh editorial, accompanied by a brief sketch of a glamerous copper haired woman, smoking a local brand of cigarettes.]

Editorial - A fresh perspective

Dear Reader,

It is with undisguised delight that I present you with this latest edition of L'Observateur, a gazette that mirrors my very deepest ideals, steeped in history yet rifle with fresh perspective.  Within these pages, and within the pages of future issues you shall find two things - News about the old, and perspective on the new. We seek to combine factual unbiased reporting with a selection of vivid current pieces, from guests in the famous city of lights, and its own citizens, to challenge and inform its perspectives.

We also aim to keep you informed of upcoming events, so that you might fill your social calender with the very best places to be in the coming months and a run down on those local establishments well worth a visit.

For this journey through Dementliuse cluture, I shall be your proud guide, aspiring to bring you an unbiased perspective, and letting you, dear reader, decide what you feel is best.

Let the thought prevoking begin!

Secrete Demeuleneire, Editor. 31th July 777

[Then again, on the inside cover...]

Seeking Fresh Contributors

We once more put out our call for fresh contributors to these esteemed pages. Perhaps you have a story of substance, a key fact about a local family left unknown. Perhaps you have a 'fresh perspective' to offer on the various political goings on? What do you think the next meeting of the Council of Brilliance should be on? Do you have a view on the Hawk? Does the University have enough funding? What's the really important next steps in the ever popular Grain Deal?

We want to hear from you. Provided of course, your content is factually correct, and relevent to the esteemed nobility of Dementlieu. Those who contribute their time and effort will be rewarded with fair coin. Interviews will be granted.

Secrete Demeuleneire, Editor.

[After the traditional snippets of cheap but factual gossip about many unimportant noble families, comes the following article...]

The Artistry of the Absurd
By Mademoiselle Dove

The 'purpose' of art is something that is much debated, and no doubt should I stake down a firm position, I shall be castigated from all sides by those who have their own, differing opinions.

...Luckily, I am correct, and all those other people are wrong, so I may be self assured that my rhetoric is unassailable.

Please now imagine a self satisfied giggle from myself. I'll give you a few lines of space before I continue so you can have some time to do so.

Good. Now, to elucidate- The purpose of art is to attempt to capture the ineffable. To conjure a movement of the soul, to, as if by occult practice and magic words, bind the emotions of the heart and present them in a way someone else might possibly understand them.

Those who attended the recent production of 'The Diabolic Match' may have noticed that it was was a work that in many ways confronted and put center stage ideas just on the edge of scandal. It was a play meant to enrapture with this daring edging of the line, to capture the eye and mind with its spectacle.

But not without purpose. Not without meaning.

The play touches upon the metatextual, presenting a spectacle to the audience that makes them question as the characters question, if only for a moment, if what unfolds upon the stage might be reality. The demonic Queen in Shadow stares out at the audience throughout the play, not turning to the rest of the cast even as she trades lines back and forth and holds a center place in the drama unfolding.

The challenge she presents- The moral she represents- Is as much for the audience as it is for the characters.

Without the excessive spectacle of the occult, and without the Queen in Shadow's unflinching gaze, the tale presented in the Diabolic Match would still be thrilling, but would lose some of its potency. Without the audience first doubting themselves, the true horror of the tale, the moral of it, could never truly be communicated.

You cannot tell someone that something is frightening and have them understand. You must make their spine shiver, and they will understand without any more needing to be said. If we, as artists, attempt to capture an emotion, we must be willing to go to the utmost lengths, to seemingly /absurd/ lengths, to ensure the audience feels the ineffable thing we are attempting to conjure.

So I exhort you, my fellow artists- Do not fear the absurd. Do not fear the 'heavyhanded'. Wield your art like a hammer, and impress upon your audience the very soul of your intent. If you are wondering if something is 'too much', throw it in anyways, fearlessly, courageously. If you are to fail, do so gloriously, such that the shattered ruin of your meaning is itself a work of art.

[Tucked in near the back of the paper, another article might catch your eye...]

Romance: A Dangerous New Trend
By Marcel de Renault

Dementlieu is a shining bastion of freedom and prosperity.  We are a nation deeply ingrained with tradition.  Our freedoms, as vast and welcome as they are, often can lead even the best of astray.  Perhaps the newest and most dastardly of these trends is the latest obsession with romance, specifically the romancing of commoners and gentry.  Marriage has had a longstanding obligation of fulfilling a son or daughter’s duty to one’s family.  Feelings of attachment, desire and love, however, threaten to lead our people away from such rich traditions and threaten to separate us from our strong roots that make us great.

Perhaps such threats do not pose an issue for the common man, but it has become problematic for those of genteel birth.  It can be disgraceful to one’s family if a man of noble birth elevates a commoner to his status by virtue of marriage.  Likewise, lines of succession become disrupted when our fair women marry down to people beneath their station and lose their status as a noblewoman.  These are the most common arguments against choosing romance over responsibility, but that does not mean they are any less true.  Sometimes romance can work out for the best, such as the case for Sieur Dorian de Sauvre and Dame Madeleine de Sauvre, where their connection and love for one another strengthens their connection, their houses, and our Serene Republic, but this is perhaps the best-case scenario in a long list of scandals.

In the vein of responsibility, arranged marriages and courtships are not just done to further the line of succession for the family. When two noble houses are united under marriage, whether it is via a proper courtship or arranged, they strengthen the ties and bonds of those great houses that make up the gentry, and by extension, the members of the peerage.  The Serene Republic benefits from these connections that tie houses together as it allows for a more uniform and orderly nation.  It comes down to a matter of selfishness versus duty to one’s country and family.  The freedoms we have as a republic are possible because of those who put their country before their own interests and desires.  To what extent does a commoner becoming ennobled by marriage benefit our Republic?  To what extent does a gentlewoman losing her acclaim help the state?  Simply put, it does not.

Truthfully, notions of passion and love simply do not fit the values of gentry.  We must hark back to the concept of noblesse oblige.  Those of better birth than others have a social responsibility to enrich the lives of those who do not.  Indeed, such is the case when a nobleman marries a commoner and elevates them to a similar such status.  But this example is an example of shortsightedness.  I argue that if you truly love someone you would sacrifice your own feelings and desires to make the lives of not just that person, but their families.  Love is a strong emotion, and even in the face of love, one should choose to do their duty.  A political marriage between two noble houses greatly outweighs what one noble and common marriage could accomplish.  The position and ties one is able to manufacture for the Republic can put them in a greater position to enrich the lives of that person they might care for.  Not just for them, but for their extended families, for their children, for the generations to come.

If we were all to choose who we wanted to court and marry based on carnal passions and feelings of romance, society becomes blurred.  The intermixing of stations—where commoners may be tanners and their noble spouses may be barons—can lead to the downfall of the values that makes Dementlieu strong.  These very cultural values are that which has allowed us to lead the way in the civilized world as a beacon of hope and freedom.  Our responsibility should always remain on how to keep Dementlieu strong.   If a nobleperson does not pride themselves on their duty and sacrifice their own desires for the betterment of their countrymen, then it begs the question: what are their priorities?

[Lastly, at the end there is a list of notable events forthcoming in the City of Lights the Gentry may wish to attend.]

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 3rd
- Opening of Aubry Martial Academy at Warehouse 2. For full details, please see Mister d'Aubry's own paper, 'Uncommon Sense.'

Saturday, August 6th - Clan Katayama is hosting it's very first auction at their restaurant located at Warehouse #1 in the Marchand District of Port-a-lucine! Merchants in particular are encouraged to bring their wares to trade.

Sunday, August 14th - La Troupe de La Fleur d'Ambre Presents..."The Prismatic Perspective Theory." And Orginal Musical by Violeta Dragunescu-Istrate.
Note - Guests are encouraged to wear a monochromatic outfit of their favour colour - Plan your wardrobe ahead!

Saturday, August 19th - Guest Speaker, Secrete our editor, will be giving a lecture on Richemuloise culture at the University of Dementlieu.

Sunday, August 20th - A performance by the Theatre de la Cathedral - Trials of the Saintess. Advertisements forthcoming.


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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #65 on: September 01, 2022, 06:05:10 PM »

"Same Name, Same Building, the Same News Source You Can Trust"

[The front cover of the l'Observateur this issue is a fresh editorial, accompanied by a brief sketch of a dementliuse Guardsman, saluting the reader.]

Editorial - Times are changing

Dear Reader,

We welcome you to this, September's edition of our historic newsletter. The last month has been one filled primarily with fine arts. Be that the impressive, but rather long Prismatic Perspective Theory, or the short but dubiously well animated Trials of the Saintess, or my own brief lecture on Richemuloise Culture at the beloved university. Life in the Capital is indeed, a rich tapestry of events for all manner of individual.

But not all has been joyous this past month. As many of you know, well known Gendarme, Marcel de Renault, was killed in action this past month. Marcel was the exemplar of a Dementliuse nobleman, acting and standing for the very ideals that everyone has come to associate with Dementlieu. He was known for his well attended lectures at the university, his tough stance on street crime, and his strong views on romance. I am certain that his passing will be long remembered. We encourage all our readers to light a cigarette in memory of this singular example of Dementliuse values.

Secrete Demeuleneire, Editor. 1st September 777

[Then again, on the inside cover, which sharp eyes will remember from the previous months issue.]

Seeking Fresh Contributors

We once more put out our call for fresh contributors to these esteemed pages. Perhaps you have a story of substance, a key fact about a local family left unknown. Perhaps you have a 'fresh perspective' to offer on the various political goings on? What do you think the next meeting of the Council of Brilliance should be on? Do you have a view on the Hawk? Does the University have enough funding? What's the really important next steps in the ever popular Grain Deal?

We want to hear from you. Provided of course, your content is factually correct, and relevent to the esteemed nobility of Dementlieu. Those who contribute their time and effort will be rewarded with fair coin. Interviews will be granted.

Secrete Demeuleneire, Editor.

[The remainder of the paper is filled with the traditional and yet unremarkable cheap factual gossip of the day. It seems no outstanding articles were submitted for contribution, or never made it to print.]

[Lastly, at the end there is a list of notable events forthcoming in the City of Lights the Gentry may wish to attend.]

Upcoming Events

Saturday September 3rd
- Memorial Service for Marcel de Renault

Saturday 10th September - The Grand Tournament
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 07:24:37 PM by JustMonika »

DM Indolence

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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #66 on: October 12, 2022, 08:46:21 PM »
[This latest issue of Port-a-Lucine's leading gazette features numerous articles of interest only to the rank-and-file socialites, but includes a notable editorial as well.]



Choice is the most precious of gifts. Leon is called Great by many for his skill uniting a divided land, but truthfully he was Greatest when he eschewed the crown that his loyalists begged he place upon his own brow. He chose, instead, to allow the great and wise of his realm to forever after a voice in deciding who from among their noble orders would lead them. I am no apologist for the flaws in our systems of governance, but one need not look far in any direction past our borders to see what comes of shackling free will.

It is this gift of choice that was granted by the Council of Brilliance at their last assemblage when they entrusted us, the nobility, with choosing who would lead the sons and daughters of Dementlieu into Richemulot to once more honor our obligations to the Four Towers Treaty and rid the Champs Silencieux of banditry. We are given the choice between the Baron de Challignac, Monsieur Gaston Virieux, and my own distant cousin Caporal Gabriel d'Aubry.

Gaston Virieux is rightfully credited with the greatest victory over the Kingfuhrer's men since General Pieter Delapont. Caporal d'Aubry is brave and single-minded in his dedication, and though some may name him abrasive, I call him uncompromising in the face of threats to the Serenity of our Republique, great and small.  Raymon Lucroy, even before assuming the title of Baron de Challignac, had a pedigree that includes the old noble line of Froissart and a talent for violence he has proven many times over.

It would be an omission not to recall now candidacy is not exclusive to these men, but any man or woman of equal caliber who would throw down the gauntlet. Indeed, I am certain there are many names I can think of that would, had they the chance, serve admirably in safeguarding the lives of our soldiery:

Leopold Auclair, Baron de Mortain
Captain Augé Alard of the Chateanoir Gendarmerie
Regnault Camus, Lieutenant Mayor of Chateaunoir
Balthazar Alain
Volo Chevalier
Olarye Bordeaux
Lambert Cahize
Serge Lambert
Mahiet Jean-Aubry
Moriset Chaboteaux

Some of these names you will not know. Most of them were members of the d'Evreux house guard. All were dear friends. I do not doubt their bravery would have been rivaled only by their earnest service to the Republique, had they the chance at candidacy.

And yet, they do not have that chance. They were murdered by the Company of the Fox, along with my step-mother and my unborn half-brother, who might have been heir to Beauvais had he the chance. Most are buried beneath the ashes of our old estate, if their bones ever survived the fire set by that loathsome company.

As you, my friends, kin, and peers, exercise that most precious gift of choosing to whom you will entrust the lives of our brave sons and daughters, I know you too will remember the choices made by the candidates, and those they still fondly refer to as brother-in-arms.

I know I will never forget.

Josephin d'Évreux
Duchesse de Beauvais, Comtesse de Angoulême, and Marquise de Calmont

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant.

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"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

DM Indolence

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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #67 on: November 25, 2022, 12:01:52 PM »
[This latest issue of Port-a-Lucine's leading gazette features numerous articles of interest only to the rank-and-file socialites, among them a small article outlining the results of a recent tournament.]


Results of the Tournament d'Aubry

This past Sunday saw a tournament of, primarily, blades held within the University’s Department of Military Sciences’ escrime room. Quite a large crowd of those of Dementlieu's upper society made an appearance to witness the seven champion Tournament. There was a slight change in what houses were represented for the tournament after the last announced roster. Caporal Gabriel d’Aubry represented his house wielding a multitude of weapons through the tournament. The Bellegarde Consortium’s champion monsieur Yasutsugi Kataya stood out with his unique choice of weapon, a large exotic club that could be held within a single hand. Monsieur Alex Foxgrove represented house Corbeau and used a rapier and buckler through the tournament, the same choice made by House Jalabert-Roquette’s champion, Thibault Pichot. Monsieur Coltan Viris representing House d’Sauvre stood out with his choice of using two short blades. Cavaliere Prelatus Collari for the Borcan Delegation as well as Ambassador Witterndorf chose to use a standard rapier without an item in their second hand.

The first round opened with a fight between messieurs Foxgrove and Katayama which went 2-0 in favor of House Corbeau’s champion. This was a defensive struggle as the competitors were able to dodge and absorb blows throughout. Despite the length of the two rounds Monsieur Katayama was not able to make much of a dent within Monsieur Foxgrove’s defenses as he slowly whittled down the Bellegarde champion.

The second match was a contest that went 2-0 in favor of Caporal d’Aubry against Ambassador Witterndorf. During this contest the caporal met the ambassador with a single rapier and open hand each. Through the two rounds, stabs were taken both verbally and physically by the Ambassador and he was able to land quite a few strong blows to the Caporal. Despite this he was not able to pick a win up against the member of the Gendarme. After his clean defeat at the hands of the Caporal the ambassador left in a huff.

The final match of the first round, and what this writer would say was the match of the entire tournament, took place between The representatives of the Borcan Delegation and House d’Sauvre. Though Monsieur Collari took the match 2-0, Monsieur Viris could have easily forced a third match and even won on a different day. This was a close match with some friendly banter between the two contestants, both men coming close to winning multiple times.

The first round ended with Monsieur Pichot being awarded his round due to the odd number. His reward for this was to meet House Corbeau’s champion in round two. Monsieur Foxgrove managed to take this round 2-0 in short order. Though Monsieur Pichot made a valiant effort he was unable to land many blows upon his opponent.

Caporal d’Aubry met Cavaliere Collari to round out the semi-final round. In the final two matches Caporal d’Aubry used a longsword and shield, a clear showcase of the caporal’s versatility. The first match was a one sided affair with the Caporal picking up the point. The second round was a much closer contest but once again House d’Aubry came away with a victory moving on to the finals with another 2-0 victory.

Our finals were between houses d’Aubry and Corbeau with both their selected champions coming into the finals without dropping a single contest; something had to give. With the ease in which Monsieur Foxgrove advanced had many in the crowd feeling he was the favorite to take the finals. With a show of the fighting spirit of Dementlieu, Caporal d’Aubry was able to push forward and take the finals in two straight matches. He pressed the offensive against Monsieur Foxgrove and was able to overcome the House Corbeau champion. It was an impressive display of swordsmanship from both men.

Most of the competitors showed outstanding class and skill with their actions within the tournament and led to an extremely successful event. Which seemed to leave the crowd entertained through it’s entirety. This writer looks forward to further contests of this nature to see if House d’Aubrey can maintain their victory on this day.

Mlle. Alisaie Goulet
Secretary of Monsieur Solomon Valcourt

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant.

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"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

DM Indolence

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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2022, 12:04:06 PM »
[This latest issue of Port-a-Lucine's leading gazette features numerous articles of interest only to the rank-and-file socialites, among them an opinion piece.]


The Candidate of Choice: Gabriel d'Aubry
By Sieur Dorian de Sauvre, CdlR

As the Republique faces its challenges in the months ahead, there will be many captains that seek to sail the ship of our State through dangerous waters. This is the strength of our way of life: that we are ruled not by an Emperor, who must oversee every endeavour from their singular point of view and authority, in a manner that will hamper their vision, but by a Council that seeks a diversity of experience and perspectives, finding the best for all, and of all, those involved.

Thus we approach the question of the Commission for the Silent Fields, and the appointment of a high officer to oversee Dementlieu’s share of our military and logistical responsibilities in that arena. We have benefited from a strong brace of candidates to consider for this position; this plurality reflects well what the Republique has to offer. I could speak at length about each candidate, but such would doubtlessly prove tedious for a span of a single article, so I shall instead write only to whom I deem to be the candidate of choice.

Direct leadership will be necessary in the Silent Fields: in the dense forest, where lines of supply and communication are prone to ambush and disruption, extended and sprawling command will not be favourable. It will come down to smaller units and tight tactical action. It is work for an experienced soldier and a Gendarme; a man who is ready to lead the charge directly into enemy ranks.

Diplomacy is not a direct consideration for this role. We are not appointing a viceroy, who will govern the appointed area in the name of the Council of Brilliance: no, that land is sovereign Richemuloise soil. Our mission here is not one of governance, but a military mission that requires a military leader. Coordination with our allies can be done through liason staff, and true diplomacy is work for the appointed diplomats of the Council of Brilliance. Division of authority into spheres of expertise: that is our way, the Dementlieuse way.

The best candidate for the role, then, is a soldier, with experience in the Silent Fields and of tactical command. The best candidate, in my opinion, is Caporal Gabriel d’Aubry. He has been blooded in the Silent Fields and led much of the work in there already. He combines the experience and the temperament needed to win our objectives there.

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant.

Libellious works will not be accepted and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

DM Indolence

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Re: L'Observateur
« Reply #69 on: March 31, 2023, 06:28:34 PM »
[This latest issue of Port-a-Lucine's leading gazette features numerous articles of interest only to the rank-and-file socialites.]


On Behalf of House Vouivre

Dear Readers,

As you know this day marks the year anniversary of the disappearance of famed merchant and explorer, Baronet Sean Vouivre. The Baronet disappeared after setting out on what he assured his family would be the discovery of a lifetime, leaving no word on his intended destination. He leaves behind two children, Larissa & Henry, aged 19 and 5. As the days pass with no sign of him, those left behind appeal to the good citizens of the Serene Republique for help once more. Have you seen the Baronet? Do you have word on his intended destination? If you do, please send word to the Gendarme National, or Larissa Vouivre.

Let this announcement serve as notice however, that while the light of hope will never be extinguished, it is now the belief of his family that the worst may have befallen this courageous citizen.

Anyone wishing to donate to his memory, or provision for the education of his heir should leave word at Guest Suite One, the Governor Hotel, where their generosity and kind thoughts will not be forgotten.

As we mark this sorrowful day, let us remember what the man stood for. The Dementlieuse Dream, that through hard work, dedication and loyalty, anyone can become anything. That work is sacred. That we, the cradle of enlightenment of the core, with our mastery of arcane and physical science can become whatever we desire. Let us make this moment by turning our gaze from the past, from revolution, religion, strife, and war, and to the future. To business, commerce, exploration and science.

An obituary will be forthcoming and a bodiless funeral will be forthcoming once the government is satisfied he will no longer return to us.

Have you a desire to write for L'Observateur, either full-time or as an occasional contributor? Have you an opinion which you hope to share? Write to our offices in the Quartier Savant.

Libellious works will not be accepted and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

"Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."