Author Topic: An Intrepid Notice  (Read 250 times)


  • Undead Master
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An Intrepid Notice
« on: March 26, 2023, 01:12:43 PM »
[Plastered in various places frequented by those traveling through Barovia, and at the Keep of the Dyad, is the following notice...]


I, Vesnia Endymion, INTREPID explorer and famed archaeologist, took part in a joint-effort in Barovia led by the Guardians of Degannwy, featuring the Archondum of Dvergeheim, the Wayfarer Kinship, the mercenaries of the Golden Shilling, and still others. Together, we ventured into the Blightwood and fought against the hideous, massive, and terrible spider known only as the Onyx and its brood of man-sized young; we also uncovered a new source of corruption that, if not discovered, would have surely have spread beyond the Blightwood and out to the rest of Barovia. It was perilous in the extreme and fraught with danger, especially for those exposed to the fungus we found in its lair, and all are to be commended for their bravery and heroism.

However, after I blacked out after a failed attempt made by me to try and scout ahead inside the cavern and was revived by allies, I found myself without my backpack and thus relieved of around seventy or eighty thousand solars. My weapons were recovered, and yet the rather large amount of gold on my person was stolen. People will doubtlessly blame me, the victim, for not having deposited some of that in a bank. People will doubtlessly blame me, the victim, for placing my trust in a large band of mostly strangers. I simply acted under the impression that those whom I was traveling with were honorable and, indeed, would not steal from their comrades-in-arms as they worked to try dispatch what could only be considered an existential threat to Degannwy's continued survival.

To whomever has my backpack, and my savings:  I am offering a finder's fee of 20,000 solars to whomever recovers and brings back what is mine. What this means is that if my money is returned to me, you will keep twenty thousand gold from it, and I will consider the matter resolved. The identity of the thief is, at this point, known to me. Should I fail to have my coin returned to me in a week's time, their identity will become common knowledge throughout Barovia, Dementlieu, and indeed, throughout the Core. I do not intend to give up searching for my gold; it this point, it has become a matter of principle. If you are not a craven and an honorless cur, you will consider my offer.

((Placed in-game.))